The MacKades Collection: The Return of Rafe MacKade / The Pride of Jared MacKade / The Heart of Devin MacKade / The Fall of Shane MacKade. Nora Roberts. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nora Roberts
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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the hall when something crashed, someone cursed. “So, how’s it going?”

      “Steady.” Rafe sighed when Jared took out a slim cigar. “Blow some of that over here, will you? I quit ten really long days ago.”

      “Reforming yourself?” Obligingly, Jared walked over, crouched. He smoked lazily as he and Rafe frowned meaningfully at the stone. “Not too shabby.”

      Rafe knocked a fist against the rose-grained marble. “An Adam, pal.”

      Jared grunted, clamped the cigar between his teeth. “Need a hand around here?”

      Blandly Rafe looked down. “You’re wearing your lawyer shoes.”

      “I meant over the weekend.”

      “I can always use another back.” Pleased with the offer, Rafe picked up the trowel again. “How’s yours?”

      “As good as yours.”

      “Still working out?” He gave Jared’s biceps a testing punch. “I still say gyms are for sissies.”

      Jared blew out a stream of smoke. “Want to go a round, bro?”

      “Sure, when you’re not dressed so pretty.” To torture himself, Rafe sucked in secondhand smoke. “I appreciate you handling the settlement on this place for me.”

      “You haven’t got my bill, yet.” Grinning, Jared straightened. “I thought you were crazy when you called and told me to go after it. Then I did a walk-through.” He turned, still grinning. “And I knew you were crazy. You practically stole the place, but I figure it’s got to cost you two times the purchase price to make it livable.”

      “Three times,” Rafe said mildly, “to make it the way I want it.”

      “How do you want it?”

      “The way it was.” Rafe scraped the edge of his trowel over stone, leveling his mortar.

      “That’s always a tough one,” Jared murmured. “You don’t seem to be having a problem with labor. I wondered if you would, considering the place’s rep.”

      “Money talks. Lost a plumber’s assistant this morning, though.” Wicked amusement sparkled in his eyes. “They were checking pipes in one of the second-floor johns. This guy claims someone clamped a hand on his shoulder. He was still running when he made it to the road. Don’t guess he’ll be back.”

      “Any other problems?”

      “Nothing I need a lawyer for. Did you hear the one about the lawyer and the rattlesnake?”

      “I’ve heard them all,” Jared said dryly. “I keep a file.”

      With a chuckle, Rafe wiped his hands on his jeans. “You did good, Jare. Mom would’ve liked seeing you duded up like that.” For a moment, he said nothing. There was only the scrape of trowel on stone. “It’s weird, staying at the farm. Mostly just me and Shane. Devin spends half his nights on a cot in the sheriff’s office. You’re in that fancy little town house in the city. When I hear Shane get up in the morning, it’s still dark. The idiot’s whistling, like going out to milk in January’s just a boatload of laughs.”

      “He’s always loved it. He’s kept that place alive.”

      “I know.”

      He recognized the tone, shook his head at it. “You did your part, Rafe. The money you sent back made a difference.” Eyes shadowed, Jared stared out the grimy window. “I’m thinking of selling the place in Hagerstown.” When Rafe said nothing, Jared moved his shoulders. “It seemed practical to keep it after the divorce. The market was soft, and we’d only built up a couple years’ equity. Barbara didn’t want it.”

      “Still sore?”

      “No. The divorce is three years past, and God knows it was civilized. We just didn’t like each other anymore.”

      “I never liked her.”

      Jared’s lips quirked. “I know. Anyway, I’m thinking of selling, hanging out at the farm for a while, until I find the right place.”

      “Shane would like that. So would I. I missed you.” Rafe swiped a grimy hand over his grimy chin. “I didn’t realize how much until I got back.” Satisfied with the re-pointing, he scraped his trowel on the edge of the bucket. “So, you want to put in some honest labor on Saturday?”

      “You buy the beer.”

      Rafe nodded, rose. “Let’s see your hands, city boy.”

      Jared’s response was crude, simple, and uttered just as Regan stepped into the room.

      “Nice mouth, Counselor,” Rafe said with an easy smile. “Hello, darling.”

      “I’m interrupting.”

      “No. The guy from the gutter here’s my brother Jared.”

      “I know. He’s my lawyer. Hello, Jared.”

      “Regan.” Jared found an empty can of soda and doused the stub of his cigar. “How’s business?”

      “Picking up, thanks to your little brother. I have some estimates, figures, suggestions, paint and fabric samples,” she said to Rafe. “I thought you’d like to look them over.”

      “You’ve been busy.” He crouched again, flipped over the top of a small cooler. “Want a drink?”

      “No, thanks.”


      “One for the road. I’ve got another appointment.” Jared caught the canned soft drink on the fly, then took his sunglasses out of his pocket. “I’ll let you two get down to business. Nice to see you again, Regan.”

      “Saturday,” Rafe called out as Jared left the room. “Seven-thirty. That’s a.m., pal. And lose the suit.”

      “I didn’t mean to chase him off,” Regan began.

      “You didn’t. Want to sit down?”


      He patted an overturned bucket.

      “That’s very gracious of you, but I can’t stay. I’m on my lunch hour.”

      “The boss isn’t going to dock you.”

      “She certainly will.” Opening her briefcase, Regan took out two thick folders. “Everything’s in here. Once you have a chance to look through it, let me know.” For lack of anywhere better, she set the files across two sawhorses. She looked back over her shoulder, toward the hall. “You’ve certainly jumped right in.”

      “When you know what you want, there’s no point in wasting time. So how about dinner?”

      She looked back, narrowed her eyes. “Dinner?”

      “Tonight. We can go over your files.” He tapped a finger against them, left a smudge of soot. “Save time.”

      “Oh.” Still frowning, she combed her fingers through her hair. “I suppose.”

      “How’s seven? We’ll go to the Lamplighter.”

      “The where?”

      “The Lamplighter. The little place off of Main, at Church Street.”

      She tilted her head as she visualized the town. “There’s a video store at Main and Church.”

      He jammed his hands in his pockets with an oath. “Used to be a restaurant. Your place used to be a hardware store.”

      “I guess even small towns have their changes.”

      “Yeah.” He couldn’t have said why it annoyed him. “Like Italian?”

      “Yes. But the closest Italian place is across the river, into West Virginia. We can just