Yesterday's Bride. Alison Kelly. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alison Kelly
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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this conversation was taking, but he had no chance to voice his objections.

      ‘Cheeseburgers are my favourite,’ Melanie told him. ‘Cept Mummy—’ her tone was scathing ‘—hardly ever lets me go there ’less it’s for a real special reason.’

      Peripherally aware of Taylor’s tense stance, Craig struggled for both patience and a tactful response. ‘Yes, well...I guess mothers are like that,’ he said.

      ‘Fathers aren’t, though,’ the child stated. ‘My friend Renee’s father takes her there every Friday.’

      ‘Lucky Renee!’ he muttered, earning a withering look from Taylor.

      ‘Struth! What was he supposed to say, for God’s sake? He knew zilch about kids and even less about what fathers were and weren’t supposed to do. ‘Well, I guess,’ he said cautiously, ‘it’s all right on Fridays—’

      ‘It’s Friday today!’

      His stomach pleaded a silent protest at the child’s reaction and again he looked at Taylor. She knew he’d never been partial to hamburgers, not even designer ones.

      ‘You can always have chicken nuggets,’ she suggested neutrally.

      ‘Thanks, you’re a big help!’ he muttered before addressing the child again. ‘You’re sure you wouldn’t rather have something else—Chinese, French, fried chicken...’

      He wondered how much vigorous shaking a kid’s head could take before it actually fell off. Ah heck! How bad could it be?

      ‘OK,’ he said wearily, slinging his jacket over his shoulder. ‘McDonald’s it is, then.’

      Across Melanie’s head, Taylor mouthed the words thank you and gave him a smile so warm he was tempted to tell her he’d buy the kid her own franchise if Taylor would only keep looking at him like that!

      Reacting to long-past memories and old habits, his hand moved inviting Taylor’s into it, but she averted her gaze, and it was her daughter’s hand she reached for...not his.


      AS THEY sat amid the bustle and laughter of the family-orientated restaurant, the heavy silence hanging over their table wasn’t conducive to making Taylor feel comfortable. The air seemed like a volatile mix of suppressed anger, bottled-up resentment and raw sexuality, which threatened to explode at any moment. She knew if it did, her child would be the most critically injured.

      It was obvious Craig was anxious to be anywhere but where he was, and Taylor resented the way her body was reacting to his reluctant presence. Why were the random memories running through her head only the kind that caused a surge of sensual adrenalin to course through her? Lord knew more than enough unpleasant scenarios had been played out between her and Craig in the later stages of their marriage. Why was it they seemed incidental now?

      With the benefit of twenty-twenty hindsight, she realized it would have been better had she arranged for Melanie to meet her father alone. Her daughter was all too aware of the undertow of tension rippling beneath the stop-start conversation of the last fifteen or so minutes; it showed in her uncharacteristic quietness.

      Reaching for her fries, Taylor realized they, like - everything else, were now cold. But it didn’t matter. Emotionally she’d been too wound up to eat; only for Mel’s sake had she made an effort. Yet considering how every time she lifted her eyes from her food, she’d encountered rich brown masculine ones that negated her ability to chew, swallow or execute any of the automatic steps of eating, she didn’t think she’d convinced anyone she was enjoying the meal.

      ‘Not hungry?’ Craig asked. She gave a tight smile and shook her head. His eyes skimmed over her face as if taking an inventory of her features, then with a seductive smile he helped himself to her half-eaten burger. ‘I am.’

      Without taking his eyes from hers, he bit slowly into the same spot she had. Remembering how those even white teeth had felt nibbling on her flesh, she felt her stomach somersault as a wave of heat rose from her toes into her cheeks. Oh, hell! This was insane!

      ‘What about you, Mel?’ Craig was asking. ‘Would you like something else?’

      ‘No, thank you.’

      He frowned, then reached for his wallet. ‘Sure you wouldn’t like to go buy yourself an ice cream or something?’ he urged.

      Melanie cast a concerned look at him, then quickly lowered her eyes and shook her head. ‘No, thank you,’ she said again.

      Her daughter’s lifeless response prompted Craig to send Taylor a what’s wrong with her? look.

      Annoyed at his pseudo-innocence, she sent him a furious well, what do you expect? glare in return. Why wouldn’t the poor kid have clammed up? Taylor fumed silently. He’d practically ignored her since they’d left the office! He’d been so busy studying her, Melanie could have sprouted wings and flown away and he wouldn’t have noticed! It didn’t matter that she had been more than a little preoccupied with less than motherly thoughts. After all, Melanie could have lunch with her any time. Craig was here at Mel’s request; the least he could do was be attentive to her.

      Not that she owed him any favours, Taylor told herself, but for Melanie’s sake she’d better give him some direction if this lunch wasn’t going to turn into an even bigger disaster than it already was! Ensuring her daughter wasn’t watching, she pointed first at Craig, then at her own mouth and finally at Melanie. Then she opened her hand in imitation of a duck quacking to indicate Craig should say something to the child.

      It took a couple of seconds before comprehension dawned on Craig’s handsome features.

      What? he mouthed back.

      Anything! she returned.

      I don’t know what to say to her! Craig enunciated each word silently. Damn, he thought, it was all very well for Taylor to look at him as if he was a complete moron when it came to children, but he’d never had to deal with them. She’d never given him the chance! He glanced at the small dark head beside him, seeking inspiration, but none came. How could a businessman of his calibre be so devoid of something appropriate to say? Why, when he’d rescued deals with some of the most high-powered men in the world, was he being awestruck by a pint-size kid?

      His attention again became focused on Taylor. Mouth pursed, she looked daggers at him, then again started to speak voicelessly. The silent movement of her lips and the hint of tongue and teeth revealed by her actions stirred heat in his loins. Cursing mentally, he shifted in his seat, trying to concentrate on what she was mouthing to him, rather than on her delicious mouth.

      Dammit! He couldn’t make out what the last word was. He sent her a blank look and watched intently as she mouthed her message again.

      Ask her about...Hell! He still couldn’t make it out.

      ‘She said, “Ask her about school”.’

      Guiltily, both adults looked at the owner of the tiny voice. Obviously the child had intercepted her mother’s message to him and interpreted it better than him.

      ‘Er...yes. How is school? Do you like it?’ he asked woodenly.

      ‘I don’t know,’ the little girl responded. ‘I haven’t started yet.’

      Taylor blushed under Craig’s stinging glare. ‘I...I only enrolled her today. She starts next week. At St Catherine’s. My old school. It has a junior school as well as high school. Mel’s going to the junior school.’

      ‘I’m sure I’d have assumed the high school if you hadn’t pointed that out,’ he said drily.

      ‘I’m not old enough for high school—’ Melanie again stopped short and pondered the man beside her. ‘What should I say?’ she asked both adults.

      Taylor frowned. ‘About what, darling?’

      ‘To finish talking to him.’