Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008191047
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your responsibilities seriously and work long and hard. But it is important that you give yourself the chance to enjoy the fruits of your endeavours. Quality time with your loved ones and time spent relaxing and on pleasurable pursuits can do you a lot of good as well as help you to be at your best.

       You may favour tradition and have set views and interests, but, rather than distrust change, do consider the advantages it can bring. Adapting, learning and exploring new areas can open up a whole new world. Venture out from time to time!

       You do not like to fail, so set about your activities cautiously and carefully. This may mean you don’t always make the most of chances or fully explore your talents and ideas. Have faith in yourself and be bold. Oliver Wendell Holmes, an Ox, wrote, ‘Many people die with their music still in them.’ You have so much to give that you do need to make sure you use your gifts and talents fully. Life can be all the more fulfilling (and potentially successful) as a result.

      Relations with Others

      With a Rat

      The Ox likes the Rat’s warm and personable nature and relations between them are generally good.

      In work, each will recognize and value the strengths of the other and together they will make an effective team. The Ox will especially appreciate the Rat’s drive and inventive streak.

      In love, these two are well suited. Both value their home life and the Ox will find the Rat supportive and encouraging and value the colour they bring into their life. A close and often successful match.

      With another Ox

      There may be respect and understanding between these two, but both are independent-minded and like to have their own way. Relations could at times be problematic.

      In work, both are cautious, favour tradition and are also very hard-working. If they can unite in a common aim, their tenacity and sense of purpose can deliver some good results.

      In love, two Oxen will seek security and stability, but, as both are strong-willed and forthright, differences of opinion could prove awkward. Also, there is a risk they could become set in their ways. With care, however, these two can unite and make their relationship work.

      With a Tiger

      The Ox, who values stability and keeping things on an even keel, will feel ill at ease with the irrepressible Tiger and relations between the two will be difficult.

      In work, the cautious Ox could consider the Tiger colleague rash and impulsive. Sooner or later their styles will clash.

      In love, their very different natures may at first be intriguing to both, but, as they live life at different speeds and have many different views (including on how to manage the household budget), there will be issues to address. A challenging match.

      With a Rabbit

      With many shared interests and a fondness for the quieter things in life, these two signs relate well to each other.

      In work, they can combine their strengths to good effect, and the Ox will value the Rabbit’s careful approach and sound business sense.

      In love, both yearn for a settled existence and attach much importance to their home life. The Ox will appreciate having such a thoughtful and affectionate partner and together they can enjoy much happiness. An ideal match.

      With a Dragon

      Each recognizes the strengths of the other and in some situations this can work to their advantage while in others can pose problems.

      In work, both are ambitious and diligent, and when united in a common aim, they can harness their different strengths to good effect, with the Ox valuing the enthusiasm and enterprise of the Dragon.

      In love, again the Ox can enjoy the warmth and zest of the Dragon, but, as both are strong-willed and the Ox prefers a quiet existence and the Dragon a livelier one, there will be differences to reconcile. A tricky match.

      With a Snake

      Quiet, reserved and thoughtful, these two feel comfortable in each other’s company and relations between them are good.

      In work, there will be mutual trust and respect and the Ox will value the Snake’s patient resolve and thoughtful approach.

      In love, they can find considerable contentment together, with each admiring and encouraging the other. Both have cultured tastes and they will share many interests. The Ox will appreciate the Snake’s considerate and affectionate ways and gentle humour. A good match.

      With a Horse

      With both being strong-willed and strong-minded, sooner or later these two will clash. And it will most likely be sooner.

      In work, they are both industrious and redoubtable, but the Ox favours a steadier and more cautious approach than the Horse. These two will prefer to stick to their own ways and methods.

      In love, these two live their lives at different speeds – the Ox prefers slow and steady, while the Horse favours rushing about – and neither will be disposed to compromise. A difficult match.

      With a Goat

      The practical and dutiful Ox finds it hard to relate to the imaginative and carefree Goat. Relations between them will often be poor.

      In work, the approach and style of the Ox and Goat are so very different that there will be a lack of accord between them.

      In love, the Ox, who is so careful and orderly, could soon despair over the Goat’s more easy-going and ‘live for the moment’ ways. A challenging match.

      With a Monkey

      Their personalities are very different, but there is good respect and accord between these two and relations will often be mutually beneficial.

      In work, both have drive and ambition and the Ox will recognize the Monkey’s resourceful and enterprising spirit. They can often combine their different strengths to good effect.

      In love a positive, optimistic Monkey partner can be good for the Ox and these two complement each other well. Together they can find much contentment and can gain a lot from their relationship.

      With a Rooster

      The Ox has great admiration for the orderly and efficient Rooster. They have similar interests and relations between them will be good.

      In work, both are methodical, conscientious and keen planners, and the Ox will hold the Rooster’s abilities and commitment in high regard. Together they make an effective combination.

      In love, their similar outlooks and values combine well, as do their shared interests, including a liking for the outdoors. These two can have great understanding and love for each other.

      With a Dog

      Both are dutiful and dependable, but can be forthright and stubborn. Relations can sometimes be tricky.

      In work, the Ox likes to get on with things and could feel hindered by the Dog’s deliberations, worrying and idealistic tendencies. Not an effective combination.

      In love, these two share a major quality: loyalty. In addition, the Ox will value the Dog’s affectionate and well-meaning nature, but they are both redoubtable characters and much effort will be needed if their relationship is to endure.

      With a Pig

      The Ox likes and admires the genial and principled Pig and relations between the two will be good.

      In work, both are scrupulous in their dealings and work hard and well together. The Ox has great respect for the Pig’s commercial acumen and enterprise.

      In love, both value a calm and harmonious home life and, with interests in common (including a love of the outdoors), can find much happiness together. The Ox can also benefit from the Pig’s more outgoing ways.

      Horoscopes for Each of the Chinese Years

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Rat
