The Kidnapped Bride. Metsy Hingle. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Metsy Hingle
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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without her, the life that stretched out before him seemed very empty. “Then I guess I’ll have to see that you don’t get another chance.” Putting an arm around her stiff shoulders, he led her around front to where he’d parked the Explorer.

      “Where are we going?” she asked when he opened the door and motioned for her to get inside. “I thought we were going to eat dinner?”

      “I assumed you weren’t hungry when you did your vanishing act back there. Or hadn’t you thought that far ahead?”

      “I’m starving and you know it. I’m not going anywhere until I get something to eat.”

      He almost laughed out loud at the petulant look on her face. He kissed her forehead instead and earned himself another scowl. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I intend to feed you. But you’ll have to wait about twenty minutes.”

      “Why?” she demanded, narrowing her eyes.

      “Because I don’t like driving on these roads at night, and we didn’t get nearly as far up in the mountains today as I’d planned. Too bad you didn’t decide on a morning wedding.”

      “Believe me, if I had known about your plans, I would have scheduled a night wedding,” she replied sassily.

      “I don’t doubt that for a minute. Now get in the truck, or I’ll put you in it myself. Come to think of it,” Jack said, dropping his voice as he rubbed his jaw and allowed his gaze to sweep over her, “maybe that’s not such a bad idea.”

      Lorelei scrambled into her seat. “Where are we going?”

      “Not far. We’ll be spending the night in a little cabin about ten miles from here. I’m hoping to make it there before full darkness sets in.”

      “When did you rent a cabin?”

      “I didn’t. It belongs to Isabel and Alberto. They use it as a little hideaway when they want to get away from the business and town. They’ve offered us the use of it for our wedding night.”

      “This is not our wedding night. You and I are not married.”

      “I’ll be happy to remedy that situation anytime you give me the word.”

      “Don’t hold your breath.”

      Letting her rebuff bounce off of him, Jack reached for her seat belt. “Need some help buckling up?” He started to pull it across her breasts.

      Lorelei snatched the strap from his hand and did the honors herself. “What about my suitcase? And my wedding gown? I left them in the bathroom.”

      “I know.” Jack shut the truck’s door and went around to the other side. He climbed into the driver’s seat and strapped on his seat belt.

      “That dress was very expensive and I want it.”

      “What for?”

      “Because I intend to use it again—when I get back to Mesa and marry Herbert.”

      Gritting his teeth, Jack turned to her. “If you wear that dress again,” he began, calmly measuring his words despite the jealousy clawing at him, “it won’t be to marry Herbert.”

      “Jack, I want my dress and suitcase.”

      He started the engine. “They’re already in the truck I had Isabel and Alberto’s son store them in the back, along with our dinner.” He put the Explorer into reverse and sent the tires spinning up a cloud of dust.

      For a moment she remained silent, seeming to mull over his comment. “What did you tell them? Isabel and Alberto, I mean. How did you explain my not coming back into the restaurant to eat dinner?”

      “I already told you that they think you’re a bit of a jokester. As far as they’re concerned, your sneaking out the window was just another one of your pranks.” Jack slanted her a glance as he shifted the truck into gear. “Besides, I told them you weren’t interested in eating. You were much more anxious to get to the wedding night.”

      Lorelei’s face turned a pretty shade of pink, just as he knew it would. “How could you?”

      “Easy,” he said, smiling at her horrified expression. “After helping you out of that wedding dress, I just went with the way I was feeling. They seemed to understand.”

      Giving him a stony look, Lorelei crossed her arms over her chest and stared straight ahead.

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