Angel In Disguise. Patt Marr. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Patt Marr
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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supposed to make an elegant June wedding.

      Bruce, with his dark hair and eyes, would look fantastic in white. He had such presence, such charisma. All eyes would be on him, and that was fine with her. Handsome, well educated, successful, Bruce was perfect. Even her parents thought so. Finally she’d done something right. That this wonderful man loved her as much as she loved him seemed almost a miracle. But he loved her. There was no doubt about it.

      So why was she standing here with lead in her stomach and a sinking heart? She might as well admit it, she’d give anything if she could run.

      Lord, if this is just prewedding jitters, please ease my spirit. Give me the joy of a bride on her wedding day. If this is anything else, then I ask that You give me a sign, an unmistakable sign. As much as I love Bruce, as much as my parents would be upset, I would walk away from all this if it’s not what You want. I can’t imagine You letting me get this far without it being Your will, but I should know better than question. In all things, I trust You.

      Sunny took a deep breath and realized she felt better. Prayer always helped. She’d been silly, imagining some dark foreboding, wasting time when she should find the changing room and let the bridal staff go to work, transforming her into a beautiful bride. Her mother swore they could do wonders.

      At both ends of the foyer, stairs led to a lower level where the changing rooms were. The women’s area was supposed to be at one end, off a courtyard centered with an angel fountain, and the men were on the opposite side. Exactly where she wasn’t sure because she hadn’t been paying attention during the wedding coordinator’s instructions. She couldn’t, not with Bruce kissing her neck, whispering “babe” in her ear. He knew how she loved that.

      Uncertain which end of the foyer to choose, she tried the left stairs, and was relieved when she spotted a bubbling fountain centered with angels—well, to be precise, cherubs, but people often said one when they meant the other. She was probably in the right place, and it would only take a minute to check.

      If she was wrong, the worst that could happen was Bruce teasing her about her sense of direction. Knowing him, he’d steal a kiss and walk her back. How bad could that be?

      The rooms around the courtyard were laid out in a circular design, and the first one, a small reception area, had obviously been claimed by the florist. The second was a bookstore, dark and closed at this hour. The third opened into a small library, also dark, but voices came from inside. She walked into the carpeted room and discovered an alcove tucked under the stairs with two chairs and a large sofa, its back toward her.

      Two people lay on the sofa. She smiled to herself. They were so wrapped up in each other, they didn’t even know she was here. If she retreated, quiet as a mouse, she’d be gone before they realized their privacy had been invaded. Why they’d chosen this place and this time for a tryst, she couldn’t imagine, but it was none of her business. Today she wished all lovers well.

      She had almost returned to the checkout desk when she heard the woman moan a name. Every muscle in her body tightened. Her heart nearly stopped.

      “Bruce,” the woman moaned again. “This is crazy.”

      Slowly Sunny turned, her eyes focused on that sofa, her hearing on the couple’s passionate breathing, their murmured words. It sounded like Bruce and the bridesmaid she barely knew, a distant cousin of his whom he’d wanted as a member of their wedding party.

      Inch by inch, she retraced her steps, drawn by a desperate need to prove she was wrong, until she stood so near they should have sensed her presence. They would have if they hadn’t been oblivious to everything but each other. Watching them, disillusionment clawed at her soul.

      “We shouldn’t be doing this, Bruce, especially not here, not now,” the woman murmured.

      “You worry too much. It’s okay, babe.”

      Babe? That’s what Bruce always called her.

      “But what if someone walks in on us?” the woman argued.

      “That’s half the fun, knowing there’s the off chance it could happen. But the guys aren’t due for another hour, and the women are on the other side of the church.”

      “Where I’m supposed to be,” the woman said with a giggle.

      “But not yet. There’s plenty of time before we have to be dressed for the pictures.” He kissed the woman’s neck, and she giggled again.

      Horrified, Sunny stared, not believing something this awful could happen. Nausea curled in waves of revulsion. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.

      “Wait until you see me in my bridesmaid dress.”

      “I’d rather see you out of it.”

      She’d never heard Bruce talk that way. A sleazy lounge lizard had more finesse.

      The woman giggled again. “Bruce! You are so naughty!”

      “But you like it,” he teased, kissing the hollow spot at the base of her neck until her laughter turned into a moan.

      “Oh, babe,” he murmured, “I don’t think I could get through this fiasco with Li’l Sunshine if it weren’t for you.”

      This had to be a terrible, hideous dream. Please, God, let her wake and escape it.

      “I love it when you do that,” the woman said with a sigh.

      “If you liked that, how about this?”

      Tears burned behind Sunny’s eyes. She’d never had Bruce’s love. Not if he could do this. It had all been a sham. How humiliating to know he’d made such a fool of her.

      Then again, humiliation was a choice. It didn’t have to be hers. Not today. Not ever. He didn’t have to know how devastated she felt, how belittled.

      Her heart pounding, she shook his shoulder roughly. “Bruce,” she said, getting his attention.

      He looked up, and the shock on his face should have been satisfying, but she was too shattered to care.

      “Sunny!” He pushed away from the woman. “This is not what it seems.” Caught red-handed, he lied as he buttoned his shirt.

      “I think it’s exactly what it seems.” Betrayal like this was hard to disguise.

      He raked his hand though his hair. “I can explain.”

      How stupid did he think she was? She met his eyes boldly, contempt coursing through her body. “Just pretend I was never here. I’ll lock the door on my way out so no one else will disturb you. Take your time. There’s no rush, not anymore, for the wedding is off.”

      “No!” He reached toward her, his eyes wide with alarm.

      It was a first, seeing fear on his face.

      “You know I love you, Sunny!”

      Oh, she could see that.

      “C’mon, Sunny, don’t be this way.” Tucking in his shirt, he rose from the sofa and came toward her.

      She stopped him with a open palm. “Forget it!”

      “But you’ve got to at least give me a chance, babe.”

      “Babe?” Fire-hot fury made her voice shrill. “Oh, no! I’m ‘Li’l Sunshine.’ Wasn’t that it? Really, Bruce, you’ve got to do a better job of keeping your women straight. Here, let me help you.”

      She twisted the diamond from her finger and threw it at him, taking grim pleasure when it landed hard on his chin. “Now you have one less to worry about.”

      “Sunny! This isn’t like you!”

      It wasn’t? Had she been a gullible fool all along?

      “Sunny, darling, please…” His dark eyes were as beguiling as a puppy dog’s, pleading for a better home than the pound. “Let’s talk about this.”
