See Pastells’s
The passage referred to above, which we translate from the original bull as given in Pastells’s
“Since, therefore, our predecessor Pope Pius V of happy memory, after hearing of the troubles which were said to have been inflicted on the friars of the mendicant orders by the ordinaries of the places and the rectors of ecclesiastical parishes in many ways, in regard to … the care of souls and the administration of the sacraments … not only decreed many things differently in certain of his letters to the said friars, but even those things that were recently decreed in regard to these things in the council of Trent, … we … decree and ordain concerning the said and concerning all other letters and regulations which emanated in any manner from the same predecessor concerning those matters to any orders and congregations of any regulars, including the mendicants, and concerning all and whatever is contained therein, that that regulation and decision, which was legal before the declaration of the said letters and regulations, whether by the ancient law, or by the holy decrees of the said council, or in any other way, be regarded as having force hereafter, and which they would have, had not those letters and regulations emanated, to which regulation and decision and to their former undiminished condition and limitation, we reduce them all.... Given at Rome, at St. Peter’s, in the year of the incarnation of our Lord, 1572 [
The original of this letter is conserved in the Archivo general of Sevilla; its pressmark, “Cartas y expedientes del Arzobispo de Manila; años 1579–1697; est. 68, caj. I, leg. 32.”
This document is obtained from Pastells’s
Juan de Bueras was born in the mountains of Burgos. He went to the American missions after having taught moral theology at Toledo. He was provincial of the Philippines in 1627. Later he became visitor of the provinces of New Spain and Mexico, dying at Mexico, February 19, 1646. See Sommervogel’s
See Vol. IV, p. 222.