Hawaiian Sunset, Dream Proposal. Joanna Neil. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joanna Neil
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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back. ‘Was there something you wanted to ask?’ Amber murmured.

      Caitlin indicated the phone. ‘It’s my step-cousin, Ethan,’ she said, in a hesitant fashion. ‘He asked me to put him on speaker-phone. He wants to be involved in everything that’s going on.’

      ‘That’s fine with me.’ Amber nodded. ‘Just don’t bring the phone any closer to the medical equipment, or it might cause interference.’

      She checked Martyn’s pulse. It was thready, his features were drained of colour, and she was worried in general about his condition. ‘It must be frustrating for your cousin to be so far away and not know what’s happening.’

      ‘But not for much longer, I hope.’ A male voice cracked in a whip-like fashion across the room. His tone was concise and authoritative, and Amber braced herself in startled recognition of the fact that he must be able to hear every word that was being spoken. ‘I’d like to talk to the doctor in charge of my uncle’s case,’ he said.

      ‘That would be me,’ she answered. ‘I’m Dr Amber Shaw. I’m the senior house officer in A and E. I was on duty when your uncle was brought in. I take it you are Ethan Wyndham Brookes?’

      ‘I’m Ethan Brookes without the Wyndham. Yes, my cousin explained the situation to me. I understand you’ve been taking care of my uncle, and I’m grateful to you for that. I heard that you have him on anticoagulant therapy to prevent any more blood clots from forming, but his condition seems to be deteriorating.’

      ‘Things are going very much as we might have expected,’ Amber told him. ‘As I explained to your cousin, we’re still waiting on the results of tests, but they should be here very soon.’

      ‘Hmm. But in these situations time is of the essence, isn’t it? So, I’d like to speak to the consultant in charge, if I may?’

      He posed it as a polite question, but Amber was in no doubt that it was a request. She guessed from his deep, well-modulated and assured tones that he was used to having things his own way. He would be somewhere in his mid-thirties, she imagined.

      ‘Of course, I’ll put you in touch with him as soon as possible, but he’s in Theatre at the moment. Perhaps I could assist you in the meantime? I’d like to reassure you that we’re doing all that we can to make your uncle comfortable.’

      ‘I’m glad to hear it. My cousin and I are very worried about her father.’

      Amber had the feeling he didn’t want to be dealing with an underling at all, but she made an effort to remain calm and not take it personally.

      ‘I’m very well aware that this is a difficult time for both of you,’ Amber murmured, ‘but I can assure you that everything that can be done is being done. Your uncle has received the recommended treatment so far…oxygen, aspirin, glyceryl trinitrate and painkilling medication, as well as blood-thinning drugs. I’ve already cleared the way for him to be taken up to the angiography suite. As soon as my boss has finished in surgery, he’ll come down and assess your uncle’s state of health.’

      ‘So you’re thinking about operating on him?’

      ‘It’s a possibility, if his condition will allow us to do so. We may be able to find the clot that’s causing the damage and remove it by means of a catheter. That might do away with the need for more intrusive, major surgery, but I have to say that Mr Wyndham Brookes’s condition is very precarious. From the looks of his X-ray there could be an underlying disease that might cause more problems. That’s why it would be extremely helpful for us to have access to his medical records.’

      ‘I’m already onto it, and I’ll send them to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, I’d like to set up a video link with his hospital room. I know you have conferencing capabilities, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to arrange.’

      His suggestion took Amber’s breath away. This man clearly knew what he wanted, and didn’t see why he shouldn’t sweep every obstacle to one side in order to get things done.

      ‘Is that going to be a problem for you? Perhaps I should speak with your chief administrator?’ Perhaps he had heard her swift intake of breath. Ethan Brookes sounded as though he had no time for shilly-shallying. If she couldn’t deal with it, he would go to someone who could.

      ‘That won’t be necessary,’ she murmured. ‘Your uncle is in a private room, so I’m sure we can accommodate your request, as long as his daughter has no objection.’ She glanced at Caitlin, raising her brow in a faint query.

      ‘I’d like that,’ Caitlin said. ‘It will make me feel better to know that Ethan’s looking on.’

      Amber wasn’t at all sure how she felt about it. Having her every move watched by a stranger wasn’t something she welcomed, but technological advances meant that it could be done, and if it was something that helped unite families in their hour of need, who was she to object?

      ‘My boss should be here within a few minutes,’ Amber said. ‘I’ll speak to him about it, and if he agrees, we’ll call on one of our technicians to set it up. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to give my full attention to your uncle…unless there was something else that you urgently wanted to discuss?’

      ‘No…it will keep. Thanks for your co-operation,’ Ethan said. The speaker-phone link was cut, and Caitlin went out into the corridor to finish her conversation with him in private.

      Amber drew in a deep breath. It was one thing to deal with worried relatives close at hand, but having difficult, long-distance discussions with someone she had never met was a first for her.

      A few minutes later, she left Martyn in Sarah’s care, while another nurse took Caitlin away to show her to a waiting room. There she would be able to sit in comfort and talk about her concerns to the nurse with the aid of a reviving cup of tea. Having Caitlin looked after took a great deal of the strain off Amber’s shoulders and left her free to go and check on her other patients.

      When her boss came down from Theatre, Amber grabbed the opportunity to update him on Martyn’s condition.

      ‘We’ll take him up to the catheter suite as soon as the team is assembled,’ the consultant agreed. ‘As to the video link, I see no reason to object.’ He gave a brief, wry smile. ‘Besides, I’ve heard of the Brookes’s international fruit-shipping company. I read about their goings-on in the newspaper from time to time. These people are high-powered, influential individuals. Let’s not get on the wrong side of any of them, if we can help it. Call the technician and ask him to sort out the video link. Anything to keep them happy.’

      Amber lifted a faintly arched brow. Her boss wasn’t someone who usually worried too much about following protocol and treading carefully around people, so if he thought it expedient to appease Ethan Brookes, who was she to argue?

      ‘Professor Halloran,’ Sarah interrupted, ‘you’re needed in the resuscitation room. One of your pacemaker patients is in difficulty.’

      The consultant nodded. ‘Okay, I’ll be along right away.’ He sent a brief glance towards Amber. ‘Prepare Mr Wyndham Brookes for surgery, and I’ll be along as soon as possible.’

      Amber did as he asked, leaving a nurse to call in the technician to set up the video link. Martyn was barely conscious, but she spoke to him gently, explaining what they were going to do.

      ‘Professor Halloran is the best cardiac surgeon we have,’ she told him. ‘He’ll use X-ray images to look at your blood vessels through our cardiac monitor, and that should help him to find exactly where the blockage is. He’ll most likely insert a very thin catheter into a blood vessel of the top of your leg, and then he’ll use specialised instruments to remove the clot that’s causing the problem.’ She looked into his grey eyes. ‘Do you understand what I’m saying?’

      He nodded almost imperceptibly. ‘I do.’

      ‘Is there anything that you’d like to ask me about it?’
