Not sure how intensive his exam would be, Cara had a sudden worry and asked, “Before we start, I need to know that patient-physician privilege works the same here as it does in the States? I mean, you can’t go divulging my health concerns without my permission, right?”
Tommy smiled reassuringly. “Yes, we do have the same rules here. I won’t say a word about you or your health without your permission. So, I take it that you have a condition I should know about?”
“Yes,” she said, hesitating, not sure how to say it. She hadn’t told anyone yet, not even Parker and Shey. She wanted them both to enjoy their weddings without worrying about her. And she knew they’d worry a lot.
“Well, you see, I’m pretty sure I know why I fainted, and it really isn’t anything to worry about. I’ve had periods of light-headedness the past few months, and I think this one was worse simply because of the length of the flight.”
He waited, not pushing or prodding, just waited for her to finish.
Cara had always trusted her gut feelings. She’d trusted them when she’d met Parker and Shey. She’d trusted them when they’d decided to open Titles and Monarch’s, their bookstore and coffeehouse respectively, after graduation. She’d trusted her feelings the night she’d met Michael.
And she realized she liked this doctor and once again relied on her gut feeling. “I’m pregnant.”
Tommy Stevens didn’t even blink an eye with surprise. “About how far along?”
“Three months. I saw my physician before I left Erie and she said there was no reason I couldn’t make the trip. She put me on a prenatal vitamin and I promised to see her again as soon as I get home next month.”
“Well, that could explain things, but I’d rather take your pulse, blood pressure and such, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t,” Cara said, realizing that having some assurance that everything was all right would be a relief. “Whatever you think is best. But I’d prefer that no one knows about the pregnancy. I haven’t even told the father yet. And I didn’t want to take anything away from the wedding.”
“Mum’s the word,” he said, actually making the motion of twisting a key over his lips, then tossing it over his shoulder.
Cara laughed. “Thanks so much.”
As the doctor opened his bag and took out a stethoscope, he said, “Did you ever hear the one about the doctor and the porcupine…”
Michael stood outside Cara’s room his hand poised to knock, when a loud peel of laughter rang out. There was a murmur of voices, then more laughter.
He knew his mother wasn’t in the room with Cara. He’d just talked to her and she’d said the doctor had arrived.
Cara was laughing with the doctor.
Michael didn’t like it.
The doctor was supposed to be checking her over, not doing a stand-up routine.
Michael had imagined finding her. The slow smile he’d witnessed their one night together would again light her face and she’d welcome him with open arms. Instead, the woman laughing so easily next door with the doctor had been distant and wary when he’d found her at the airport.
Dating women had never proven to be much of a problem. Finding the right woman had been next to impossible.
Other than a short stint at a university in the States, where he’d got a taste for what Parker had had, Michael spent his adult life dating as a prince. His title was the first thing women knew about him. He frequently felt like more of a trophy than a person. Something they could show off to their friends. But Cara had only seen him as Mike, and he knew in his heart of hearts she’d felt something that night, just as he had.
Cara had wanted just plain old Mike King. Not Michael Dillonetti, future king of Eliason.
He’d never before felt anything like his reaction to her. There had been an instant connection. He wanted a chance to allow it to grow. He wanted to get to know more about her, and to share himself with her. He wanted Cara to continue seeing him, not the prince.
Parker had chosen a different way of life than what she’d been born to. As the heir to the throne, Michael didn’t have that luxury. As much as he had grand plans for his country—increasing tourism and technology being two of his highest priorities—he had much smaller personal goals. Someone to love, who would love him in return—him, not his title nor his wealth. A relationship like the one his parents had. A family.
They seemed like small goals—ones most people had. But for him they had seemed out of reach until he met Cara Phillips.
The low murmurs in the room were punctuated by another burst of laughter.
He knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Cara called out.
Michael walked into the room and was unprepared for the emotion that poleaxed him as he spotted Dr. Stevens and Cara sitting together.
Cara’s smile died immediately when she saw who had entered.
“What do you want?” she asked, no smile or sign of greeting.
“I just came up to check on you.”
Her eyes darted toward the doctor then back to him. “I’m fine.”
“Dr. Stevens?” he asked, not quite believing her.
The doctor shot Cara a strange look, then turned to Michael. “She’s absolutely fine, but I’m running a few tests just to be sure.”
“What kind of tests?”
Cara thrust out her arm and he noticed the smiley-face bandage in the crook of her arm. “He drew some blood and is going to test for anemia. That could explain my light-headedness.”
There was something the two of them weren’t telling him. Michael could sense it.
“What else?”
“Nothing else,” Cara said. “Now that you’ve satisfied your curiosity, if you don’t mind…”
She left the sentence hanging, an obvious invitation to leave her room.
“I don’t mind at all,” he said, taking a seat in the armchair. “Thank you for coming over so soon, Dr. Stevens.”
The doctor took the hint and packed his bag. Before he left, he took a card from his pocket and handed it to Cara. “If you need anything, have any problems at all, call me. The top number is my office, the bottom number is a private line. Call anytime of day or night.”
“Thank you, Tommy.”
“It was my pleasure,” he assured her, then gave Michael a quick nod and left the room.
“It was my pleasure,” Michael mocked.
“You’re the one that forced me to see him,” she said. “I enjoyed meeting Tommy.”
“That’s another thing. Tommy. Not even Tom. I’ve known the man for at least five years and have always called him Dr. Stevens. You’ve known him half an hour and he’s Tommy. What was going on between the two of you?”
“I was assured that doctor-patient privilege is the same here in Eliason as it in the U.S., so I guess that makes what was going on between the two of us my business, doesn’t it?”
“I’m concerned, Cara.” Michael knew that was an understatement. Concerned didn’t even begin to define the heart-stopping fear he’d felt when she’d fainted. And though she seemed fine, the fear hadn’t abated much.
Her look softened a little and for a moment he thought she was going to be reasonable. Instead, she