My Guilty Pleasure. Jamie Denton. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jamie Denton
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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bent and lifted her foot, resting it on his thigh. “Let me.”

      Gently, he tugged the boot from one foot, then the other. The leather was supple and expensive, as he’d suspected earlier. His curiosity about her climbed another notch. She hustled pool, yet drove a BMW he doubted was more than a year old, yet she was only a junior associate. He’d lived the pay scale, and while he’d had no trouble making ends meet, no way could he have afforded anything as slick as Joey’s Beemer. His ten-year-old Honda Civic had been on its last leg when he’d bought the Jeep Commander, and he’d only been able to afford that with the bonus the partners had paid him after he’d won a multimillion-dollar products liability case.

      Joey was full of secrets. Too bad he didn’t have time to unravel more of her mysteries.

      Before she could object or slip away, he took advantage of her position on the bed and leaned in, urging her back on the mattress. He slid his hands to her waist and hooked his fingers into the waistband. She lifted her hips and he slowly eased her jeans down her legs, and smiled. “Boy shorts.”

      “I’ve shown you mine,” she said with a teasing smile on her lips. “Now show me yours.”

      He yanked off his shirt and tossed it aside. “I suppose it’s only fair.” He moved to join her on the bed.

      She held up her hand to stop him. “Uh-uh, counselor. Not so fast.” She reached for the waistband of his jeans and easily popped the button. “Full disclosure.”

      He toed off his shoes and kicked them aside, then shrugged out of his jeans. His boxer briefs were next.

      Acute awareness powered Joey’s senses as she looked her fill of Sebastian’s powerful, athletic body. The man was nothing short of a work of art.

      The dullness of winter faded and the dark colors seemingly turned brighter, as if springtime had entered the sparse bedroom with them. She was assaulted with a delicious vibrancy to her senses. The warmth of Sebastian’s skin as he joined her on the bed. The tickle of soft chest hair against her breasts as he leaned over her. The heat of his body as he kissed her deeply, thoroughly.

      She felt as if she’d been struck by a bolt of lightning. A rushing surge of intensity increased the sexual energy that had been haunting them since he’d approached her at the jukebox.

      His lips and tongue tasted sweet, like the wine they’d shared from a single paper cup upon arriving at his apartment, until his mouth became hotter and more demanding as his tongue mated with hers. The gentle glide of his hands as he swept them over her breasts turned into an insistent quest to bring them both pleasure.

      The need to touch him, to fully explore the tempting landscape, drove her. She smoothed her palm over his belly, loving the way the taut muscle danced in response to her touch. His low moan of pleasure encouraged her to continue her exploration. She slid her hand lower and sifted her way through the rough furring of curls to slide her fingers over his long, hard length.

      Her blood fired and a hushed gasp of delight escaped her at the feel of him hot and heavy and pulsing in her hand. Oh how she wanted him inside her, but it was too soon. She summoned her patience because she knew without a doubt, she’d be rewarded.

      Breaking the kiss, he reached for her hand and held it above her head on the bed. She murmured a protest, but he merely chuckled, then nipped and soothed, tasted and laved a fiery path to her breasts. His mouth settled over her nipple through the lace of her bra, sending a spiral of heat shooting through her veins like wildfire.

      He released her hand and with a move she hadn’t even seen coming, freed her breasts from her bra. Her breath quickened when he took her nipple fully into the heat of his mouth and sucked.

      Sparks of pleasure assailed her and she let out a low purr of encouragement as he wound a path with his tongue down her torso. She felt the press of his fingers in the waistband of her panties, his fingertips teasing her by dipping beneath the lacy edge.

      “I want to taste you.”

      His hot breath against her tummy drove her crazy. The tips of his fingers teased her moist curls, drawing closer to where she wanted him to touch her the most, making her nuts. She rolled her hips in response, because if he didn’t fulfill his promise, if she didn’t feel the heat of his mouth against her sex soon, she’d surely go certifiably insane.

      He rolled her panties past her hips and down her legs.

      “Open for me, Joey,” he whispered, then placed a kiss just below her belly button.

      An elusive sensation she couldn’t name curled inside her. She didn’t think, doubted she could muster more than a fleeting thought, as the anticipation heightened. She merely obeyed and opened her legs for him.

      He settled to his knees on the floor and carefully scooted her to the edge of the bed. He pressed her thighs even wider, opening her to him completely.

      He lightly brushed his knuckles over her folds. “Hmmm,” he murmured softly. He circled her opening with the tip of his finger. “So wet.”

      Her breath momentarily stilled at the awe in his voice. Desire burned volcanic hot, making her a willing casualty to his demand for control.

      She wasn’t accustomed to being so exposed, regardless of the situation. In her world, she was the one in control. Always. Sebastian obviously had other plans.

      She felt that mysterious sensation curling inside her again, but before she could name it, she felt the first feathery brush of his tongue against her sex. Her heart nearly stopped beating. When he gently suckled her clit, and his fingers dipped inside her, gently thrusting and withdrawing, she knew she’d just died and landed right into heaven.

      The intensity of the pressure building inside her was nothing short of exquisite torture. Little else mattered except the moist warmth of his mouth and fingers making love to her, pushing her that much closer to what promised to be a mind-blowing orgasm.

      He grazed her clit with his teeth and her body tensed from the intensity of sensations. She closed her eyes and the world exploded. Blood pounded in her ears and rushed through her veins. Nothing mattered except the primal need for satisfaction.

      Sebastian struggled to rein in the need clawing at his belly with knife-like sharpness at the sexy sound of Joey’s cries of pleasure. He wanted to be inside her, to feel her body tense and clench when she came.

      Without giving her a chance to cool, he reached for the bedside table and snagged a condom from the drawer. He quickly sheathed himself, then moved them to the center of the bed.

      She welcomed him inside her, lifting her hips to meet his initial thrust. Coherent thought escaped him. His concentration centered on the ebb and flow of their bodies coming together in an explosion of heat and fulfillment.

      There was nothing gentle or slow about the way they made love. She met him, thrust for thrust. Her breath came in short, hard pants. He struggled for his own breath when her body tightened around his thick shaft as another orgasm rocked her body.

      He felt wild and primal as he stroked her body with his. He drove into her again and again. Deeper. Harder. Tension climbed. His body burned from the strain of muscle as he lost himself in the power of his own release.

      Eventually his senses began a slow return. The first thing he became aware of was the leisurely sensation of her fingertips gliding lightly over his back. He moved off her, but pulled her close and dragged the bedclothes over their cooling bodies.

      She snuggled closer and he draped his leg over her hers. With her head nestled in the crook of his arm, he closed his eyes and breathed in the sweet, musky scent of their lovemaking.


      “Hmm?” she murmured drowsily. She wiggled closer, her backside rubbing enticingly against his groin.

      “I think it’s safe to say we just trashed our professional relationship.”

