Married for the Prince's Convenience. Maya Blake. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Maya Blake
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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      JASMINE SWALLOWED, TREPIDATION jangling her nerves. ‘I am interested, yes. But no, it’s not why I’m here.’ She spoke through the shame-coated lie.

      His gaze dropped to her mouth. Heat rose in her belly, slowly engulfing her chest, her throat.

      She fought to breathe as the feral, dangerously hungry look once more stole over his face, permeating the air with thick, saturated lust.

      He reached out a hand, caught a lock of hair in his fingers and slowly caressed it. ‘Why exactly are you here, Jasmine Nichols? Why did you not demand to be returned to your hotel?’

      ‘I meant what I said. I’m intrigued by the treaty.’ That much was true. ‘From what I’ve been able to learn about it—’

      He frowned. ‘What you’ve been able to learn? Are you a spy?’

      ‘No!’ she replied hurriedly. Hoping she wasn’t digging herself into an even deeper hole, she continued. ‘The firm I work for brokers deals like these all the time, on a much smaller scale...and I was just wondering if what I’d heard was right.’

      ‘What did you hear?’

      ‘That the treaty heavily favours Valderra...’ Her voice drifted away as a dark look blanketed his face.

       God, what was she doing?

      She wouldn’t be surprised if he threw her off the boat for prying.

      ‘Concessions were made prior to my handling of the negotiations that I have no choice but to honour.’ He didn’t sound happy about it. Just resigned.

      She nodded. His fingers grazed her cheek. She only had to turn her head a fraction and she’d feel more of his touch. Her every sense craved that touch.

      He drew closer, slowly, his fingers winding around a lock of her hair; his eyes not leaving hers. ‘Why do I get the feeling that you’re holding something back from me, Jasmine?’ he asked again, softly this time, his breath fanning over her lips. ‘Tell me why I’m fighting my instincts when I should be heeding them?’

      Her insides quaked with fear...and anticipation. ‘I guess I could tell you that you’re not the only one feeling that way. There’s something about you. Something overpowering, that makes me...’

      ‘Makes you what?’

      Shaking her head, she surged to her feet and stumbled to the railing. Frustrated tears stung her eyes as she stared into the dark waters.

       She couldn’t do this.

      She’d come too far, clawed herself back from a destructive, chaotic past. Going through with Joaquin’s plan, giving in to the thug’s demands would mean stepping back into that dark tunnel.

       But walking away meant Stephen’s destruction. A broken mother.

      She gulped down the sob that threatened.

      And jumped when his lips touched the back of her neck. A mere graze. But it pushed back her dark despair, lit her up like a bonfire on a sultry summer’s night. As if galvanised by that simple touch, she came alive.

      He grabbed her to him, one hand sliding around her shoulder while the other gripped her waist. He kissed the delicate skin below her ear, imprinting himself on her so vividly, every atom in her body screeched in delight.

      He spun her in his arms and kissed her.

      Jasmine had been kissed before. But not like this. Never like this. The fiery tingle started from her toes, spread through her body like wildfire, stinging her nerve endings. He tasted of wine, of dark, strong coffee, of heady pleasure that made her heart hammer as he drew her even closer.

      Her breasts crushed into his chest. The imprint of his muscled torso against hers caused her fingers to tighten on his nape. He growled something under his breath, but the words were crushed between their lips as they both moved to deepen the kiss.

      Somewhere deep within, a voice cautioned her against what she was doing. She tried to heed it, tried to pull back. Vaguely she sensed him move towards a doorway in the saloon.

      Her good sense kicked in. ‘Wait...’

      He carried on walking, his lips now straying to the astonishingly sensitive skin just below her ear. She shuddered, a melting deep inside that threatened to drown her.

      ‘Umm...’ She paused as she realised she didn’t know what to call him. What was the etiquette when you were snogging the face off a South American Crown Prince? ‘Your Highness...wait...’

      His deep laugh made her blush. ‘When we are alone, you may call me Reyes. After all, you can hardly call me Your Highness when I’m deep inside you,’ he murmured into her ear. ‘Although that does present interesting possibilities...’

      Her shocked gasp brought another laugh and Jasmine had to scramble to hang on to her sanity. ‘Please...Reyes, put me down,’ she pleaded.

      Sensing her agitation, he slowly lowered her down before capturing her hands in his. ‘What is it, Jasmine?’

      For one absurd moment, she wanted to blurt out her guilt, but bit her tongue at the last minute. ‘I haven’t...I mean, this isn’t something I normally do,’ she babbled instead.

      Raising both her hands, he pressed kisses onto her knuckles, his stunning eyes cooling. ‘I understand. This is where you establish ground rules? Where I let you name your price because I’m too lust-hazed to see straight?’ he asked cynically.

      The ground rocked beneath her. Somewhere along the line, life had dealt this man serious blows. The depths of his sadness, suspicion and cynicism weren’t traits he’d picked up by chance. And she should know. Life could be cruel beyond measure. Especially with men like Joaquin calling the shots.

       But they only win if you let them...

      The rebellious teenager whose antics had landed her in juvenile detention threatened to break through. Reminding herself just what was at stake here, she swallowed. ‘Is it too much to believe that I’m nervous and a little bit overwhelmed?’

      He lowered her hands. His eyes narrowed, probed and assessed. Jasmine understood how it was that Reyes Navarre had negotiated the sometimes almost insurmountable treaty with Valderra.

      ‘So you don’t want anything from me?’ he asked.

      Only the gritty determination that had seen her stand up to dangerous men twice her size kept her gaze from falling. ‘Honestly, I would like to see the treaty. But I won’t be sleeping with you because of that...’ She realised what she was saying and stopped. A scalding blush suffused her face. ‘I mean, nothing happens here that won’t be my choice—’

      He stopped her with a finger to her mouth.

      ‘Understood. But remember this, too. Whatever happens between us will not go beyond tonight. It cannot,’ he stated imperiously. ‘My desire for you is finite.’

      Hearing the words so starkly drew a cold shiver from her in spite of passion’s flames arcing between them. He felt it and immediately captured her shoulders. ‘But make no mistake. This desire burns bright and strong and I promise to make the experience—should you choose to stay for it—pleasurable for you.’

      His accent had thickened, his words burning away the cold as if it had never existed. He lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers.

      Jasmine swallowed as his words echoed in her head. A powerful aphrodisiac intent on eroding rational thought.

       Walk away. Now!

      She groaned and pulled away. ‘I can’t. I know you probably think I’m a tease, but I promise, I’m not. I’m not in the habit of jumping into bed with a man I just met. I hope you understand?’
