“I could come in early,” she offered at once. “I should not learn while I am being paid.”
Erik smiled at her. “I think we can find the time during your regular hours, Tess. I’ll talk it over with Dana Sue and we’ll figure it out.”
“But I’m willing to be here early,” she said. “Please tell her that, so she doesn’t think I am taking advantage of her.”
“No one would ever think such a thing,” he assured her. “You work as hard as anyone here. We’re lucky to have found you.”
A brilliant smile spread across her thin face, which was dominated by large brown eyes that sparkled with humor. “No. I am the lucky one, to have found a job I love. I am so grateful to Karen for recommending me and to you and Dana Sue for giving me a chance. I will not let you down.”
Erik decided to broach the subject he knew weighed heavily on her mind. “You know, Tess, Dana Sue has a friend who’s an attorney,” he began. “She might be able to help you with Diego’s case.”
Tess’s eyes immediately filled with regret. “I do not have enough saved yet to hire another lawyer. The last one took my money and did nothing.”
Erik bristled at the thought of anyone taking advantage of her situation like that. “I’m sure Helen would be glad to work something out with you about the money. In fact, she might even be able to get it back from this lawyer who did nothing.” He had a hunch Helen would enjoy that.
“Do you really think so?” Tess said solemnly. Then she glanced at her watch. “I’m late, as usual. My parents will be worried. Do you need me to do anything else before I go?”
“Not a thing. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“And you will speak to Dana Sue about the cake decorations?”
“Absolutely,” he promised.
“Muchas gracias,” she said. “Adios.”
Tess had been gone only a few minutes when Dana Sue came in. Erik frowned at her. “I thought you’d gone home hours ago.”
“Paperwork,” she said, pulling up a stool and sitting next to him. “The cake is beautiful. The Lamberts will be thrilled.”
“Tess thought so, too. She wants to learn how to do this.”
“She’s eager to learn everything, isn’t she?” Dana Sue said with a smile. “I like her. How about you?”
“She’s working out a whole lot better than I expected,” he admitted. “And it’s certainly improved the situation with Karen, too. For the past few days she hasn’t looked nearly as stressed out as she did before.”
“So Karen and Helen did a good thing for us, didn’t they?” she suggested slyly.
“Yes, Dana Sue. Your friend did us a good deed. Want me to pin a medal on her?”
“Nope. I just want you to stop keeping her at arm’s length.”
“I’m not doing that,” Erik argued, though he knew Dana Sue was right. Ever since he’d found Helen in tears, he’d avoided her whenever possible. That hint of vulnerability in such a strong woman had cut right through his defenses. Okay, that and the still-vivid memory of locking lips with her.
“Have you spent two seconds alone with her since the kiss?” Dana Sue asked.
“I took her to Wharton’s for a hot-fudge sundae, remember? That was just last week.”
“Ah, yes, I seem to recall something about you running out the second she started asking you about yourself. Okay, since then? Have you seen her? Asked her out?”
Erik frowned at her. “The opportunity hasn’t arisen,” he replied. “Which reminds me, have you spoken to Helen about what’s going on with Tess’s husband?”
Dana Sue shook her head. “I wasn’t sure it was my place. Tess might not want us meddling in her private business.”
“I think you should. Sounds as if the case might be something Helen could really sink her teeth into, especially if some other lawyer cheated Tess out of a lot of money.”
Dana Sue regarded him with dismay. “I hadn’t heard about that part. That’s really rotten.”
“I thought so, too,” he said. “I figured it would get Helen’s dander up.”
“It would,” Dana Sue agreed. “Why don’t you talk to her?”
He gave a nonchalant shrug. “You see her. I don’t.”
“You could,” she countered. “Pick up the phone and call her. Invite her out for coffee to discuss a legal matter, since you’re too chicken to ask her on a real date.”
Erik scowled at her. “I’m not chicken. I don’t want to date her.”
“Oh, please,” Dana Sue said scornfully. “Try telling me something I can believe. You’re hot for her and that scares the daylights out of you. What I don’t understand is why.”
Erik had given that more thought than he probably should have, so he had an answer ready for her. “We’re complete opposites, for one thing. Barracuda attorneys give me hives, for another. The list goes on.”
“Haven’t you heard? Opposites attract. And Helen’s only a barracuda in the courtroom.”
“Yeah, I noticed that when I got a pie in my face because she was a little ticked off at me.”
Dana Sue’s lips twitched. “You have to admit that was pretty unpredictable and funny, especially coming from Helen. She’s usually so darn proper.”
“Did you see me laughing?”
“No, I saw you planting a kiss on her, also unpredictable, but way too hot to be even remotely amusing.”
Dana Sue seemed to be even more tickled by his feigned indifference. “Well, it’s up to you. I think you’re right about Helen being the perfect person to handle that legal case for Tess, but I’m going to leave it up to you.”
He saw right through her scheme and he wasn’t falling for it. “Come on, Dana Sue. You talk to her.”
“I don’t think so. Not about that, anyway.”
“You’d risk letting Tess twist in the wind, just so you can stick it to me and Helen?”
“I prefer to think of it as motivation for the two of you to get together. I know what a wonderful, compassionate man you are. You won’t let Tess twist in the wind for long. Eventually we’ll all get what we want.”
“You’re almost as annoying as Helen,” he muttered. “You know that, don’t you?”
“Of course, I do,” she said cheerfully. “But I suggest you not kiss me to shut me up the way you did her, or Ronnie will have something to say about it.”
Erik chuckled. “Yeah, I imagine he would. Go home, Dana Sue. It’s late. Get your things and I’ll walk you to your car.”
“I think I can walk the twenty yards to my car unprotected,” she said.
“Not on my watch, you won’t, not even in relatively crime-free Serenity,” he said. “Get your purse or whatever. I’ll meet you at the front door.”
When he’d finally tucked her safely in her car, she rolled down the window. “Helen needs someone like you,” she told him. “Every woman does.”