A leader who doesn’t hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader.
Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I’m convinced of the opposite.
What is matter, never mind; what is mind, no matter.
EARTH/AIR Rational; charming; love of harmony; aesthetic sense; romantic; devoted; sentimental; sociable; pleasantly persuasive; a realist; common sense; sensual; attractive personality; search for justice; need for companionship; practical idealist; social theorist.
Are you an idealistic artist or an artistic philosopher? Are you an incurable romantic who is searching for permanent love, but who keeps finding beautiful human beings less than ideal? Whatever your walk of life, the principles of justice and harmony will feature strongly in all you do. You want to get to grips with ideas and translate your vision of Utopia into a realistic proposition, but will probably discover the necessity for compromise. This may disillusion you at first, but later will become central to the way you operate.
Innately sociable and convivial, you are genuinely interested in other people and indeed need large amounts of kindness and affection. You want the best for everyone but you make sure that you do not skimp on yourself. You thrive in beautiful surroundings and in the company of elegant minds. An innately aesthetic person, and probably quite romantic as well, you bring a genuine warmth and lively concern to all social gatherings, which makes you downright flirtatious sometimes. If you are an artist, you will probably create works of art that are good enough to eat; if you are a chef, dishes that are works of art. Whatever you do, your creations will express your innate sense of harmony, beauty and style.
A lively social conscience is another aspect of this combination, as well as an awareness of the importance of education in the healthy development of the individual and of society. You are attracted to progressive ideas that assert the inalienable rights of every human being, and you can accept the paradoxical fact that everyone is different and yet the same. Everyone has different talents and preferences, and yet everyone has the same fundamental needs: a full stomach, a roof over their heads and lots of love. You believe in a society that respects both material needs and high moral values, and your social instinct and pragmatic perseverence may take you into social-welfare work or the political arena where you can express your power and idealism.
You learn how to make others see the intelligence of your thinking by first listening to and valuing their thinking on the subject. But you probably have a diplomatic knack of making sure the substance of your view prevails. And you can really impress with the practicality of your approach: you can economize with flair and use the resources to hand. Waste not, want not, you always say. You also know that a happy, convivial, relaxed atmosphere is the most conducive to constructive communication and compromise. Conflict is anathema to your being and you employ your natural diplomatic skills to overcome antagonism in any setting – with the sheer force of your magnetic personality.
Relationships are of central importance to you, from the platonic and professional to the sensual and amorous. You are deeply romantic and will crave the ideal love relationship, both physical and spiritual. A meeting of minds and a meeting of bodies is what you are after!
You tend to invest an enormous amount in your loved one, and you may remain unaware of how dependent you are on him or her because you think of yourself as independent. Although in some ways you are fairly self-sufficient, independence is not really one of your traits. Sometimes you can be fussy and fastidious, even a touch cantankerous when things are not going harmoniously, and you will always be happier in tandem, with tea for two on the menu.
You like security and creature comforts, and put a lot into serious relationships – you like to have someone whom you can devote yourself to and share candle-lit dinners with. As you are always open to suggestions and better ideas, you are keen to discuss inspirations with your friends and lover.
Your Greatest Strengths
A flair for persuasive diplomacy; practical idealism; gentle wit; impeccable artistic sensibility; strong social sense; ability to enjoy people and life to the hilt.
Your Greatest Weaknesses
Over-reliance on popularity and social acceptance; reluctance to engage in conflict; over-emphasizing rational solutions to every kind of problem.
Images for Integration
A loaf of fresh bread in an art exhibition … A computer produces a beautiful painting … Cream tea for two.
Famous Personalities
William Ball (theatre director and producer), Judy Collins (singer and songwriter), Joseph Cotton (actor), Fernandel (actor), Ella Fitzgerald (jazz singer), Henry Fonda (actor), Steve Ford (actor), Ernst Karl Kraft (astrologer), Golda Meir (Israeli politician), James Mitchum (actor), Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev (composer), Bertrand Russell (philosopher), Gary Snider (poet), Rudolph Valentino (actor), Sid Vicious (punk star).
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning.
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
EARTH/WATER Stubborn; confident; passionate; protective; sensual; possessive; strong appetites; magnetic; staying power; resourceful; persevering; wilful; shrewd mind; intensely creative; egotistic; forceful self-expression; subjective views; protective; independent; perceptive; strategic.
You believe in yourself so deeply that the concept of an inferiority complex is probably alien to you. Your instincts of self-preservation and self-defence work powerfully to claim your territory and just desserts, and only you will decide with whom you will share them. Your ‘territory’ can include material possessions, your home, ideas, professional power and people.
You have deep, almost obsessive convictions about what you do, and you bring such conscientious commitment to your activities, loves and hates that you can exhaust yourself without realizing it. You possess both an unflappable, earthy, maternal temperament as well as a powerful fighting spirit. When working well together, they could be described as the immoveable object and the irrisistible force in an earth-moving pas de deux.
Your tremendous magnetism and self-confidence make an unforgettable impression on others. People sense they need you as an ally because they would really fear you as an adversary! Saying you are wrong or sorry is not one of your strong points, and your sheer perversity and entrenched stubbornness may lead you to overestimate yourself at times.
Passionate sensuality and appetite make you a bon viveur and, potentially, a very talented artist as well. You live life fully, relishing both domestic security and emotional intensity. You can taste the beauty of a rose and feel the strength