Brannigan's Baby. Grace Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Grace Green
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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Mae, Patsy Smith, Chantal McGee...and all the ‘rest of the old gang’...even including Begonia Bright!


      ‘Luke was telling you the truth.’ Charles Maxwell sat back in his swivel chair as he looked across his desk at Whitney. ‘Both his lawyer and his banker have confirmed his story.’

      Whitney felt a dull sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach as she rose unsteadily from her seat.

      ‘So...I have to give Luke a home. And I can’t sell the house, or the vineyards—’

      ‘You could go to court, and contest the codicil.’ Charles’s knees creaked as he got to his feet.

      ‘No. It’s what Cressida wanted. I can never forget that if she hadn’t taken me in after my mother died, I’d have ended up in a foster home. She didn’t want me to turn Luke away if he needed somewhere to stay...and she would never have countenanced turning away a baby.’

      She scooped up her purse from the floor, and swung the strap over her shoulder. ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Maxwell. I appreciate your getting onto this so promptly.’

      ‘Whitney,.’ The elderly man rounded his desk. ‘Before you go...’

      She paused. ‘Mmm?’

      ‘Luke’s lawyer seemed to assume that I knew all about the events leading up to his present situation, and from what she said, I’ve gathered that Luke’s marriage—’

      ‘I don’t want to know anything about that,’ Whitney said in a rush. ‘Bad enough that I’ve had to ask you to check out the truth of his story, without... delving further into his private life.’

      ‘But it might help you understand Luke—’

      ‘It’s not necessary for me to understand him.’ She touched the lawyer’s arm, feeling the need to reassure him that if she was upset, he wasn’t responsible. ‘Now, you’ll fill your brother in on what’s been happening?’

      ‘Of course. And if you’ve any more questions you need answering in the meantime, don’t hesitate to call.’

      As she walked out to the street, Whitney’s mouth twisted in a wry smile. She wouldn’t have been human if she didn’t have questions. Of course she’d wanted to ask about Luke’s marriage. She wanted to find out about his wife, wanted to know why she wasn’t here with him...wanted to know why she wasn’t caring for their baby. But she’d done the right thing, in cutting the lawyer off. She had to be able to face herself in the mirror each morning, and she couldn’t have done that, not really, if she’d given in to the keen curiosity Charles Maxwell’s words had ignited inside her.

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