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Автор: Юрий Слёзкин
Издательство: Corpus (АСТ)
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 2017
isbn: 978-5-17-100477-4
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с. 137; Cohn, Cosmos, с. 197.


      Мк. 3:31–35.


      Лк. 14:26 (ср.: Мк. 10:29–31; Лк. 9:59–62; Лк. 18:29–30); Лк. 10:27 (ср.: Мф. 22:36–40). Kee, Christian Origins, 77–80.


      Мф. 11:25. О том, что Иисус говорил только о евреях, см.: Мф. 15:21–28; Мф. 7:6; Мк. 7:24–30.


      Мф. 18:3 (ср.: Мк. 10:15, Мф. 10:42).


      Мф. 5:21–2, 27–8, 33–37.


      Мф. 15:7–11.


      Мф. 6:8; Fredriksen, From Jesus to Christ, с. 40; Мф. 10:28; Мф. 5:46, 48.


      Мк. 14:25.


      1 Кор. 7:29–31.


      1 Фесс. 4:14–18.


      1 Фесс. 5:5–8; Рим. 4:16–17; Рим. 9:1–8. Ср.: Fredriksen, From Jesus to Christ, с. 60–61; Kee, Christian Origins, с. 92; Cohn, Cosmos, с. 206–211.


      Откр. 7:1–8; 13:15–17; 3:15–16.


      Откр. 19:15; Откр. 14:9–11; Откр. 16:1–21; Откр. 20:4–5, 12; 21:1–4; Откр. 22:10, 20.


      2 Пет. 3:3–4; Rowland, Christian Origins, 276–296; Voegelin, The New Science of Politics, 176–177.


      2 Пет. 3:8–9.


      Коран 47:19; 3:118; 47:18. См. также: 54:1; 42:17; 22:7; 45:32; 12:107; 43:66.


      Об исламской эсхатологии, см.: David Cook, «Early Islamic and Classical Sunni and Shi’ite Apocalyptic Movements», в: Weissinger, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism, с. 267–283; Cook, «The Beginnings of Islam as an Apocalypic Movement», в: Stephen D. O’Leary, Glen S. McGhee, eds., War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth: Theories of the Apocalypic (London: Equinox, 2005), с. 79–93; Cook, Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic (Princeton, NJ: The Darwin Press, 2002), особ. с. 15–6, 137–188; Said Amir Arjomand, «Messianism, Millennialism and Revolution in Early Islamic History» в: Amanat and Bernhardsson, eds., Imagining the End, с. 106–125; Aziz Al-Azmeh, Islams and Modernities (London: Verso, 1993), особ. с. 89–103.


      Al-Azmeh, Islams and Modernities, с. 97–98; Ovamir Anjum, Politics, Law, and Community in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2012), особ. с. 1–9, 37–92 и в других местах; A. Azfar Moin, The Millennial Sovereign: Sacred Kingship and Sainthood in Islam (New York: Columbia University Press, 2012), с. 1–14, 74–80, 161–166 и в других местах; S. N. Eisenstadt, Fundamentalism, Sectarianism, and Revolution: The Jacobin Dimension of Modernity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), с. 19–23, 33–35, 84–89; Henry Munson, Jr., Islam and Revolution in the Middle East (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988), с. 7–38; S. N. Eisenstadt, Jewish Civilization: The Jewish Historical Experience in a Comparative Perspective (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992), с. 35–42; Juan R. I. Cole, «Millennialism in Modern Iranian History» в: Amanat and Bernhardsson, eds., Imagining the End, с. 282–311; Stephen Sharot, Messianism, Mysticism, and Magic: A Sociological Analysis of Jewish Religious Movements (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1982); Marc Saperstein, ed., Essential Papers on Messianic Movements and Personalities in Jewish History (New York: NYU Press, 1992); Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2004), passim.


      Bruce Lawrence, ed., Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden (London: Verso, 2005), с. 121.


      Norman Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists in the Middle Ages (New York: Oxford University Press, 1970), с. 19–204; Frederic J. Baumgartner, Longing for the End: A History of Millennialism in Western Civilization (New York: St. Martin’s, 1999), с. 47–76.


      М. Лютер, О светской власти. Перевод автора.


      Там же.


      Calvin, «On Civil Government» [Institutio Christianae Reilgionis, Book IV, Chapter 20] в: Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority, с. 48–49; Michael Walzer, The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965), особ. с. 2–13, 29–55, 121–5, 185–229 и в других местах; Harro HÖpfl, The Christian Polity of John Calvin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), с. 193–202 (цитата о внимательном наблюдении из женевского эдикта 1560 года, см. с. 200).


      Calvin, «On Civil Government», с. 60; Walzer, The Revolution of the Saints, с. 176 (цитата Чейнелла), 223–224; HÖpfl, The Christian Polity, с. 188–192; Bernard Cottret, Calvin: A Biography (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2000), с. 223 (цитата Гийома де Три).


      Мф. 13:24–30, 36–43.


      Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium, с. 239, 242, 237, 238.


      Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium, с. 249–250.


      1 Пет. 2:9; Martin Luther, «On the Babylonish Captivity of the Church» в: Henry Wace, ed., First Principles of the Reformation, or the Ninety-Five Theses and Three Primary Works of Dr. Martin Luther (London: John Murrey, 1883), с. 235; Martin Malia, History’s Locomotives: Revolutions and the Making of the Modern World (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006), с. 81; Ernst Troeltsch, The Social Teaching