Your Chinese Horoscope 2012: What the year of the dragon holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007438020
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could be alerted to a new type of work which could use their strengths in other ways. Although this may involve retraining and some adjustment, these Water Rats will often feel more encouraged about their prospects than they have for some time.

      This also applies to Water Rats seeking work. If they are eligible for training or refresher courses, they would do well to consider taking them up. With willingness, they can find opportunities can open up for them. Over the year, quite a few Water Rats will secure positions that are very different from what they have done before and set their career off on a rewarding new path. The Dragon year offers scope and possibility, but it is very much a case of the Water Rat persisting, adapting and putting himself forward.

      For Water Rats who are well established in their career, this is also a time of important developments. With the experience they have behind them, many will now feel ready to move their career forward. Often opportunities will arise in the company or organization they currently work for, and their reputation and in-house knowledge will make them ideal candidates for a greater role. The responsibilities many take on will also give them the chance to learn about other aspects of their industry and mark an important step in their career development.

      Those Water Rats who feel they could improve their situation by moving to another employer should remain active and alert in their quest. By making enquiries, talking to contacts and putting in applications, they will find their experience and resolve often bringing the position they want. Opportunities can arise suddenly and at almost any time, but January to early March, September and October could see important developments.

      The Water Rat can also look forward to an improvement in his financial situation over the year. However, he will need to manage his finances carefully, including making provision for existing commitments as well as setting sufficient funds aside for forthcoming plans. Quite a few Water Rats may decide to mark their fortieth year in a special way, and it could be helpful to make early allowance for this, especially if travel is involved. This is a year when careful planning can lead to more being achieved.

      Another beneficial aspect of the year will be the opportunities that it will bring, especially concerning the Water Rat’s interests and recreational pursuits. He could be invited to take part in activities, decide to join a local group, find out about a new interest or take up a form of exercise that intrigues him. By making the most of such chances, he can derive considerable pleasure from his activities. For any Water Rat who feels unfulfilled, this is an excellent year to consider taking up a new interest or hobby. What is started in 2012 can have present and future value.

      With his outgoing nature, the Water Rat places great importance on his social life and over the year will add to his circle of friends and acquaintances. For any Water Rat who would welcome new friends or perhaps romance, the Dragon year holds great promise. Mid-April to June, November and December could see some particularly good chances to meet others as well as be active times socially.

      The Water Rat’s home life is also set to be busy, with many calls upon his time. In view of all the activity, this is a year for joint planning and a willingness to share household tasks. In quite a few Water Rat homes some ambitious projects will be started, particularly concerning home improvements, and some Water Rats may also move. Whatever the Water Rat has in mind, home plans do need to be carefully costed and ample time allowed.

      The Dragon year will also contain some special domestic moments and many Water Rats will be particularly heartened by the love and affection shown to them as they mark their fortieth birthday. In many a Water Rat household there will also be some family news to enjoy.

      In general, the Dragon year holds considerable promise for the Water Rat. With his ability to seek out and make the most of opportunity, together with his willingness to move forward, he is set to do well this year. The support and advice of those around him, together with his strengths and personable nature, will enable him to accomplish a great deal and benefit from the opportunities that will open up for him. And what he achieves this year can have important long-term value.


      This is an excellent year for personal growth. Use your opportunities to develop your skills as well as learn new ones. What you do now can be an investment both in yourself and in your future.

      The Wood Rat

      This will be a busy year for the Wood Rat with some personally important developments.

      Work prospects are especially encouraging, and for those Wood Rats who are languishing in their present position or seeking work, the Dragon year can bring the chance they need to move forward. However, to benefit, these Wood Rats should seek advice on the options available to them and explore possibilities. By being open to the advice, instruction and help available, many Wood Rats will be able to secure a new position, and often one with the potential for future development. With willingness and initiative, many Wood Rats will indeed find new doors opening.

      Events can move quickly in the Dragon year and some Wood Rats could find themselves being offered a new position and asked to start almost immediately. Opportunities do need to be followed up the moment they arise.

      The prospects are also positive for Wood Rats who are well established in a particular career. Over the year many will be encouraged to take on a greater role, often as a result of recent achievements. Although this may entail additional training and there may be a lot to learn, by rising to the challenge these Wood Rats will not only be advancing their career and increasing their income but also gaining valuable new experience. What is achieved this year can be an important step in their overall career development.

      For all Wood Rats, January, February and September to early November are likely to be busy and eventful months for work matters.

      The progress the Wood Rat makes at work can also help financially. Not only will many Wood Rats enjoy an improved income but, with their enterprising streak, some could also find a hobby or interest supplementing this in some way. However, while the aspects are encouraging, the Wood Rat needs to remain disciplined in his spending and budget carefully, especially if making sizeable deposits or involved in large transactions. And when entering into any important agreement, he does need to be thorough and check the terms and implications.

      Another important consideration for the Wood Rat this year will be his general lifestyle. With the demands of his work, including, for some, a long commute, he does need to give thought to his well-being and allow sufficient time for rest and recreation. To be at his best, he needs to keep his lifestyle well balanced and not skimp on exercise, sleep or healthy food.

      Also, while he will have many demands on his time, the Wood Rat will benefit from joining others in certain interests and recreational pursuits. Not only will he enjoy the social aspects of these activities, including the chance to form new friendships, but he could also be encouraged to take a particular interest or skill further. Life can work in curious ways in the Dragon year, with chance events sometimes opening up significant possibilities.

      Throughout the year the Wood Rat will also value the support and camaraderie of his close friends. For the unattached, romantic possibilities are excellent, with a chance meeting – chance does play an important part this year – transforming their situation. Mid-April to early July, November and December could see the most social activity, but throughout the year the Wood Rat will find himself in demand.

      This can also be an exciting year domestically. For Wood Rats who are parents or who become parents this year, this can be a special although sometimes tiring time. However, even though some days and nights may be exasperating, these Wood Rats will delight in watching their children’s development and much fun can be had.

      For others, this can also be a full and personally rewarding year. There will be decisions to take, purchases to be made and pleasures to be shared. Those with a partner will find that by doing a lot together, they can achieve a great deal. Accommodation plans will often be prominent and, as the Dragon year can have some surprises in store, synchronicity may come into play and exciting possibilities suddenly open up. For the Wood Rat, this is very much a year when his ability to sense opportunities will bring benefits.
