The Courage To Dream and The Power Of Love: The Courage To Dream / The Power Of Love. Margaret Daley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Margaret Daley
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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Ever since Judy had died he felt it was his mission to help others through their pain. That was the only reason he was so concerned about Rebecca, he told himself, twisting his wedding ring.

      “Ah, she’s here,” Alicia announced and scooted her chair around so there would be room for Rebecca, Rose and Josh.

      David called Peter to his table and made room for him while the waitress delivered four large pizzas to the boys. Gabriel stood as Rebecca and Rose approached him. Gabriel pulled a chair out for Rebecca, while Samuel did the same for Rose. When they were seated, the reverend whistled to get the boys’ attention. They all bowed their heads. Gabriel slanted a look at Rebecca, who held Josh against her.

      “Lord, bless this food we are about to partake and thank you for the win this evening.” Samuel sat again, laughing. “I hope He can forgive me for saying such a short prayer. I didn’t know how much longer the boys would have waited.”

      “It was to the point.” Rose placed her napkin in her lap. “Here, Rebecca, let me hold Josh while you get settled.”

      “That’s okay, Granny. I have everything under control.”

      Gabriel suspected Rebecca had forgotten how to ask for help. He knew Rebecca’s husband had done little to assist her with Josh and Peter. Was that why Rebecca insisted she had everything under control when Gabriel felt that she was being pulled in different directions?

      “I haven’t gotten to see this little tiger in a few days. Come here, Josh.” Gabriel didn’t give Rebecca a choice. He reached out, took her youngest from her and swung him high. Josh’s giggles were music to his ears. His smile and bright eyes were a balm to Gabriel’s soul. When he settled Josh in the crook of his arm, he felt content, complete, as though something missing in his life was found. Was he letting his feeling toward Josh and Peter influence his growing feelings toward Rebecca?

      Gabriel chanced a look toward Rebecca and wasn’t surprised when he saw her mouth slightly open, her eyes round as saucers. “I’m a take-charge kind of guy. Sorry.” He shrugged but didn’t give Josh back to her.

      He knew she felt she should hold Josh, take care of him throughout the meal, perhaps not eat, so she could see to Josh’s needs. Gabriel was determined not to let her hide behind her son.

      She opened her mouth to say something. Gabriel stuck a piece of pizza into it. “Isn’t that delicious? They make the best, I believe, in the state of Oklahoma.”

      She mumbled something around the food and sent him a glare that told him he didn’t want to know what she had said.

      “I’m glad you agree with me. I’ll let Harry know how much you like his pizza.” Gabriel sent her an innocent look and cuddled Josh closer.

      While Rebecca finished the large bite she had been fed, Gabriel played with Josh, giving him a bread stick to hold. Her son grabbed at the new plaything and gripped it for a few seconds before dropping it.

      Rebecca saw the exchange between Gabriel and Josh. She scanned the faces at the table to gauge their reaction to the fact her son had a hard time holding onto objects. Alicia smiled at her. Samuel was busy talking with Rebecca’s grandmother.

      “You have the most adorable son. How old he is?”

      “He’ll be two in a month.” Rebecca waited for the reaction that usually followed that announcement.

      “Oh, great. I love planning a birthday party. I hope you’ll let me help.”

      “You’ll have to stand in line, Alicia. I have first dibs.” Gabriel took a bite of his pizza, still cradling Josh.

      “Here. Let me hold him so you can eat.” Rebecca wiped her hands so she could take Josh.

      “You get to hold him all the time. You’ve got to learn to share, Rebecca. He’s happy right where he is. Enjoy your dinner.”

      “I could always call the police chief of this town and put in a complaint that you’ve kidnapped my son. I’ve got connections. I work for him, you know.”

      “I like to live dangerously. Want me to dial the station for you?”

      Rebecca laughed. “No. It would be hard to hold a baby, eat and dial a phone all at the same time. Something would have to give.”

      “Have you all noticed how quiet it is?” Alicia asked, glancing at the tables full of Cougars.

      “Thankfully, they are practicing good manners and not talking with their mouths full. There’s hope after all.” The reverend finished his pizza and patted his stomach. “Delicious. If I wasn’t watching my weight, I would finish that last piece on the platter.”

      “That’s okay. I’ll take the temptation away so you won’t suffer.” Gabriel reached for the last slice and plopped it on his plate.

      “A true friend,” Samuel said with a chuckle.

      “My duty as a policeman is to protect you, even from yourself.” Gabriel lifted the pizza to his mouth. “I take my job seriously.” He bit into the slice and chewed slowly.

      As the boys finished eating their food, the noise level in the restaurant skyrocketed. Rebecca ate her portion, having to agree that the meal was good even though she wasn’t a big fan of pizza. Suddenly the room grew quiet. Rebecca looked up and saw the waitress bringing out a big cake with ten candles lit on it.

      Gabriel started singing the happy birthday song, and all the boys followed. When they got to the name, they shouted Peter’s, and Rebecca thought she would cry. Tears welled into her tight throat as she watched her eldest son struggle to keep his emotions under control. He was speechless when the woman placed the huge cake with his name on it in front of him. He looked at Rebecca with a question in his eyes. She shook her head and shrugged.

      “Guess it’s time to give you Josh back,” Gabriel said, and transferred her youngest to her arms.

      Gabriel rose before she could question him about the cake.

      “Peter, when the team found out it was your birthday tomorrow, they wanted to show you their appreciation for joining us with this little celebration. The fact we won tonight makes this party even sweeter.” Gabriel moved to the counter and retrieved a package. “This is for you from us.” He handed Peter a large, long gift, wrapped in blue paper with a baseball motif on it.

      Stunned, Peter took the gift and held it.

      “Open it!” The chant filled the restaurant.

      Peter tore into the package. When he lifted the leather baseball glove and bat for everyone to see, Rebecca wiped the tears coursing down her cheeks with the back of her hand. Her grandmother gave her a handkerchief that smelled of roses, Granny’s special fragrance.

      “Isn’t that sweet,” Rose whispered to Rebecca. “I bet Gabriel was behind this.”

      Rebecca knew he was. He was determined to show her son he was a part of the team.

      “Speech!” The new chant came from the thirteen boys sitting around Peter.

      Peter opened his mouth then clamped it closed, a stunned expression on his face.

      “I think he’s speechless,” David said.

      Peter mumbled his thanks while cradling his two gifts to his chest.

      Gabriel sat again. Rebecca reached over and took his hand, squeezing it. “Thank you.” She couldn’t say another word. A huge lump in her throat prevented her from speaking.

      He laid his hand over hers. “Anytime. A lot has happened to him this past year. I just wanted him to know he was special to us.”

      “Well, I don’t know about everyone else, but I want a piece of that cake. If I know Gabriel, it’s chocolate on the inside and from the bakery at the supermarket. They bake the best cakes in town. To die for.” Alicia moved to the boys’ table to take charge of cutting the cake and handing out slices.
