A Daughter’s Courage: A powerful, gritty new saga from the Sunday Times bestseller. Kitty Neale. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kitty Neale
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008191719
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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_f1f92bc9-ce7f-515d-b5e9-94aae34279ec">Chapter 15

      After driving for half an hour, Robbie had spotted a couple of old cars parked inside a dimly lit industrial area. There wasn’t a soul around so he’d driven the MG around the back of the building and managed to break into an old grey Ford. He’d smiled when he found a hidden key, and was relieved when it started the engine. There was petrol in the tank too, so he’d put the booze in the boot and quickly driven away. He’d then travelled for hours, but finally, too tired to drive any further, he’d pulled into a parking area to grab some sleep.

      When morning dawned, Robbie rolled his neck from side to side and stretched his arms. It wasn’t the most comfortable of places to have slept and he ached all over. He climbed out of the car, stretched his back and blinked in the light, realising that it was Christmas Day.

      His stomach growled and he hoped to find a place to eat. He guessed that most establishments would be closed, but he might be able to find a hotel that wasn’t fully booked. With that in mind, he got back behind the steering wheel and started the engine. Should he go left or right? Hampshire or Dorset? The heater kicked in and he was grateful to feel the warmth. He took a coin from his pocket and flipped it in the air. Heads for Hampshire, tails for Dorset. The silver shilling landed on heads. Hampshire it is then, he thought, and revved on the accelerator.

      The roads were icy and some were covered in snow so Robbie took his time and drove carefully. He wasn’t completely sure of the way, but thought as long as he headed south it would eventually lead him to the coast. He liked the seaside and decided it could be a good place to relocate, though it would be cold and quiet at this time of year. A smile crossed his face as he thought about a summer daytrip he had been on with Myra and her children when they had come down on a visit from Scotland. They had visited Southsea and he had ridden the steam-powered gallopers at least four times. He remembered the kids had loved the laughing sailor, a machine that stood outside the fair. It had been worth the penny to see them splitting their sides as the sailor laughed his head off.

      He pictured them now, all getting ready to tuck into Myra’s Christmas dinner, and felt a pang of longing. He supposed it would have been nice to have enjoyed Christmas with his family, but he shook the thoughts away and shrugged his shoulders. Oh well, he mused, it’s only one day. As for Adrian, his boring brother, he would probably be spending Christmas alone too, and after filling his podgy belly full of food he’d sit in his chair, snoring away for the rest of the afternoon.

      Robbie’s stomach rumbled again at the thought of food, and he hoped he would come across a nice hotel or something soon. He wanted to eat his fill and then get his thinking cap on. As soon as the holidays were over, he planned to find a room in the Southsea area and get his hands on more cash. Once he had plenty of money lining his pockets he’d find himself a pretty young lady or two.

      Robbie found he was relishing the more free-spirited life, and enjoying the excitement of not knowing exactly what the future held. There was one thing he was sure of, and that was that he wouldn’t work for his cash. Stealing it was much easier.

      Alice was up before Dorothy and decided to let the girl sleep in. The walls were thin and she’d heard her crying in the night. She had been tempted to go to her daughter and offer her comfort, but decided against it. Molly-coddling Dottie wouldn’t do any good. No, the girl had to be strong and work her own way through her grief.

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