“Though who would call, arrived. To a boredom”, – creativity time once again successfully passed, weather worsened having locked Alexander in the house where, having bypassed each corner, it did not find what to carp at what to wipe or correct. Having grasped the idea about guests, Klot made coffee, overroasted, sour, too advertized; now black wish-wash seemed more tasty ordinary.
“To invite friends. To sit”. Having forgotten to add cold water to a cup, it, without noticing, burned a throat. Having agreed by phone with the friend about a meeting, ran about the room: “In shop to stint, and here to bring to the logical end, – the glue which is drying up in a bucket was lop-sided on remained since yesterday evening, – on couple плиточек, but also I will not give an abyss to it”. Having somehow finished with repair, took a good part of the remained money, went behind an entertainment.
Having caught sight of the regular customer, shop assistants discontentedly hemmed in response to its silent to Zdrasta. Girls well remembered the entered bore and always swore, finding out, whose turn to serve the miser, to shortchange the caviller which there is nothing and to think – an embodiment in one face of all, to them яро hated. “Will sniff at each pea, and will buy for kopek”.
Contrary to their expectations, today Alexander undertook to surprise, to him and the most wakened wastefulness appeared it is a new experience: bought much and not from cheap.
– It is visible, affairs at it went …, – coming out, he heard behind the back.
– Well?!
– On, the five, – one of them sent the rumpled note to a pocket.
– God grant, not the last ….
Having lingered on steps (and suddenly still that pleasant will be told), Klot incidentally paid attention to a facade of shop. “The tile is twice more expensive, than at me in a bathroom. There is a lot of workers, all do in a week; and I already how many I potter, and all on the place, and not so exactly as at them it turns out”. Be not scheduled at Alexander a fast meeting, he would fall into despair for several days. Scrupulously and gloomy would continue repair, noticing all small defects, showing constant discontent that, as a rule, came to an end with hassle, diarrhea and still the worst result of work, with the subsequent undertaking of repair anew.
Before arrival of guests there were several hours.
“I will weld shrimps”.
“Royal” – the name on packing amused vanity. Having rumpled, put a matchbox aside, podkurit from a gas ring. The special knife very inconvenient and selecting plenty of time, but not cutting off and gram superfluous, polished potatoes …. Put wine in the freezer.
“Black warned that there will be not one and not with friends”, – the pleasant shiver from an anticipation of new acquaintances ran on a body.
Alexander undertook a broom, but in rooms everything shone. Then decided to arrange the small, strictly planned disorder: outlined piles of books and notebooks on a table. “Will notice, will surely ask, than I am engaged here”. Took out from shelters that the little that collected at it valuable: electronic translator, old non-working printer and several mobile phones of “last century”; spread out everything on window sills, mistakenly believing that a little luxury among the general poor will raise it in the opinion of guests, will hint at the owner’s solvency. Remembered a reserve piece of meat, put a frying pan on a plate. Посомневавшись, returned the prepared match back in boxes, found burned, and from already lit ring ignited following. Then from the same match podkurit and, having nearly singed fingers, threw out a candle end in a bucket. “You will not use it more”.
Lai in the yard announced arrival of guests. Alexander threw off a hook from an entrance door, trying not to rustle, crept back in kitchen.
– Here?
– Darkly, horror, – sweet voices of strangers were distributed.
Without having managed to present their appearance, to enjoy the concerning moment, Klot hurried to the aid.
– Nothing, I will carry out. Carefully, here hole.
– Do not forget me! – having heard about a hole, the men’s bass began to worry. – How many in it cubes? – examined Black the gaping door to the earth.
– Rub and a half.
– Manually! How you had enough patience? I would throw.
On stony walls of a cesspool fragmentary strips from blows of a pick and scrap distinctly appeared. Around blocks broken, but still impressive layers of slate rose.
– How many suffered?
– Month two.
– I would throw! Every day…!
– Neighbors did not believe too what will turn out, especially in the first week when began to rush, – Alexander grinned, having remembered the passersby by all means looking down. To everyone kortet to ask: “How many you potter? For what?” – and, having received answers, to draw a conclusion: “Yes, why it is necessary, so to dig?!” – that added Aleksandra of forces to work further, did it is stronger than others.
Now this reminiscence, as well as long examining of a hole, was extremely important issue and attracted huge interest of all. Everyone noticed or the sticking-out sharp stone which is cut off by the puncher, or the night insect floundering at the bottom guesses as it got there and why in the winter built. Prime significance in order to avoid a talk and thoughts of the occupations really interesting to all audience which are already hurrying to continue evening was attached to everything.
– Yes! – vaguely stretched Black.
Afterwards the illegible gentle voice which caused desire to return back, throw a hook in a loop in Alexander was distributed: “Will knock, will knock and will leave”. From nonsense as it is strange, darkness saved. On concrete two couples of heels tapped.
“How to watch at them what to tell?” – Klot worried, it happened to get acquainted infrequently. … Unless Lita. And when it was, and that after a year of communication on the Internet when already to some extent became close each other. And here? Behind the screen you will not hide. Not to be exposed to boring bad people or, on the contrary, by the chatterbox. Alexander, as well as any other,