His Woman in Command & Operations: Forbidden: His Woman in Command / Operation: Forbidden. Lindsay McKenna. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lindsay McKenna
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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his chai, he sighed. “I’ve dreamed about you every night. About our kiss.”

      “That’s your problem.” Nike had to look away, until she realized she was being a coward.

      “I don’t believe you mean that.” Gavin searched her narrowing gaze. “You’re scared, Nike. That doesn’t mean there isn’t something between us. I grant this is a lousy place to become aware of it. I’m interested in you for all the right reasons. And I know why you’re gun-shy. But can’t you give us a chance?”

      His words were spoken so softly that Nike felt her heart bursting with need of him. This was a side to him she’d not been aware of until now. “I’ll bet you are a damned good used-car salesperson, too.”

      Laughing heartily, Gavin finished off his chai, got to his feet and made a second cup for himself. “Thank you for the compliment. Frankly, I’d rather sell you on me.”

      “I got that.” She sipped her chai and wanted to run away. The room became smaller and smaller and Nike felt trapped. Or maybe she was trapping herself.

      “My team is coming back in a week to base camp,” he told her conversationally, sitting down once more. “We get two days off. I’d like to take you to Jalalabad, to a nice little restaurant I know about, and have dinner with you. How about it?”

      “I don’t think so, Gavin.”

      “Are you sure? I see some hesitation in your eyes.”

      Setting the cup down next to her knee, Nike said, “I just can’t.”

      Nodding, Gavin said nothing. His instincts were powerful and he knew she liked him. Just how much, he didn’t know. He’d tried to play fair and that hadn’t worked. Honesty wasn’t necessarily the best policy with Nike, who was jumpy and wary. While he understood her reasons, Gavin wasn’t about to back down. He watched as she drew out her notebook and pen once more.

      “Ready for my village assessment?” he asked her. Instantly, he saw Nike’s face relax. So long as he remained on a professional, hands-off basis with her, she wasn’t distrusting.

      “More than ready.” Nike looked at the watch on her wrist. “I have to lift off in thirty minutes.”

      “No problem.” Gavin launched into the many details, names, events and places that he knew her CO would want. It was still an unadulterated pleasure to be with her. She was a feast for his eyes, balm for his heart and Gavin felt as if her presence pumped him full of life and hope again.

      * * *

      Nike just about ran out the door of the house when they were done. She did not want Gavin to trap and kiss her. If he ever kissed her again, she’d melt away in his arms, completely defenseless against his heated onslaught. Moving out into the late-afternoon sunshine, she saw that the shipment of boxes had been removed from the CH-47. Next, she visited Jameela at her home and gave her the box of dates. The woman nearly cried, threw her arms around Nike and hugged her.

      “You are my sister,” Jameela whispered, wiping her eyes as she held the precious box of dates.

      Feeling the warmth of true friendship, Nike reached out and squeezed her hand. “All women are sisters,” she told her with a grin.

      Jameela nodded and understood exactly what Nike was saying. In this man’s world, ruled by men and where women were considered secondhand in every way, they needed to band together and support one another. “The next time you visit, you must have time to have chai with me,” Jameela said.

      “Ah, I love your chai,” Nike said with a laugh. “And yes, if I get this mission again, I’ll ask my CO for a half hour more and we’ll sit and talk over chai.”

      Bowing her head, Jameela’s eyes burned with warmth. “I would like that, my sister. Allah keep you safe.”

      “Thank you,” Nike murmured, meaning it sincerely. “I can use all prayers.” She left the house and hurried down the muddy street. She wanted to do nothing more than get out of here and away from that man who drove her to distraction.

      Nike ordered Andy into the helo to raise the ramp, and she settled into her right-hand seat. Just the act of putting on her helmet and running through the flight list before takeoff soothed her taut nerves. From time to time, Nike would give a quick glance out the window, looking for Gavin to show up. He had a way of quietly walking up to her so that she never heard him coming. Not today.

      Within minutes, they were airborne. Some small part of her was disappointed that Gavin hadn’t come to see her lift off. Moving the heavy two-engine helo into the blue sky, Nike now had to focus on more important things—like surviving this flight back to base.

      As she flew nap-of-the-earth throughout the region, she never took the same route twice. Consequently, the route through the mountains was always different and filled with unexpected new difficulties. Nike was glad for the challenge. It kept her mind—and her heart—off Gavin. Still, even as she flew, she wondered what would happen when he and his team came back to base for a two-day rest.

      Chapter 7

      Nike was halfway back to base when she got orders to turn around and head back to Zor Barawul. Stymied by the clipped radio message, she had no choice but to do so.

      As she landed near dusk, the sun tipping the western mountains, she saw Gavin standing with Jameela and her daughter, Atefa. The whirling blades of her helicopter kicked up heavy clouds of dust.

      By the time she got out of her harness and placed her helmet on the seat, Gavin was at the rear of the ramp.

      “What’s going on?” she asked.

      “The medical doctor just approved Atefa to be flown to Kabul to be fitted for a prosthesis.” He grinned. “I called your base and asked that you return. Sorry to do this. I know it’s damn dangerous flying in and out of here.”

      “Don’t worry about it,” Nike said, looking out the ramp door at Jameela, who stood with a protective arm around her young daughter. “Is Abbas in favor of this?”

      “He is. That’s the best news.” He searched her face. “I’ve already talked to the CO of the base. We need to fly them in now and preparations are under way to give them a tent and food for the night. Tomorrow morning, the three of us will be flown to Kabul.”

      “You’re coming along?” Her heart beat once to underscore that news.

      “Yes. I’m leaving Sergeant Bailey in charge while I’m gone.”


      “The threat of attack here is always high,” Gavin said, reading her concern. “I’ve gotten permission from my superior to do this because they feel this particular village is essential in the fight against the Taliban.”

      “And Jameela and Abbas trust you.” Nike nodded. “It makes sense.” She managed a slight smile. “Have you warned them about the rough ride and nap-of-the-earth flying we’ll be doing?”

      “I have. What I want to do is get Jameela and her daughter strapped in behind you and I’ll ride shotgun in the copilot seat if that’s all right with you?”

      Her smile turned devilish. “Sounds good to me. If I get shot you can take over flying.”

      Gavin recognized her black humor and chuckled. “Right. I have a pair of gold-plated tin wings from a United flight attendant that makes me pilot material. Will that do?”

      “You’re a piece of work, Jackson.”

      “But you like me anyway, right?”

      Seeing the glimmer of warmth in his eyes, Nike waved a hand at him and walked down the ramp. “There’s no way I’m answering that one.” She gestured for the pair to come forward. After giving Andy orders, she walked back into the bird. Gavin had passed her on the ramp, walking down to meet the twosome. Nike noticed most