Chapter 6: The Blueprint Spies
Industrial mobilization and espionage
Propaganda against armaments manufacturers
PART TWO: Asking for Trouble
Chapter 7: The Little Clans
School influences stronger than parental examples
Guy Burgess at Eton and Dartmouth
Chapter 8: The Cambridge Cell
Marxist converts after the 1931 crisis
Chapter 9: The Vienna Comrades
Philby’s recruitment as an agent
Chapter 10: The Ring of Five
The induction of Philby, Maclean and Burgess
The recruitment of Blunt and Cairncross
Philby in Spain: Burgess in Section D
Chapter 11: The People’s War
‘Better Communism than Nazism’
‘Softening the oaken heart of England’
Chapter 12: The Desk Officers
Maclean in London and Washington
Chapter 13: The Atomic Spies
Chapter 14: The Cold War
Dictaphones behind the wainscots?
Chapter 15: The Alcoholic Panic
PART THREE: Settling the Score
Chapter 16: The Missing Diplomats
‘All agog about the two Missing Diplomats’
‘As if evidence was the test of truth!’
Chapter 17: The Establishment
Chapter 18: The Brotherhood of Perverted Men