The Billionaire's Legacy. Reese Ryan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Reese Ryan
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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sighed and gave her a pained smile despite the anger that was burning inside his chest. “I remember everything about you, Sloane. No matter how damn hard I’ve tried to forget.”

      * * *

      Benji’s words hurt.

      More than the physical discomfort of one of the twins bouncing on her bladder while her belly felt as if it was being squeezed in a vise.

      He’d tried to forget her. Meanwhile, Benji had been all she could think of even before she’d learned she was pregnant—with twins, no less.

      Because when she screwed up, she did it big.

      She’d spent the two months after their night together regretting that she hadn’t taken him up on his offer to join him in Japan, daydreaming about their incredible night together and wanting him. She’d been so preoccupied with work and thoughts of Benji that she hadn’t noticed that she’d missed not one but two periods. Until the sudden, severe case of morning sickness she developed made it clear she was pregnant.

      “I’m sorry you had to find out like this.” Sloane stared out the window, not wanting to see the hatred and disappointment in his eyes.

      “Why didn’t you tell me?” His words vibrated with hurt and anger. Pain.

      “I know I should’ve, but...” She turned toward him, needing to see that he was okay. She licked her lips, her throat incredibly dry. “This isn’t what you signed up for. We agreed to a one-night stand, not an eighteen-year commitment as parents. Besides, you made it pretty clear that kids weren’t something you wanted.”

      “I was speaking in generalities, Sloane.” He clenched the wheel as he turned a corner.

      “You said, and I quote—”

      “I’m aware of what I said. I remember everything that happened between us that night.” He took another sharp turn, following the directions of the GPS app. “But how could you think that meant I wouldn’t take care of my own flesh and blood, or wouldn’t want to know that I have a son or daughter somewhere out in the world?”

      “It’s both.” She winced again, pressing a hand to her belly, trying to calm herself as the pain got worse. “A boy and a girl.”

      He glanced at her quickly before returning his gaze to the road. “Does this happen often? The pain, I mean?”

      “Not like this.” Tears stung her eyes, more from fear than from the pain. It was too early for the twins to be born. Not if they were going to be okay. She forced a laugh. “Usually it’s just discomfort from your son bouncing his big head on my bladder and your daughter doing some kind of calisthenics. I swear, that girl is going to be a gymnast.”

      “Everything is gonna be okay.” He reached over and squeezed her hand, despite the reserved anger in his tone. “First, we make sure you and the babies are all right. Then...”

      “I’ll tell you anything you want to know,” she said, grateful to see the hospital sign come into view. “I promise.”

      * * *

      Benji hadn’t stopped pacing outside Sloane’s hospital room since they’d admitted her.

      He was going to be a father of two babies—a boy and a girl. He still couldn’t wrap his head around it. He’d been responsible and used protection every time they were together.

      How could this have happened?

      Benji’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he glanced at the screen. It was his mother. Probably checking to see if he’d returned safely from Japan. But he didn’t dare answer the call. Not yet. Not until he’d gotten some definitive answers from Sloane about why she hadn’t told him he was going to be a father. Regardless of what he’d said that night, he couldn’t believe that was the only reason Sloane had kept something this important from him.

      He respected the fact that it was Sloane who was carrying these babies, but they were half his, too. What about his right to know? And to be part of his children’s lives? Sloane’s father had left home when she was around ten. She understood the pain of living without a father. Why would she intentionally subject their kids to the same fate?

      The door opened, and the doctor introduced herself and invited him into the room where Sloane was hooked up to an IV. She gave him an apologetic smile before lowering her gaze to her hands, which were pressed to her belly.

      “Is Sloane okay? Will the twins be all right?” he asked Dr. Carroll.

      The older woman placed a gentle hand on his arm. “Sloane is going to be just fine, Mr. Bennett. She’s experiencing something called Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s basically the uterus practicing up for child labor.” Her smile deepened. “They’re usually painless, but Sloane is experiencing particularly intense ones today. She’s dehydrated. That likely contributed to it.”

      He nodded dumbly, his hands shaking and his head feeling light. None of this seemed real.

      “Perhaps you should have a seat.” Worry lines spanned the doctor’s forehead as she indicated a sofa along the wall. She sat beside him. “Just take a deep breath. I realize this must seem very overwhelming, but everything is going to be fine.”

      “Sorry, this is all kind of a surprise.”

      “I know.” The woman nodded gravely. “Sloane explained the situation to me. I can only imagine what a shock it must’ve been. But the good news is, you have the opportunity to be there for the birth of your children. And you and Sloane still have lots of time before the twins are born to hash things out.” She looked pointedly at both of them in a firm but kind manner. “The twins are counting on you two to do that.”

      “Will she be released today?” Benji wasn’t ready to talk about making nice. Not until he got some straight answers.

      “I want to observe her for another hour. But as long as everything looks good, yes, she can go home. This isn’t preterm labor, but I still want her to take it easy.” The woman shifted her gaze to Sloane, and her tone and expression turned more serious. “Make sure she understands my instructions that she refrain from working. That includes not hauling groceries around. If she can’t comply with my limited restrictions, I’ll have to put her on full bed rest.”

      “I understand,” Sloane said, her expression contrite. “I would never knowingly put the babies in jeopardy.”

      “I know you wouldn’t, Sloane. But you’re carrying multiples. That makes everything a little trickier. So let’s err on the side of caution.” Dr. Carroll moved beside Sloane and squeezed her arm briefly before making a few notes on the tablet in her hand and checking the monitor.

      “Any other specific things she shouldn’t be doing?” Benji was on his feet beside the doctor.

      “Nothing strenuous. No lifting or high-impact exercise. Walking, swimming and gentle yoga should be okay.” She turned to Sloane. “But you should monitor how you’re feeling. Make sure there’s no pain or unusual discomfort.” She turned back to Benji with a sly smile. “And there are no restrictions on sex, within reason. If that’s what you’re asking.”

      Benji’s cheeks heated and he sputtered, “No, that isn’t what I was asking.”

      “Relax, Benj.” Sloane and the doctor were laughing. “I have no intention of jumping you when we get back to my place.”

      Benji glared at her, not acknowledging her jab. He returned his attention to the doctor. “I was referring to the bump she took to the head. She passed out momentarily. Does she have a concussion? Will it impact the twins?”

      “Relax, Mr. Bennett.” Dr. Carroll’s voice was patient and soothing. Like she was trying to convince a man in a straitjacket that he hadn’t been abducted by aliens. “She has a little knot there, but no concussion. We applied an ice pack to reduce the swelling. Something she should continue to do off and on this evening. But if she suddenly seems woozy or disoriented,