A Winter Proposal / His Diamond Bride: A Winter Proposal / His Diamond Bride. Lucy Gordon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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moment he was leaning close in a seductive conspiracy. The next, he was bouncing with agitation at something he’d seen.

      ‘It’s him,’ he yelped, leaping to his feet. ‘Just let me get to him.’

      Across the restaurant, a long-haired young man turned in alarm, then vanished between some curtains, closely followed by Charlie.

      ‘What was that?’ Pippa said, looking around.

      ‘A man who owes him money,’ Roscoe observed. ‘One of many.’

      ‘So that’s your brother. He’ll be an interesting client. Yes, I think I’ll accept his case.’

      It was on the tip of Roscoe’s tongue to tell her to forget it because he’d changed his mind. But he controlled the impulse, as he controlled so many impulses in his life, and sat in tense silence, a prey to opposing feelings. On the surface, things were working out exactly as he’d wanted. The smile she’d given Charlie was perfect for the purpose, and it had had the desired effect. His brother had been transfixed, just as Roscoe had meant him to be. So, what more did he want?

      He didn’t know. All he knew for certain was that he hated it.

      ‘Pippa,’ he said edgily, ‘I must be honest, I think you’re going about this the wrong way.’

      ‘What?’ She stared at him. ‘I’m doing what you said you wanted.’

      ‘Yes, but I had in mind something a little more—’ He hesitated, made cautious by the look in her eyes.

      ‘A little more what?’ she asked in a voice that was softly dangerous.

      ‘More subtle,’ he said desperately.

      ‘Mr Havering, are you telling me how to do my job?’

      ‘I wouldn’t dare.’

      ‘Really? I’m not sure of that. Perhaps we should have discussed this before now, so that you could tell me exactly how a woman goes about beguiling a man? After all, I know so little about the subject, don’t I? How stupid of me not to have taken lessons from you! Why don’t you instruct me now so that I’ll know which boxes to tick?’

      ‘All right,’ he said quickly. ‘Of course you know more than I do about this.’

      ‘Which I thought was why you hired me. Anyway, I’m not doing well, since his attention was so easily distracted. One hint of an unpaid debt and he’s off. Hmm! Perhaps I should review my strategy.’

      ‘I feel sure your strategy is quite up to the challenge.’

      ‘It’s the first time a man has walked away from me when I was trying to mesmerise him. I could feel quite insulted by that.’

      ‘You’re having a bad day for insults, aren’t you?’

      ‘Between you and him, yes.’

      ‘Then I may as well add to my crimes by pointing out that he didn’t walk away from you, he ran away at full speed. Perhaps I’ve hired the wrong person.’

      ‘You could be right. Desperate measures are called for. I must lure my prey into a net from which he cannot escape.’

      ‘Always assuming that he returns at all,’ Roscoe pointed out. ‘You may have to go after him.’

      ‘Please!’ She appeared horrified. ‘I never “go after” a man. They come after me.’

      ‘Always?’ he asked, eyes narrowed.

      ‘If I want them to. Sometimes I don’t bother.’ Thoroughly enjoying his discomfiture, she smiled. ‘And never mind condemning me as a hussy, because that’s exactly what you hired me for.’

      ‘Is there any point in my defending myself?’ he growled.

      ‘None whatever,’ she assured him.

      She was curious to know what he would say next, but Charlie spoiled things by reappearing, cursing because his prey had escaped.

      ‘Did he owe you very much?’ Pippa asked, turning from Roscoe with reluctance.

      ‘A few thousand.’

      ‘Perhaps we can recover it by legal action,’ she suggested.

      ‘Ah…no,’ he said awkwardly. ‘It’s a bit…well…’

      ‘All right, let’s leave it,’ she said quickly. ‘The sooner we get down to business, the better.’

      ‘Yes, we must have a long talk over dinner,’ Charlie said. ‘The Diamond is the best place in town. Come on, let’s go.’

      ‘First you ask Miss Jenson if she is free,’ Roscoe said firmly. ‘If she is, then you ask if she can endure an evening with us.’

      ‘Us? Ah, well—I didn’t actually mean that you should come with—’

      ‘I know exactly what you meant, and you can forget that idea. Miss Jenson, could you put up with the two of us for a few more hours?’

      ‘I’ll do my best,’ she said solemnly. ‘We have serious matters to discuss.’

      ‘I agree, so we can forget The Diamond,’ Roscoe said, taking out his cellphone and dialling. ‘Hello, Mother? Yes, it’s me. We’re on our way home and we have a guest. I’ve found a first-rate lawyer for Charlie, so roll out the red carpet for her. Fine. See you soon.’ He ended the call.

      Charlie, who had been spluttering fruitlessly, now found his voice. ‘What about how I feel? ‘ he demanded.

      ‘The Diamond is no place for a serious discussion.’

      ‘And doesn’t Pippa get a say?’

      ‘Miss Jenson has already done us the honour of agreeing to dine with us. Since this is a business meeting, I’m sure she feels that the venue is irrelevant.’

      ‘Certainly,’ Pippa said in her briskest tone. ‘I have no opinion either way.’

      ‘You’re going to just let him walk over you?’ Charlie demanded.

      Pippa couldn’t resist. Giving Roscoe a cheeky sideways look, she leaned towards Charlie and said, ‘It can’t be helped. In my job you get used to clients who want to rule the roost.’ She added conspiratorially, ‘There are ways of dealing with them.’

      The young man choked with laughter, jerking his head towards Roscoe. ‘Think you can get him on the ropes?’

      ‘Think I can’t?’

      She was watching Roscoe for his reaction. There was none. His eyes were on her but his face revealed nothing. Clearly, the notion of tussling with her, whether physically or emotionally, caused him no excitement.

      ‘Just promise that I can be there to see you crush him beneath your heel,’ Charlie implored.

      ‘When you two have finished,’ Roscoe said in a bored voice.

      ‘Just a little innocent fun,’ Charlie protested.

      ‘Sorry, I don’t do fun.’ Roscoe’s voice was so withering that Pippa threw him another quick glance. For a moment his face was tight, hard, older.

      ‘That’s right, he doesn’t,’ Charlie said.

      ‘OK, I’m here,’ said a voice overhead.

      Charlie groaned, then bounced up as he recognised the man who owed him money, now holding out an envelope.

      ‘I only ran to get this,’ he said. ‘I always meant to repay you.’ He dropped the envelope and fled. The reason became obvious a moment later.

      ‘There’s only half here,’ Charlie yelped. ‘Hey, come back!’ He resumed the pursuit.

      Alone again, Roscoe and Pippa eyed each other, suspicion on one side, defiance on the other.