He ignored the vote of confidence and sprang a question on her. “Is Marissa just a danger to herself? Or to others, as well?”
“She’s not a danger to herself,” Abby retorted.
“You told Cassandra her sister takes crazy chances.”
“That’s a loose interpretation of what I said.”
“You have to tell me what’s going on in Marissa’s head before I make a commitment.”
Abby looked regretful. “Jed, she trusts me not to talk about our sessions. I can’t betray her confidences to you.”
“Not even to save her life?”
Abby paused before replying. “Let me put it this way. If you go back to San Marcos knowing certain things about her that she hasn’t chosen to reveal to you, she’ll sense it and react negatively. And she’ll never trust either one of us again.”
“Let me put it this way,” he countered. “Your group of conspirators has hatched a very flaky plan. And when I get to San Marcos, I’m not going to be able to clue in Marissa. She’ll have to take my opening moves on blind faith. Then the two of us are going to have to pull off a performance worthy of the stars in a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Is she up to that? Or will she get both of us killed?”
Abby knit her fingers together in her lap. “Jed, I can’t tell you very much. But perhaps you’ve sensed that she has strong feelings for you.”
“Yeah. She hates me.”
“Then what?”
“You have to work that out for yourself.”
“I may not get the chance. From the way she looked at me when the guards took her into custody, I’d be willing to bet she thinks I’m the one who turned her in to Sanchez.”
“You’re describing a situation in which she was under a great deal of stress. She’s had some time to think things through.” Abby leaned forward. “Jed, some very rough things have happened to Marci in her life. Things she hasn’t even been able to discuss with her sister. She’s done what she had to do to survive, and she’s come a long way. I’ve thought for several months that you might be able to help her.”
“She’s discussed me with you? What the hell did she say?”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let that slip out.” Abby flushed. “I’m not going to answer any more questions about my patient. What else did you come here to talk about?”
Jed shifted in his chair, looking from the tasteful prints on the wall to his hands and then toward the window. Everywhere but at Abby’s face. He could get up and leave on cue. Or he could make a grab for the brass ring. “You’re too perceptive.”
“That’s what they pay me for. But this session is free of charge.”
He forced a laugh. It sounded strained and nervous. “You mentioned that everything that’s said here is strictly confidential.”
“So if I wanted to discuss something about myself and I wanted to keep it quiet, it wouldn’t go any further.”
“That’s right.”
He almost cut and ran. Then he figured he didn’t have anything to lose. If he didn’t want to, he never had to see Abby Franklin again. “There’s a reason why I might be putting Marissa in danger by taking this assignment. I mean, something in my background that might make me a risky choice.”
When Abby’s expression remained neutral, he continued. “Did Marissa tell you I used to be hooked up with a supersecret spy organization?”
“Yes. She didn’t tell me the name,” she added.
“She probably doesn’t know I was asked to resign.” He heard his voice turn gritty as he struggled to keep his face from betraying the depths of his humiliation.
“That was rough on you,” Abby murmured.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
“So did you really come here to tell me you’re no good at your job?”
“I am good at it!”
“But you’re the wrong man for the rescue mission?” Abby persisted.
“I’m willing to give you my professional judgment.”
“I found out seven years ago.”
“Found out what?”
He clenched his hands on the arms of the chair so he wouldn’t bolt from the room. With his emotions under equally rigid restraint, he told Abby Franklin the secret that had been eating him alive.
* * *
ROUGH HANDS shook Marissa awake, and she couldn’t hold back a startled scream.
“Let’s go,” a gruff voice ordered in Spanish.
“Wh what’s going on?” she answered in the same language.
“El Jefe has sent for you.”
Marissa’s heart began to pound. With no warning, she was going to be interrogated by the man whose office she’d been caught burglarizing. Had he found the camera in the toilet tank? Was that why he was finally sending for her? She ran a nervous hand through her hair. “Would you let me have a minute alone?”
He shrugged and stepped outside the door, giving her some privacy.
Quickly she used the toilet in the corner of the cell and washed her hands and face, wondering how unkempt she looked after three days in a cell. She expected to be escorted upstairs to the general’s office, and braced herself accordingly. Her eyes widened as she was led outside to a gray Chevy van parked by the delivery entrance. Two guards hustled her inside. Yanking her foot to the right, they cuffed her ankle to a ring that had been welded to the floor. Hardly standard equipment from Chevrolet.
“You said El Jefe.”
She pressed her lips together as the man slid onto the bench seat beside her. He kept a machine gun cocked under his arm. His companion climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. After ten minutes it was clear they were heading out of the city. Going west, according to a road sign.
Marissa knew that Sanchez had a finca in Colorado Province. Calling it a farm was an understatement, since it occupied more than twenty thousand acres. Despite the heat and humidity, she shivered. In the capital El Jefe was a powerful man but not entirely above the law. At his outlying estate he was the lord of the manor. He could do anything with her that he wanted, and no one would ever dig up the facts.
A cold sweat broke out on her skin. Involuntarily, her foot jerked against the cuff.
“Sit still,” the man with the gun muttered.
She went rigid.
The scenery changed from overcrowded urban to jungle in almost the blink of an eye. However, she knew from her extensive research on Sanchez and the local area that the two-lane road they took was one of the best paved in San Marcos, undoubtedly for the general’s benefit. Marissa had come this way a few days ago on the trip she’d told Jed about to visit some newly discovered Mayan ruins being excavated by a team from the University of New Mexico.
What would Jed do if he were in a spot like this, she wondered. Somehow, on all the dangerous missions she’d undertaken for the State Department, she’d never pictured herself getting captured. Shot, maybe; put out of her misery with one clean bullet. But not abducted. She shuddered, admitting for the first time that she should have known better.