The Transformation Of Miss Ashworth. ANNE ASHLEY. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
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turned out to be the case.

      She eyed him with misgiving, as they turned their mounts into the driveway at the Grange. ‘What do you mean…it was a kind of test?’ she demanded to know.

      ‘Just that, Miss Beth. Were judging ’is mettle, as yer might say.’

      ‘Judging his…?’ Beth raised her eyes heavenwards. The divine guidance for which she might have hoped, however, sadly did not manifest itself, and she was left having to accept that her trusted servant’s somewhat unorthodox behaviour was a problem she must attempt to deal with alone.

      ‘Rudge, you simply cannot go about being deliberately discourteous to people with whom I am well acquainted,’ she began, determined not to allow her affection for the man riding alongside lessen her resolve to reprimand him. ‘Especially not to such well-respected peers of the realm as Sir Philip Staveley.’

      ‘Well, he’s still a man, ain’t he?’ he responded, appearing anything but chastened by the reproof.

      ‘And what has that to say to anything, pray?’ Beth demanded, surprised by the response.

      ‘Why, everything, as you’re a woman, Miss Beth. And a damnably ’andsome little filly, to boot! Which only makes things worse, if yer follow my meaning.’

      Once again Beth found herself momentarily lost for words when she realised precisely what the devoted servant was insinuating. ‘Rudge, you are labouring under a misapprehension. Sir Philip isn’t interested in me…at least, not in the way you seem to suppose.’

      Judging by his expression, the assurance had left him totally unconvinced. ‘Didn’t look that way t’me,’ he countered, sniffing loudly. ‘Mighty smitten, I should say. Noticed a certain twinkle in ’is eye, so I did, when he were looking at you. But as long as ’is intentions be ’onourable, all well and good.’

      ‘Believe me, you could not be more wrong. Sir Philip and I have been close friends for years. Were close friends,’ she amended, her voice annoyingly impaired by a sudden obstruction in her throat. She swallowed hard, determined to conquer the unexpected moment of weakness. ‘He—he evidently still holds me in some little affection. But that is all, I assure you.’

      ‘If you say so, miss,’ he responded, evidently still highly sceptical. ‘I’ll say this for yer nob friend, though—reckon he’d ’ave made a reet fine officer. We could ’ave done with a deal more of ’is stamp out there in Spain, I’m thinking.’

      As Rudge had held so very few officers in high esteem, this was praise indeed. All the same, Beth refrained from attempting to discover just why Sir Philip had surprisingly risen in her servant’s estimation. The conversation with him had unexpectedly unlocked bittersweet memories that had been successfully confined for so many years, and she craved solitude, to be alone with her thoughts.

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