We have made every effort to check on the accuracy of the charts we have used for these individuals, but inevitably some errors may have crept in. If you have reason to suppose that any of the people given under a combination are there under false pretences, we would be pleased to hear from you.
While the Sun – Moon combination can give some clues and indications as to career choice, it will be found more useful to consider the famous people listed in terms of the kind of approach they had to their particular work, the ideas and themes which have engaged them, and the general flavour of their lives. So, for example, to understand the acute paradox of the combination of clinical detachment and intense passion of those born with Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Scorpio, one can learn volumes by looking at the output of the writer Alex Comfort. The very titles of Comfort’s best sellers – Sex in Society and The Joy of Sex: A Gourmet’s Guide to Love Making – encapsulate a creative synthesis of these very different approaches to life. His many other books, plays, poetry, essays and novels draw upon similar themes, with the clash between freedom and possessiveness, between intellect and emotions, between personal liberty and social obligations. His work is often expressed in a pungent blend of Aquarian-Scorpio humour as in Come out to Play, his satirical fantasy about a biologist deeply learned in the knowledge of human mating habits.
It would be wrong to conclude from this example that all Aquarius-Scorpios will be writers, or that they will all be preoccupied with understanding their relationship to sex (though many will be!). But what we can conclude from Comfort’s life, and many other cases, it that the creative pivot around which this Sun – Moon combination revolves is the conflict between mind and emotion. By attempting to reconcile the fundamental tension between a need to see the world through a strongly developed rational intellect and the irrational intensity of their emotional life, this type finds their own unique creativity.
If you take some time out to study the lives, accomplishments and aspirations of those people we have listed, you can gradually build up a picture of how other people have used your own particular combination creatively, how they have reconciled conflicting pressures, and indeed where their dilemmas have tripped them up. To illustrate this further, let us take a brief look at the different lives of all the people listed under Sun Scorpio – Moon Pisces.
Scorpio and Pisces are both Water signs. Water is the element (here) that emphasizes the feelings and emotions and a general sensitivity to, and understanding of, other people’s needs and experience. Hence such types often have a strong attraction towards the caring professions and other occupations that demand emotional sensitivity, such as the theatre and creative writing. Even though all Water signs are theoretically highly compatible, the intense, self-controlled, purposeful and ambitious Scorpio is a very different kettle of crustaceans from the free-flowing, adaptable, often self-sacrificing and addictive sign of the fishes, and this combination of signs can experience as much inner conflict as any other. A consideration of our list reveals the wide variations of expression possible from this one combination, yet the common themes they tend to share.
Hillary Clinton
A lawyer by training and one of the US’s most influential First Ladies. But forget her profession – what is she like? She has been described alternately as a Lady Macbeth and a Florence Nightingale. The astrological truth is that she is both. Sun Scorpios are naturally forceful and ambitious, but Moon in Pisces gives a softer, caring concern for the world, and especially the underdog. So it is that her solar public image can be typically Scorpionic – stiff, icy, aloof – whilst in private she can be warm and funny, with the classic Piscean flair for mimicry.
In her work in the White House, as in her earlier legal practice, it is clear that Hillary Clinton really cares (Pisces) passionately (Scorpio) about what she does. She is not only concerned with personal power (Scorpio), but is guided by a natural concern and compassion (Moon Pisces) for the sick, addicted, unemployed, underprivileged and the underclass – all groups traditionally symbolized by the Moon in Pisces. With characteristic Scorpio concern for regeneration, Clinton’s purpose is to help these people help themselves with hand-ups rather than hand-outs. Also typical is her determination and intense commitment to get to grips with and to purge the Scorpio abuses of the drugs industry, ruled by Pisces.
Gene Tierney
This actress was famous for her silky, feline femininity, which she used in portraying classically Scorpionic indefatigable scheming heroines and seductresses in film noir thrillers. Indeed mystery thrillers themselves are of the essence of this combination.
Tierney’s life was marked by a deep struggle to get to grips with (Scorpio) her chaotic emotional life, which was constantly running away with her (Pisces). As so often seems to be the case with this type, her emotional life went in waves of collapse into self-abandonment (Pisces), and self-motivated dramatic recovery and regeneration (Scorpio).
Grace Kelly
Another actress, Kelly is remembered particularly for her elegant, coolly self-possessed (Scorpio) yet intensely vulnerable (Pisces) roles in Hitchcock suspense thrillers such as Dial M for Murder and Rear Window. Her marriage to Prince Ranier is a classic combination of the romance (Pisces) and purposeful ambition (Scorpio) that this type needs to marry within themselves.
In her very private, private life as Princess of Monaco she was famous for her dedicated work (Scorpio) for numerous charities and good causes (Pisces). Details of her closely guarded emotional life are only now beginning to emerge, but these suggest that this was vastly more complex and tangled than her outward, almost chilly Scorpio self-assurance would have suggested, and that she had an intermittent drink problem.
Bela Lugosi
Lugosi is one of the many actors that this combination seems to produce, but more significant is the kind of parts he played. Like Grace Kelly he is associated with suspense thrillers in particular and with menacing, Dracula-type roles which appeal to, and evoke, the darker (Scorpio) aspects of the imagination (Pisces).
Like others of this combination, Lugosi was tempted by the enchanting Piscean world of drugs and the sense of self-transcendence and emotional release they can bring. Equally typical of this type, however, he successfully fought his addiction and, with typical Scorpionic powers of regeneration, regained his creative equilibrium.
Martin Scorsese
The films of this highly imaginative (Pisces) cinema director focus upon the darkest aspects of male aggression and violence (Scorpio) and a preoccupation with sexual inequality. Typical of his work is Taxi Driver with its nightmarish Scorpio – Pisces vision of New York as an open sewer spewing forth pimps, whores, addicts and criminals.
Equally expressive of the mixture of social concern (Pisces) and personal struggles (Scorpio) is Scorsese’s melodramatic Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, in which a newly-widowed woman tries to cope with economic survival and create a new life for herself and her 12-year-old son. The very title of Scorsese’s The Last Temptation of Christ combines Scorpio, which rules temptation, and Christ, whose symbol was the fish, into one image. Indeed, on the highest level, one could say that the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ is the ultimate symbolic image for this combination which can plumb the depths and heights of human experience.
Robert Louis Stevenson