Burning With Passion. Emma Darcy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Emma Darcy
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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get to the office at nine, Caitlin. I wouldn’t like to think you were taking advantage of your situation.’

      It was a warning. Softly spoken, perfectly controlled, no direct threat involved, yet Caitlin’s spine crawled with the sense of having stretched beyond what was acceptable to him. The protective urge to quickly backtrack was shrivelled by a flare of burning resentment.

      Did she have no importance in his life apart from being an efficient secretary and a ready source of sexual satisfaction? It was the final insult. She had worked herself to boneless exhaustion for David Hartley.

      ‘You have the sensitivity of a rhinoceros,’ she muttered darkly, more to herself than to him.

      ‘I’ll let that remark pass and pretend you never said it,’ he said testily.

      ‘Big of you,’ she complimented him.

      The need to find out what she really meant to him surged through her with passionate intensity. Even if his heart was cold to her, his body wasn’t. She must mean something more than just being a body.

      She swung her legs off the bed with a lithe, feline grace that captured his attention. She lifted her arms and flicked back her hair as she stood up and turned to face him, knowing the action tilted the firm fullness of her breasts into greater prominence. Her nipples hardened as the desire to seduce raged with white-hot heat. She rolled her hips, sliding her thighs against each other as she walked towards him, a sensual smile curving her generous mouth.

      He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.

      His chest expanded. His shoulders squared with tension. His hands clenched. He was definitely unhappy. He was tempted. His mind warred against the stirring of his desire. He had a schedule to keep. He didn’t allow anything to interfere with that. His face set with resolution but the glitter in his eyes had more to do with lust than determination. His feet stayed rooted to the floor. He didn’t move forward.

      ‘Is this the last time you want to see me like this?’ Caitlin taunted.

      ‘No,’ he cried hoarsely.

      ‘Stay with me. Hold me and cuddle me.’

      ‘I’ll be damned if I will.’

      ‘You’ll be damned if you don’t.’

      ‘I have the overseas delegation today.’

      Caitlin knew she was being unreasonable but her need was great. ‘Defer it until tomorrow.’

      His mouth thinned in frustration.

      Caitlin moved in on him, playing the age-old role of seductive temptress. She had never done anything like this before, had never felt the need to, but the stakes were high.

      All was fair in love and war.

      Until now, David had always been one step ahead of her, taking the initiative with a boldness that could still leave her breathless. He had the primitive streak of a hunter who didn’t accept being thwarted. If one approach didn’t work, he used another, and another, until he had what he wanted.

      Why shouldn’t she be the same? If this was the game he played, she would play it, too.

      She slid her fingers out of her hair and dropped her hands on to his shoulders, kneading the tight muscles with varying pressures. ‘You need to relax, David,’ she said in a low throaty purr.

      ‘I need to go,’ he bit out.

      She moved her hands to the back of his neck, caressing the sensitive nape as she lifted simmering green eyes to his. ‘Not before you kiss me.’ She moved up on tiptoe, brushing her breasts against the fine fabric of his shirt.

      ‘What are you trying to do to me?’

      ‘Find reassurance.’

      His chin unbent enough for her mouth to reach his. She ran the tip of her tongue lightly between his lips as she pressed closer, arching her back, pushing her stomach into provocative union with his.

      She heard his sharp intake of breath, felt the tingling touch of his tongue as it moved in response to hers. His hands closed possessively over the soft mounds of her buttocks, lifting her higher to meet the burgeoning thrust of desire she had stirred.

      She invaded his mouth, sweeping his palate with the feverish purpose of increasing his arousal. She rubbed her stomach and thighs against his in wanton incitement, determined on making him burn for her. There was a fire in her belly that demanded total commitment.

      An animal growl came from his throat. One hand splayed across her lower back, crushing her softness around the rigid bulge in his trousers. His other hand thrust through her hair, gripped the back of her head, holding it still as he forcefully invaded her mouth, plundering its sweetness with a passion as feverish as her own.

      A feeling of triumph tingled through Caitlin’s veins. At long last he had forgotten his schedule. ‘Take me,’ she whispered huskily as his chest heaved for breath. ‘Take me, David.’

      She dropped a hand to his shirt, her fingers tearing at the buttons. His stomach contracted as he muttered some fierce imprecation. Then suddenly, brutally, his hands were encircling her upper arms, pushing her away from him. It startled her into a cry of protest. Her gaze flew up, wild and accusing and mournful, meeting a blaze of furious blue.

      ‘You take away a man’s brain and leave him witless.’

      ‘You want me,’ she cried. As she wanted him.

      ‘You tempt me beyond endurance.’

      ‘Isn’t that what men want from the women they never marry!’ she flung back at him.

      ‘I’ve never referred to or alluded to you in any way to imply that you were my mistress.’

      ‘You just have,’ she said with infinite regret and a deadness of soul.

      ‘You goaded me into this, Caitlin,’ he responded. ‘I don’t know what the hell you think you’re playing at, but this isn’t the time for it.’

      ‘When will there be time for it?’ she fired at him, seething with frustration, crushed by his remorselessness.

      A shutter came down on the blue blaze. ‘Maybe never.’

      ‘That’s what I thought,’ she said heavily. It justified everything she had said and done. Her voice shook with the vehemence of her feeling of rejection. ‘I won’t be here tonight.’

      If he had ever liked her he would have known that already. He would have found out. The truth was that he wasn’t interested in what made her tick, what made her the person she was.

      His eyes narrowed. He plucked his hands away from her. ‘Neither will I,’ he snapped, not understanding what was happening but not bending a millimetre.

      ‘Just as you have a life I don’t share, I have a life you don’t share,’ Caitlin threw at him. Her chin tilted defiantly. ‘You can take me now or leave me now. If you leave, I don’t know when I’ll be free again.’

      His mouth took on a cynical twist. ‘Barter-time, is it?’

      Her eyes flashed contempt. ‘Sorting out priorities.’

      That gave him pause for thought. She could almost see his mind clicking over with calculations. ‘We’ll talk about this later,’ he said, and turned to go.

      ‘Don’t worry about turning on the percolator in the kitchen for me. I’ll do it myself.’

      His eyes turned back to her with a dark, turbulent glare. His trousers still bulged. It had to be causing him some physical distress to leave her like this. His head jerked away.

      Caitlin didn’t follow him out of the bedroom. She stood precisely where she was until she heard the door to her apartment click shut behind him. He still hadn’t asked her what she was doing tonight, why she wouldn’t be free for him. He didn’t care what she did when she wasn’t