The Forest Ranger's Husband. Leigh Bale. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Leigh Bale
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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      “Hello, Andie.” Matt smiled that crooked smile of his, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

      Eyes the color of cobalt-blue. She remembered their color like her own face. The rich timbre of his voice. His deep laugh. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled for real.

      Andie felt sick inside. Five years, four months and thirteen days. That’s how long it’d been since she’d seen or heard from him. So long that she’d tried to forget how much she’d loved him and how furious she was at him for leaving when she needed him more than ever.

      She could never forget. Not with a miniature reminder bouncing around her house.


      She cleared her voice. “Hello, Matt.”

      He looked good. Too good. But she needed to keep her distance. Needed to think before she spoke. Even though they were still legally married, this man didn’t seem to want her anymore.

      Dear Reader,

      Have you ever had a family member or someone very close to you who hurt your feelings desperately? I’m not talking about just a simple inconsideration, although those can certainly add up to bigger problems. But I’m talking about a serious infraction that can devastate a relationship.

      They say blood is thicker than water. Families depend upon one another for support and solace. We have a natural love for our family members. We share special lifelong relationships with our family, but only the Savior is perfect. Surely during the span of our lifetime, we are bound to say or do something to hurt our family members. Likewise, they are bound to hurt us in return. For this reason, forgiveness is vitally important throughout our lives. If we don’t forgive our family members, who will?

      Sometimes we come from what is called a dysfunctional family. But I have discovered that no one has a “normal” family. Each family is so different. I have to be careful finding fault with other members of my family before I’ve looked at myself. We each should ask ourselves some questions before we judge others. What have I done or not done to exacerbate the problem? What have I said to hurt someone else’s feelings? Have I accused them of forgetting to do something when I likewise have forgotten to do things? Have I made them feel welcome and expressed my love and appreciation to them? Or have I only looked at their failings and imperfections? What about my own faults? Do I deserve to be shunned by them? Or have I looked the other way and forgiven them when they have hurt me?

      In The Forest Ranger’s Husband, both the heroine and the hero learn this lesson of forgiveness the hard way. According to the Gospel of John, none of us are without sin and we have no right to cast stones of blame at others until we have become humble enough to rid ourselves of our own faults. This doesn’t mean we should become a doormat for a family member who might be involved in illegal activities or abusing us in some way. But it does mean we must become humble like unto a little child. Children are so forgiving. They want to see the good in everyone. Their pure innocence and kind-heartedness serves as an example to all of us.

      I hope you enjoyed reading The Forest Ranger’s Husband, and I invite you to visit my website,, to learn more about my books.

      May you find peace in the Lord’s words!

       Leigh Bale

       The Forest Ranger’s Husband

       Leigh Bale

      And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

      —Matthew 18: 2–4

      In writing this book, I couldn’t help thinking about grace under fire and courage in spite of fear. I know several remarkable people close to my own life who fit this profile exactly. And so this book is dedicated to Daniel, one of my greatest heroes and dearest friends. I love you, son. And to Robin, for having the courage to let her husband serve others overseas even when she needed him more. And also to all wildland fire fighters everywhere. Your guts and skill amaze me.

       And thank you to Dan Baird for once again going above and beyond any expectations with his consultation on this book. I’ve had the time of my life scheming with you!

       Chapter One

      “Andie, the FCO is here to see you.”

      Andrea Foster stared at the red light on her telephone console and felt the blood drain from her face. As she held the receiver against her ear and listened to her receptionist’s voice, her stomach twisted into knots.

      No, Matt couldn’t be here so soon. He just couldn’t. But he was. Inside the reception area. Waiting to see her. Right now.

      She’d known this day would come. Eventually. It was inevitable. But she’d figured Matt would meet someone else and ask her for a divorce, not become a fire control officer working out of the Forest Supervisor’s office. She hadn’t planned a strategy to deal with him.

      The urge to have her receptionist tell Matt she was in a meeting overwhelmed Andie. After all this time, just thinking about him brought so many feelings of anger and hurt to the surface.

      It would do no good to send Matt away. He’d just return. They had to work together now. She had no choice. They were having a dry winter, which meant a heavy fire season. Already it was February and unseasonably warm, with very little snowpack in the mountains. As the new FCO, it was Matt’s job to ensure her district was prepared. She should get this over with now.


      “Yeah, um, send him in.”

      Andie dropped the receiver into its cradle. Her arms trembled as she brushed a hand down the front of her drab olive-green shirt and spruce-green pants. The uniform of a forest ranger. The badge pinned to the flap of her left shirt pocket meant a great deal to her. The culmination of a lot of hard work. She felt proud of her promotion over the Enlo Ranger District in Nevada. She’d longed to share the news of her promotion with Matt and even picked up the phone several times to call him, but her fingers refused to dial the numbers. At one time, she’d shared her dreams with him. All her hopes and fears. Now she didn’t want him to know she’d met her career goal. It seemed too personal. Too intimate.

      She stood and walked past her desk covered with tidy piles of grazing reports and watershed studies. Pausing beside the bookcase, she inhaled deeply, trying to settle her nerves.

      Finally. Matt was here.

      Now she could tell him what she really thought of him. Her excitement to see him again warred with absolute, utter terror.

      And contempt.

      He hadn’t returned for her. He’d simply taken a new job to build his own career—a job in her hometown. But his return had just hiked her life into a hyper level of complication.

      A five-year-old complication named Davie.

      A knock sounded on the door. Just before it opened, Andie sat on one corner of her desk, her right leg dangling over the side. She tried to look cool, professional and collected. Tried to appear unaffected by the return of her absentee husband.

      Her heart pounded like a jackhammer. She didn’t know what to say to Matt. Didn’t know how to act. She only knew how she felt inside. Like her heart was being ripped apart again and again.

      Clarice, her receptionist, opened the door. Her carefully