One of the most amusing but telling insights I happened on in the course of writing this book was the following letter, published in The Times during the wave of concern that flowed through Britain in the wake of the transmission of Jamie’s School Dinners:
A letter from my daughter’s primary school in Essex reads:
Change to the School Menu
In response to recent publicity, ‘Turkey Twizzlers’ have been taken off the school menu and replaced by ‘Chicken Teddies’.
What is it about the British and food? We just don’t get it, do we? Well, it’s time that we did.
* Eating is about refuelling, not pleasure. A part of life’s routine, just like going to the lavatory.
* Home cooking takes too long. Successful Britons buy ready-made food instead.
* Food is not important. Pretty much everything else in life matters more.
* A dining table is a redundant item of furniture.
* The single most important thing to know about food is what it costs.
* There is no point in giving children good food. They won’t appreciate it.
* There is no such thing as bad foods, only bad diets.