Every living organism needs to feel safe.
In his book Feeling Safe, William Bloom, a leading holistic teacher and author, says, ‘Feeling safe is one of the foundations of a normal, happy and fulfilling life. You simply cannot get on with the basic business of living if you feel insecure, frightened, or anxious.’
I extend this to say that to sleep well we need to feel safe. And we need to feel safe regardless of what’s going on out there: worries about terrorist attacks, worries about our relationships, our children, elderly parents, our health, our financial and job insecurities, and our overflowing inboxes. Some of this is the real, gritty stuff of life but in order to sleep well – so that we wake with the energy and resilience for whatever needs to be dealt with – we need to get pure, deep sleep.
And herein lies a big problem. Sattvic sleep becomes unattainable when we are running in survival mode because we’re operating from the wrong part of our physiology, the part that doesn’t allow us to sleep because we need to remain vigilant to fight or flee from the threat (real or perceived), to clear that inbox, meet the demand. Too many of the people who walk through my consulting room door or are sitting in the corporate auditoriums listening to me speak are running in survival mode.
In order to feel safe to sleep we need to break the cycle of surviving.
Belief #6: Sleep Problems Don’t Start When You Put Your Head on the Pillow at Night
Every thought, every behaviour, every choice that you make during the day impacts what happens when you place your head on the pillow at night. You carry these energetic vibrations of the day into your sleep and they reverberate within you, keeping you awake or jolting you into sudden heart-thudding wakefulness. Sometimes they slide even deeper into your sleep, creating the stories of nightmares and night terrors, or overwork your muscles so that you wake up drenched and cold with night sweat.
So when I talk to my patients and clients about sleep, it is an invitation to talk about the choices they are making in their waking hours and my next belief.
Belief #7: The Sleep Problem Is Rarely the Real Problem
If you come to see me with a sleep problem I’m going to do my best to help you sleep. During the consultation I’ll ask all sorts of questions – you’ll learn about some of these questions later – but the simplest and most obvious question I ask is ‘Why?’ Why is this person not sleeping? I ask this question over and over again (in my mind) during the consultation. Why? Why? Why? Ultimately I want to get to the deepest, innermost source of the problem.
Now I might not, at the time, share the deepest reasons for my client’s sleep problem – perhaps they are exhausted and not in a state to hear and/or they know it anyway (although they might not know that they know it). My job – at least initially – is to get them to a point where they’re getting some sleep, feeling more energised and robust, and then they are ready to look at the true cause of the sleep problem. This is doing what I call ‘The Real Work’.
So if you’ve been struggling for a while, your sleep problem is likely to be a life problem. You might feel it’s related to the 10 cups of coffee you are drinking – of course this will stop you sleeping. But why are you drinking 10 cups of coffee? Why do you need 10 cups of coffee to fund your energy? Why is your energy running on such a deficit that you need 10 cups of coffee? This is where The Real Work lies. And this is why superficial sleep hygiene methods and sleeping pills don’t and won’t work.
A lavender-steeped bath, pleasant as it is, isn’t going to truly tackle the source of your sleep problem. Nor is that drug, which is pharmacologically designed to artificially induce a state of sleepiness. Often this is why those with chronic sleep problems end up going from one therapist to another, one book to another, in the hope of finding the solution to their sleeplessness … and never finding it.
The solutions aren’t out there. The ultimate solution lies in doing the inner work, The Real Work.
Belief #8: We All Have Access to Amazing, Vibrant Energy
I have arrived at this belief not just as a result of having studied a lot of theory, but I’ve also worked with a lot of people and, as a result, have learnt a lot about energy. My work has brought me in front of a diverse range of human beings: stressed-out mothers, city employees, children, Premiership footballers, movie and pop stars, prime ministers and their wives, lorry drivers in oil depots, princesses from the Far East. Believe me, I could tell you some stories! Don’t forget, along with being a sleep expert, I’m also an energy expert and my work is also about helping people to tap into the amazing, vibrant energy that we all have access to.
Recently I spoke at a conference with over 500 people from a management consultancy firm and asked the question, ‘Would you prefer me to show you how to sleep better or how to have amazing energy?’ A show of hands indicated that 75 per cent of the people in the room wanted more energy. A week later I gave a presentation to a packed assembly hall of 10-year-olds and asked the same question. This time every single child in the room said they wanted to be shown how to have more energy. Children are wise that way, aren’t they?
Why do we give up on our energy? By this I mean settle for less. Why do we think it’s impossible to have more energy, to feel extraordinary, to wake up in the morning with a smile, or at least grateful for what lies ahead? Do you think it’s possible to feel like this?
A while ago I realised that in helping people overcome their sleep problems something else was happening – something that I hadn’t set out to do. Using my sleep formula wasn’t only helping them switch off, lie down and sleep, but also tap into more energy. While this might not sound like rocket science – if you sleep well of course you’ll have more energy – but the quality of that energy and how it impacted their lives was truly extraordinary.
Was I responsible for this? Were the tools I was sharing bringing about this amazing effect? Well, yes and no. I realised that by helping people with my Fast Asleep, Wide Awake (FAWA) formula they went on to get good sleep but then the sleep started to do its work, which in turn supercharged their energy. Sometimes this happened after just one session. In fact, I very rarely needed to see anyone for more than a few sessions – as long as they were following the FAWA formula, I could take them to a place where their body’s innate wisdom then started to do the work.
For example, Simon, a personal trainer, came to see me exhausted and struggling with nightmares. He went on to end a troubled relationship, leave his job and set up a successful fitness business. Or Sarah, a drama student, on the verge of giving up her studies due to sleep problems and fatigue, who has recently been awarded a prestigious award and a fellowship to study in the States.
When we are aligned with life, dealing with it head on and not running away, our life force is unlocked and our energy becomes extraordinary.
Belief #9: This Book Could Change Your Life
If you work through the techniques and exercises progressively as they appear in the book, they will certainly begin to change your life. I have thought hard about using the words ‘change your life’ because I don’t want to offer false promises nor do I wish to sound boastful. But this not-so-humble claim is made on the basis of the feedback I receive from my clients and patients all the time. When I started doing this work it actually took me a while to believe it. But my scientist’s brain started to become more convinced as I continued collecting the data.
Belief #10: Your Sleep Problem Might Be a Blessing