Fair Do’s. David Nobbs. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Nobbs
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Классическая проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007505807
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resist a curious glance at Rodney.

      ‘Rodney looks awful,’ she thought. ‘Don’t say he’s got marital problems.’

      ‘How great is God almighty,

      Who has made all things well …’

      ‘I wish He could make me well,’ thought Rodney. ‘But I deserve it. I have strayed, oh Lord.’

      ‘All things wise and wonderful,

      The Lord God made them all.’

      The last notes of the organ reverberated around the empty nave, and died. There was total silence. The vicar couldn’t have taken Liz’s son from her with less confidence if the boy had been a great lump of soap.

      Ted Simcock, former maker of door knockers, macho Yorkshireman, found himself smiling inanely as the vicar held his son awkwardly over the font, and as the infant splashed water over himself, baptising himself before the vicar could do it.

      Ted’s smile died as he heard the vicar’s words.

      ‘Josceleyn Neville Selwyn, I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.’

      ‘Josceleyn Neville Selwyn,’ he thought. ‘My son is going to be known to the world as Josceleyn Neville Selwyn Badger.’

      A greater sense of loss than he had ever known swept over Ted. He felt as if he was the biggest of a set of Russian dolls. He felt that if he could be opened up other Ted Simcocks would be found there, less puffed-up, less pretentious, better, more honest, more loving, more caring Ted Simcocks. Happier Ted Simcocks.

      Liz Badger, mother of his baby, didn’t acknowledge at that moment that he existed.

      Corinna Price-Rodgerson clutched Ted’s arm, and his sense of loss was almost swept away.


      Stepping out of the church was like colliding with a damp flannel. The afternoon was as grey as the face of a dying man.

      Outside the West Door, where mythological stone beasts hid among exquisite carved leaves, the new young vicar spoke with Neville and Liz, playing the conversation game, at which he was already being compared unfavourably with the old vicar by some inappropriately uncharitable Christians in his flock.

      ‘He looks so very like you, Mr Badger,’ he said. ‘I find that extraordinary.’

      ‘Yes, I … I find it rather extraordinary myself,’ said Neville.

      ‘So many people take these things for granted,’ said the vicar. ‘But the seed, the tiny seed, growing into a person that resembles its parents, every time I see it I think “This is a miracle.”’

      ‘In this case it certainly is,’ said Liz, half to herself. She moved off, taking Neville in her slip-stream, and the vicar made a mental note to be less religious in his small talk.

      The guests stood around, chatting, waiting for their hosts to set off for the party.

      Rita tackled Rodney. ‘Betty didn’t make it then?’ she prompted.

      ‘No. She was hoping so much … Oooh!’ He gasped with pain. ‘Excuse me, Rita.’

      ‘Oh dear,’ said Rita as she walked away. ‘Oh dear, oh dear.’

      Rodney was just lowering himself onto a wooden bench beside the church when he saw Ted and Corinna bearing down upon him. With a sigh he stood up almost straight again.

      ‘Are you all right, Rodney?’ asked Ted.

      ‘Yes. Grand.’ His voice was as contorted with pain as it had often been with drink. ‘Just grand. Right good. Top form.’

      ‘You know Corinna, my fiancée, don’t you?’

      Corinna beamed at Rodney.

      ‘Your fiancée!’ said Rodney. ‘What happened to …’ Ted, behind Corinna, shook his head furiously. ‘… to the famous British reserve, our native shyness …’ Ted nodded. ‘… that you’ve got engaged so quickly?’

      ‘Love brooks no frontiers, Rodney.’

      ‘You what?’

      ‘Love breaks down barriers. Betty away again?’

      ‘Yes, she’s … er …’ he groaned again, ‘… excuse me. I have sinned, and I’m reaping the whirlwind.’

      Rodney collapsed onto the bench.

      Corinna continued to smile. She seemed happy to be silently benevolent until called upon to speak.

      ‘Oh dear,’ said Ted, as they walked away from the ailing former imprisoner of chickens. ‘Oh Lord. Oh heck.’


      Liz and Neville stood watching the clusters of guests, as if they were outsiders who had no right to be there, rather than the raison d’etre for the elegant little shindig. Neville was looking worried.

      ‘He’ll be all right with his godparents,’ said Liz.

      The pregnant, charmingly shapeless, slightly fey Judy Denton had carried little Josceleyn off, in practice for the days ahead.

      ‘It’s not that,’ said Neville. ‘I was thinking, it’ll look odd if we don’t invite Ted and Corinna back now they’re here. It’ll set tongues wagging.’

      ‘Oh Lord,’ said Liz. ‘Do we really still care that much about wagging tongues?’

      ‘And they have just announced their engagement. It’ll look a bit graceless.’

      ‘Oh Lord. Today of all days, Neville, I would like to be free of memories of Ted.’

      ‘He’ll be discreet. He’s with his fiancée, whose father is a bishop.’

      ‘Ah! So that means she’s so socially acceptable that we must ask her.’

      ‘No. Of course not. No, I think that, accepting as we must that your son … our son … is in reality the product of Ted’s … er …’


      ‘Liz! Well, yes, in a … that it would be a Christian gesture, on a Christian day, to invite Ted to … wet the baby’s head.’

      A two-carriage Sprinter train clanked slowly through the quiet Sunday afternoon. A few married couples were walking along the paths that criss-crossed the churchyard. Their dogs were fouling the paths. They gazed at their shitting dogs with adoration. Ted and his orange fiancée bore down on Neville and Liz.

      ‘Well …,’ said Ted, ‘… we’ll just slip quietly away, so …good luck, eh?’

      ‘No, no,’ said Neville. ‘No, no. No need. I’d … er … we’d … er … I’d very much like it if you came to the … er …’

      ‘I thought it was family only,’ said Corinna.

      ‘Ted is very much family, Corinna, in a way,’ said Liz.

      Ted leapt in much too quickly. ‘Liz is referring to the fact that our two families are linked by wedlock, darling,’ he said.

      ‘Well, yes, that’s what I assumed she meant,’ said Corinna with apparent innocence. ‘What else could she have meant?’

      ‘What else?’ agreed Ted. ‘Exactly. Nothing else. Precisely. My point exactly.’ He turned to the Badgers. ‘We’d love to come,’ he said. ‘Where are the junketings? À la maison de les Badgers?’

      ‘No, Ted,’ said Neville. ‘At the Clissold Lodge. But the Brontë Suite this time. It’s smaller.’

      ‘Then we’ll see you in the Brontë Suite,’ said Ted, and he winked to show them that they could rely on him, because he knew how to behave in public, but Liz and Neville, seeing him wink, thought, ‘Oh Lord. Ted doesn’t