Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008191047
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are able to start a new activity, perhaps to do with keep fit or another interest, with members of their household, this could be both beneficial and fun. Rabbit years favour a coming together.

      They also encourage Tigers to make the most of themselves. There will be opportunities for them to develop and new possibilities to pursue. However, to fully benefit, Tigers need to be disciplined, focused and prepared to put in the effort. Acting in haste or jumping from one activity to another is not the way to proceed in Rabbit years. Tigers will need to temper their sometimes over-zealous nature. But, with good use of their time, they can make this a personally satisfying year. They will also find themselves in demand and can benefit from socializing and sharing activities with those around them. A satisfying and constructive year.

      Tips for the Year

      Strive for a good lifestyle balance. Enjoy and develop your interests and allow time for yourself as well as for those who are special to you. There is no need to rush or overcommit yourself this year. Instead, savour the rewards and the opportunities of this encouraging time.

      Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Dragon

      Dragon years have energy and bring interesting times for Tigers. Never ones to sit on the sidelines, they will be keen to forge ahead with their plans and can make good progress. However, Dragon years can also see much volatility and Tigers will need to be vigilant and guard against impulsive actions.

      Work prospects are especially promising. When obstacles present themselves and solutions need finding, ever-inventive Tigers will rise to the challenge. Their resourcefulness and ability to think out of the box will serve many well this year, bringing success and helping future prospects. However, here lies the sting: while successes can be enjoyed, Tigers should not become overconfident. If they rush or are inclined to take risks, situations could be misread and mistakes made. Dragon years can lay traps for the unwary and Tigers need to remain on their mettle.

      There will, however, be opportunities for many Tigers to improve on their position over the year, and those who are seeking work or keen to progress their career in other ways could find the opening they are seeking. Their drive and sense of purpose can deliver this year, but they do need to commit themselves and give of their best. In particular, when making applications, extra effort can strengthen their chances.

      With Tigers frequently feeling inspired, this is also a good year for them to follow up their ideas and explore fresh possibilities. If they wish to gain or extend certain skills, follow up new interests or try out activities that appeal to them, they should make the most of what is available. Creative pursuits could particularly appeal, and develop in encouraging ways.

      In money matters, care is needed. While income may increase, risks or hurried decisions could bring regret. If tempted to lend, Tigers may find problems occurring. They should check the terms when entering into any new agreement and look after their possessions with care, as a loss could be upsetting. This is very much a year for increased vigilance.

      A further area of concern may involve the situation of a relation or a close friend. If difficulties arise, by listening and offering advice, Tigers can often give important assistance. However, should they not feel competent in certain matters, they should not hesitate to call on professional advice.

      However, while the Dragon year can have its challenging elements, Tigers can nevertheless enjoy some good times. For the unattached, romance can beckon, with some Tigers meeting their future partner in an unexpected but fortuitous way. Existing romances can often strengthen and some Tigers will settle down and start a family.

      All Tigers will welcome the social opportunities of the year and there will be a good mix of occasions to enjoy. However, with communication and dialogue so important this year, Tigers do need to remain aware of the views of others as well as heed any advice they are given. Something a friend could say could be both significant and prophetic.

      Similarly, in their home life it is important there is good communication and cooperation between all concerned, otherwise life could be conducted in a whirl of activity and there is a risk that tensions could result. To prevent this, Tigers should preserve quality time to spend with their loved ones and suggest activities that all can appreciate. Giving that extra bit of time and attention can make a big difference this year.

      As usual, Tigers will busy themselves with many activities this year and should follow the correct procedures if involved in any hazardous undertaking. Lapses could be to their detriment. This is a time to be vigilant and thorough.

      By the end of the year, Tigers could be astonished by all that has happened and the great amount they have done. It is a time for furthering ideas, skills and interests. But throughout, Tigers do need to channel their efforts wisely and carefully. A lot can go well for them, but this is also a year to be mindful and vigilant.

      Tips for the Year

      Set about your activities in a positive manner, but avoid rush, risk or, in the wake of success, complacency. Also, liaise well with those around you and value time spent with those who are special to you. Extra care and good communication are so very important in this active and lively year.

      Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Snake

      A reasonable year ahead. While Tigers can do well – some very well – they may find it best to moderate their approach. Snake years favour steadiness. If Tigers adapt to the rhythm of the year, they can make this a constructive and satisfying time.

      At work, this can be an excellent year to consolidate recent gains. By concentrating on their duties and immersing themselves in their present place of work, many Tigers will enjoy a good level of fulfilment. Also, as situations change, there will be the opportunity for many to make greater use of their strengths. Whether they are promoting ideas, taking on additional duties or benefiting from training, they can do themselves a lot of good this year. In addition, those pursuing a particular career could find it helpful to network more, as well as follow developments within their industry. By raising their profile, they will be investing in themselves and their future.

      Many Tigers will remain with their current employer over the year and build on their position, but for those who desire change or are seeking work, the Snake year can bring important developments. By widening the scope of their search, many could have the chance to use their skills in new ways. Although this could involve readjustment, the Snake year can do much to highlight their potential.

      Tigers can also derive much satisfaction from their personal interests, but rather than spread their attention too widely, they should set themselves some projects and aims for the year. With focus, their interests and recreational activities can do them a lot of good and be that much more enjoyable. Tigers who lead especially busy lifestyles should allow themselves the chance to step off the treadmill every so often. Snake years are times to appreciate the rewards of previous efforts and restore balance to busy lifestyles.

      Travel could appeal and, if possible, Tigers should aim to take a holiday over the year. With their adventurous nature, they could enjoy visiting some exciting places.

      In money matters, however, they will need to be disciplined. Money can come and go all too easily in Snake years. In addition, financial paperwork will require close attention. Bureaucratic matters may sometimes be troublesome and any Tigers involved in legal dealings may find them becoming protracted. Good advice needs to be sought.

      With their active and outgoing nature, Tigers will enjoy the social opportunities of the year, but here too there may be problems. A disagreement or personality clash may occur or jealousy surface, and Tigers should be wary of placing themselves in an awkward or embarrassing position. While usually so expert in relations with others, they will find Snake years require care, tact and discretion. Tigers, take note. This can be a pleasing year, but it is not one for lapses or risks.

      Domestically, Tigers will have quite a few ideas and projects to pursue, and if they allow time for these to take shape, they will be pleased with the outcomes. Again, the best results will come through planning and proceeding in measured ways. Also, the costs (and disruption) of some activities could be far greater than anticipated. Snake years can be expensive. Tigers, be warned and make ample allowance for this.