You are quick-thinking and action-oriented, every fibre of your being instinctively attuned to your thought and purpose. Like the flowers in early spring, you need to burst into action, and you can easily get irritable if your energy meets an obstacle along the way. When you’re young, these obstacles make you kick and fight, but in time you’ll engage with them differently, realizing that life and people are a lot more complex than you thought. Your tendency to plunge into life with impulsive zeal is what gives you the reputation for being bossy and competitive, a bit of a warrior. But your energy is all about the desire for development, trying out your strength, meeting life with gusto but with no destructive intent. In fact, your competitiveness is mainly with yourself – you want to find out what your ‘best’ is, because that is finding out who you are, which is the top of the list on your unspoken agenda.
You are a non-conformist and are naturally good at challenging people if they get too set in their ways. This characteristic can mean that you tend to stir up controversy and ruffle feathers, but it often spurs others on to realize more of their own potential. Whether or not they thank you for it depends on your ability to develop diplomacy. This will come as you learn about yourself through the challenges of living, for your seemingly unquestioned belief in yourself belies a vulnerability and proneness to feeling lost and alone. This is befuddling to you. Your courage and dynamism mask your insecurity; what you know about is action, and situations in which you are powerless make you feel despair. But even that won’t last long because you come to life in a crisis. You can be a fierce rescuer, battling for the rights of the weak and unprotected, but you may need to be careful that in your zeal you don’t deprive others of developing their own voice.
Although you are sociable and you like people, you do not want them to take too long in explaining themselves. Impatient with ditherers, you want people to plunge into life with you – at your speed. Your weak point, then, is insensitivity to the speed and interests of others. If you can slow down, take more interest in other people’s opinions and problems and put yourself in their shoes more often, you will be amazed at the response and the increased level of co-operation you get. Others are already inspired by your courage, your keen, incisive mind, and your vitality and ability to cut through non-essentials; all you need is to develop more tolerance for other points of view, and for the fact that there may not always be an immediate solution to every problem you encounter.
You are an ardent and honest romantic who wins friends and lovers by the directness, honesty, and enthusiasm of your love. You bring warmth, spontaneity, and unselfconscious enjoyment to your relationship which can help to cut through any defensiveness in your partner, and which can even liberate him or her from old wounds, such is the magic of your joie de vivre. Your childlike capacity for embracing the new and letting go of the past can encourage your loved ones – lovers, friends, children – to believe in the exciting possibilities of a fresh start. You may find yourself attracted to someone earthier, quieter, slower, someone who is your opposite and whose presence demands that you confront and learn to value the qualities you lack. Your tendency is to self-involvement and so sometimes you miss what your loved one is saying because you are so busy and self-preoccupied. You are also very independent and self-motivated, and your fiery nature can at times come across as brusque and insensitive to others. Nevertheless you are extremely loyal and your lover will know this and will feel confidently loved by you in this quality of fierce protectiveness. Because of the strength of your personality and your need for challenge, it will help if your partner can confidently stand up to you and meet you in your need for direct confrontation. What you want is not aggression but friendly sparks and honesty. Your fiery cheek is what both bemuses and inspires your loved ones, and passionately wins them to you.
Your Greatest Strengths
Honesty and courage (nothing is impossible for you); incisive intellect that cuts through non-essentials; optimism and youthful spirit. Your vitality and assertive enthusiasm can inspire others to see how simple it is to believe in themselves. You have that initiating sort of personality for which lesser mortals yearn.
Your Greatest Weaknesses
Blunt approach to life; lack of sensitivity to the spoken or unspoken needs of those around you; a tendency towards overt selfishness and bossiness; a hasty approach to work and a dislike of attending to details or finishing what you started; a one-track mind that can miss important nuances and invite antagonism rather than cooperation.
Image for Integration
An invincible Hercules, propelled by a primeval power, bursts into the dark castle, unties the fair maiden, and together they ride off into the sunset.
Famous Personalities
Marlon Brando (actor), Sue Cook (TV presenter), Anatole France (novelist), Sir John Gielgud (actor), Samuel Hahnemann (founder of homoeopathy), James Hillman (archetypal psychologist), Algernon Swinburne (poet and critic), Max Von Sydow (actor), Emile Zola (novelist).
A tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use.
I move at a hell of a pace and I can’t bear anybody who pussyfoots around.
FIRE/EARTH Gentle yet tough; intuitive yet pragmatic; diplomatic yet tactless; straight-from-the-shoulder charm; energetic; confident; self-assertive; sexy; staying power; bawdy sense of humour; ambitious, possessive.
You have a flair for living. You know how to enjoy yourself, how to get others to enjoy themselves, and how to get the things you want done, done. But are you a six-shooting enforcer or a softly-softly, sweet-talking charmer? Are you a slow and steady conservative or an impatient radical? Are you a sensualist or a romantic? Should you believe your mind as it leaps to intuitive truths or should you follow your instincts and not believe anything you cannot see and touch, count and measure? You are torn between the eager need to make your mark upon the world immediately as Mr or Ms Action, and your instinct for the slower but surer comforts of the inside track and doing leisurely business over a long drink. You can equally be divided between art and science, between your need for personal self-expression and economic security. You are equally divided between your instinct to mother and support others and your conviction that people must do their own thing and make their own mistakes.
When these tough and tender aspects of you come together they can produce a formidable drive, energy, endurance and determination and an irresistible charm, charisma, creative drive and, let’s be frank, sex appeal. Sex and sensuality are very much at the roots of that natural, bright-eyed magnetism you give off when you are firing on all cylinders. This dynamic combination of energies with its easy-going toughness enables you to bring a freshness and hang-loose zest to whatever you do, be it in the arts, the sciences, business, sport or leisure.
Whilst you can be judicious in smoothing down ruffled feathers, you hate hypocrisy and are never afraid to speak out with a dry, pointed wit to name names, or to fight hard for what you believe to be rightfully yours. Many will be those who wish they had your healthy dose of self-respect, and equally many will be those who wish you had a stronger dose of tolerance and sensitivity. Such wishes will be tinged with both envy and truth, for yours is a personality which is impressively confident, strongly influential, and blatantly determined to get what you want. This, together with your sheer enjoyment of the material world, gives you a natural