Out-Foxxed. Debra Webb. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Debra Webb
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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the king-size bed and the wall of windows. As in the parlor, the curtains were drawn for privacy, blocking out the magnificent view of the city she loved.

      Goon Number Two opened one side of the French door and said something to his cohorts in what sounded like butchered Arabic. Since Sabrina was not that familiar with the language, she could only guess at some of the phrases. Hugh would keep her informed. She seized the opportunity and whispered to the woman, “I’m here to help you.”

      The woman’s breath caught and her watery gaze locked with Sabrina’s. Her lips parted as if she might say something but, thankfully, she held back whatever had been on the tip of her tongue. Relief rushed into her wide dark eyes.

      Sabrina’s options were pretty much limited at the moment. If she gave the word for the tear gas to be released, Stavi would likely end up dead. Maybe even the woman and children. And, of course, her.

      Best thing to do was ride it out a few minutes more.

      The exchange continued in the language she didn’t understand. The fact that they had stopped speaking in English was a bad sign.

      “Fox, can you get a little closer to the man speaking? There appears to be a malfunction in the listening device we planted on the cart,” Big Hugh said in her ear piece.

      She coughed, which meant not likely.

      Goon Number Two glanced at her.

      “The man nearest you has asked how the hell they plan to get out of there and why it’s taking so long. He’s nervous, it seems.”

      Nervous was definitely a good assessment. Goon Number Two was antsy as hell, partially motivated by his feelings of being left out.

      “We’re going to send Angie to the door with towels in an effort to get you back into the parlor.”

      Sabrina cleared her throat, giving the “affirmative” signal.

      Since Goon Number Two was still chatting with his friends, Sabrina decided to make some preparations for the children. She eased closer to the woman, keeping an eye on their guard while she whispered as softly as she could and still be heard, “Have the children sit down on the floor close to the bed. Tell them to crawl under the bed if anything happens.”

      The woman nodded. She murmured in her daughter’s ear, since she still held the child in her arms. The mother settled the girl onto her feet and she immediately did as Sabrina had suggested. The little girl tugged her brother down to the floor next to the bed alongside her. Obviously knowing her children would not stay in that position unless she was as close as possible, the mother scooted in as near as she could.

      The discussion between the four men appeared to be turning less and less friendly. Though Sabrina didn’t understand the words, she couldn’t have missed the tension in the exchange.

      “Looks like we have a whole new ballgame here, Fox.”

      Sabrina focused on Big Hugh’s voice while maintaining a visual on Goon Number Two.

      “Our man Stavi apparently has some information these guys want. The man in the room with you mentioned that if he didn’t talk soon, they would have to move without the information or risk being captured.” That meant that the stakes had just been upped. If Stavi had intelligence these men needed, then allowing any one of them to leave this hotel room would be a mistake with ramifications more far-reaching than they’d first thought.

      “Marx wants one alive if possible.”

      Great. How the hell was she supposed to keep one goon alive?

      She cleared her throat just loudly enough for Big Hugh to hear. She had her orders, no point arguing. All she could do was her best. Protecting the lives of the hostages was priority one as far as she was concerned.

      The knock on the door to the room silenced the men.


      The boss, looking annoyed and harried, appeared at the French doors and pointed at Sabrina. “You! Come!” he demanded harshly, his voice kept low to ensure that whoever was at the door didn’t hear him.

      Sabrina, maintaining her scared-to-death demeanor, hurried over to the doors. “That’s my coworker with the extra towels I ordered for this room.” She moistened her shaking lips and drew in a ragged breath. “If I don’t go to the door, she’ll just assume I’m finished and come on in anyway.”

      Fury streaked across the man’s face. “Get rid of her or she dies.” Sabrina nodded frantically.

      The boss ushered her to the door. He stepped back so that the opening door would block him from view. He indicated the gun in his hand just in case Sabrina had forgotten.

      She reached for the lever, took a moment to visually brace herself for her attentive audience’s benefit, then pulled the door open.

      “Oh! Mary, you’re still in here.” Angie stood in the doorway, her short, stocky frame filling out a maid’s uniform, her arms loaded down with fluffy white towels.

      “Yeah,” Sabrina said, “the bathroom’s a mess. Those kids wrecked the place. It’s taking longer than I expected.”

      “I’ve got your towels.”

      When she took a step, Sabrina moved to meet her, from all appearances blocking her path. “That’s okay, I’ll take them.”

      Angie passed her the towels. “Well, if you’ve got it under control, I’ll move on. Natalie’s got problems in ten and fourteen, as well.”

      “Thanks, Ang.”

      When she walked away Sabrina closed the door. So, the control team was in position in the rooms on either side of them. Angie purposely didn’t specify the floor to throw off the men listening.

      The control team would prepare to launch devices into the room for auditory as well as visual monitoring. If they made a single wrong move or sound, the guys in here could go ballistic. But it was a necessary step at this point. Attempting to position any sort of device before an agent was in place would have risked the hostages’ lives. With Sabrina inside to do what she could to protect the hostages, the next step had to be taken.

      The tall guy grabbed the towels and shuffled through the stack. Sabrina used the opportunity to check on Stavi’s condition. He looked a little the worse for wear while Goon Number Three, the man who’d been beating him, looked revved for the next round. At this rate Stavi would be dead very soon.

      “Please,” Sabrina said to the boss. “I don’t have anything to do with this. Just let me go. I’ll leave. I won’t say a word to anyone.”

      The boss nodded toward the master suite and the tall guy hustled her off in that direction. The thuds and groans of new torture resumed behind her.

      The woman, looking wide-eyed and wringing her hands, stood exactly where Sabrina had left her.

      The tall guy shoved her toward the bed and then made some remark to Goon Number Two about her having a great ass. This he did in English, so she understood he wanted her to know he’d made the statement.

      As soon as Sabrina was next to the woman, she whispered, “My husband?” Her face reflected her anxiety about his fate.

      Sabrina arranged her expression into a mask of optimism. “He’s okay so far.”

      The intense discussion between the men recommenced. Sabrina was pretty sure this swiftly deteriorating situation wouldn’t last much longer. Stavi would be dead and then they would all die.

      “Oh, hell.”

      Sabrina stiffened. Whatever had just gone down had Big Hugh worried.

      “Fox, they’ve just asked your guard to bring in one of the children. We’re standing by for your instruction.”

      A new kind of tension roiled through Sabrina.

      “We’ll be okay,” she said to the woman, but