Heaven's Kiss. Lois Richer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lois Richer
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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Blessing and Dani’s own big mouth, Dani had been elected as director.

      She took a deep breath and walked down the aisle.

      “Okay, folks. If we can all be seated up here, I’d like to get started.” She smiled as Miss Blessing hushed the two most vocal of her helpers. The staple of Blessing Township, Miss Winifred was a godsend Dani was continually thankful for. If anyone could help her get through this, Miss Winifred could.

      “First off, I’d like to know if there is anyone who would like the director’s job. Anyone at all?” Dead silence filled the auditorium. “I was afraid of that,” Dani muttered.

      “Come on, Dani. You can do it.” Encouraging voices cheered their support.

      There was no way out. Did she really want one? Wasn’t this the opportunity she’d prayed for—a chance to stage one of her own plays? Dani remembered advice she’d once been given in Miss Winifred’s Sunday school class. Be careful what you pray for. You might get it.

      “All right, people, you asked for it. But everybody’s going to have to pitch in.” They nodded their agreement. “Great. Tonight I’d like us to strike the committees and get some solid work done.”

      “About time we got going.” Murmurs of agreement echoed around the room.

      “This is the list I’ve been given. To begin with— Emmy, we need to get some sketches under way for the publicity fliers and handouts. Pastor Bob said you’d offered?”

      From the corner of her eye, Dani saw the new doctor move forward, seating himself at the back of the group. He didn’t speak to anyone, merely nodded at a few people who smiled at him.

      Emmy described her ideas.

      “Excellent. I knew that marketing degree of yours was going to come in handy,” Dani teased. “If you can get some advertising ideas worked up in the next couple of days, I’d love to see them. Now, we need hosts and hostesses for the actual evening. Volunteers?” As soon as one vacancy was filled, Dani moved on to the next. There was so much to do.

      “Big Ed, I’m counting on you for the backdrops. Nobody can build like you.” The tall man blushed his pleasure. Dani smiled at him. “I mean it. If ever there was a gift given for building stuff, you’ve got it. We all know that if you put it together, it’s going to stand. No doubts there. How soon can you get the sets organized? Don’t forget Anita has to paint them.”

      “I was kinda counting on—” He stumbled to a halt, his face red.

      Dani rushed to help him out. “A drawing. Right. I forgot. Sorry.” The details just kept coming. Dani glanced out over the audience. “Will someone volunteer to sketch the backdrops so Big Ed will know what we need? I can give you the information, what there is of it, but when it comes to artwork I’m a washout.” She saw a thin white arm move just the slightest, and grinned at her next-door neighbor. “Aha! Marissa McGonigle, don’t you dare pull your hand back down. You can whip up those sketches without too much fuss, can’t you?”

      Marissa glanced at her husband, Gray, noted his shrug, and nodded. Her eyes flashed with excitement. “I’ll do it, Dani. I’d love to have a part of this.”

      “Bless you. You see, folks, I knew she’d volunteer if I helped her.”

      Everyone chuckled. They were probably glad someone would be taking responsibility, Dani decided. As if she needed more responsibility. She pushed aside the doubts and concentrated on the next job the pastor had assigned.

      “‘Table setting and decorations,”’ she read off the neatly typed list, aware that the new doctor was now beginning to fidget. Please don’t let him leave yet.

      “The wife and I’ve got that one under control, Danielle. Sure could use some helpers, though.” Barry Quiggle’s voice carried clearly.

      “You’ll get them.” Would the new doctor back out? Her nerves stretched taut. So many people were depending on her. She couldn’t let them down. She wouldn’t. “Okay, we’re making good progress. We’ll get down to actually practicing in a second, just bear with me. Next on the list is the meal. As you all know, Maddie took off on us to get married. Hardly a good excuse!”

      Muted laughter.

      “Any volunteers?” Dani looked around hopefully. But knowing the amount of work involved in feeding a crowd of two hundred, she didn’t have the faintest hope that anyone would volunteer to coordinate this aspect. “Come on, you guys. If it’s a dinner theater, we have to have dinner. Let’s consider this together. We can’t give up now.”

      After a long and painful silence, Dani was startled to see the doctor shuffle to his feet.

      “I’m new here and I suspect you’ll tell me to mind my own business.” He stopped, pretended to ignore the few teasing catcalls, a forced smile on his lips. His long fingers gripped the pew in front so tight, his muscles bunched.

      Why was he so nervous?

      “Everybody gets a chance to make suggestions on this project.” Dani held up her hand to quiet the whispering between two of the town’s worst gossips. “Let’s hear what he has to say. Go ahead, Dr. Luc. What are you thinking?”

      “It’s just that, um, I heard that Miss Winifred Blessing leads the women’s auxiliary at the church. Well, you know—I presume they’ve fed a lot of people over the years, and no one’s gone hungry.” Nods of agreement seemed to embolden him. “I was wondering if she might give us some idea of what will be involved in a dinner of this magnitude.”

      All eyes turned on the town’s gray-haired baker, who stood to her white-sneakered feet, a rose blush tinting her parchment cheeks.

      “Luc, that’s very dear of you to say.” She smiled at the doctor. “I suppose I have had experience. As a matter of fact, I have made some notes. Just a few squiggles about quantities and such.” She smiled at everyone. “When you get to be my age, you make lists on everything, you know. Before you forget.”

      Appreciative laughter.

      “So if recruits were found to handle the various tasks in the kitchen, would you be willing to head up the dinner committee, Miss Blessing?” Luc asked.

      Dani stared at the doctor, amazed by his temerity. She wouldn’t have dared ask such a thing, but it was as if Luc knew something the rest of them didn’t. How could that be? He was the newcomer in town!

      “If no one minds a bossy old woman fussing at them, I’d be delighted to lend my assistance to this worthy cause.” Miss Blessing smiled happily, apple cheeks glowing. “Working together, I think we can manage quite well. Besides, Dani’s agreed to handle so much, I think this is one area she should be free of.”

      “You wouldn’t be volunteering because you’ve tasted Dani’s cooking, would you, Miss Blessing?”

      The room erupted in laughter at Big Ed’s knowing wink. Dani grinned, not embarrassed in the least.

      “Come on, Big Ed. I burned those cookies years ago. I’ve been to college since then, you know.”

      “Yeah, I heard.” He nodded, his Stetson tilted back on his head. “Didn’t think you were studying cooking, though. Dermot said it was some highfalutin stuff you read in books. And I don’t mean recipe books.”

      The mention of her father’s name sent a ping straight to her heart, but Dani refused to allow her smile to slip. It had been over three months since his death. When would the pain ease?

      She’d learned a lot of things from her father, but one thing she’d never forget. “Personal problems are just that—personal. We don’t spill our guts to the neighbors, Dani.”

      “Aw, give Dani a break,” someone called. “Doesn’t matter if she can’t cook, as long as she can get this play going. We’ve got our caterer, and nobody could do it better than Miss Winifred.”

      “Well, if you’re