Iris Murdoch: A Life: The Authorized Biography. Peter Conradi J.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Peter Conradi J.
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007380008
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sum Anne Cloake once begged off Mary Midgley for an undisclosed political cause. ‘They [CP members and sympathisers] lived a very exciting life,’ Mary commented, with irony. By 1938 the Moscow treason trials were documented. By 1940 Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon was published. Mary – uneasily – admired the courage and whole-heartedness of those who like Iris, Anne and Leonie Marsh could ‘jump’ into the Party, but she could not follow them. Yet like most of their set, Mary was politically active, and the CP was scarcely the only outlet for political passion. ‘Buy the Tuppeny Strachey,’ ‘Char’ and Susie Williams-Ellis would cry, selling their uncle John Strachey’s pamphlet Why You Should be a Socialist.

      Of the over two hundred CP student-members at Oxford, thirty were ‘open’, among them Robert Conquest, Denis Healey and Iris. She could scarcely have been more open. Her CP membership was referred to in June 1939 in Cherwell Moreover, in the first newsletter of the Old Froebelian, 1940–41, while Iris’s peers modestly vouchsafe merely that they are serving in the Air Ministry, are humbly ‘one of the people on the Home Front’, or ‘work in a canteen at Marylebone’,88 Iris on the same page, having reported that she got a second in Mods and is now doing Greats, then heroically boasts, ‘I am a member of the Communist Party.’ Indeed a dramatic announcement. Meeting fellow-Froebelian Garth Underwood for the first time for eight years in Foyle’s bookshop in March 1940,89 she declared her CP membership. She was until June 1941 consistently unsympathetic to the war effort.

      The first Executive Committee of the Oxford University Labour Club (OULC) Iris attended was on 19 April 1940, just after ‘schools’ for Mods;90 she soon made her mark. In summer 1940 she represents ‘culture’ on the committee and proposes a meeting on Ireland.91 (When the following year Kingsley Amis, also in the ‘student’ branch of the CP in his first year at Oxford, was co-appointed to take over ‘this sector of the front’ – culture – he interpreted the job less strenuously, as ‘gramophone recitals’ rather than, for example, working-class Oxford history. His CP membership, he later claimed, involved little more than meeting girls, ‘trying to read Marx, Lenin and Plekhanov (aargh), going to meetings, speaking at meetings …’.92 Some – like Lilian Eldridge – became members mainly in order to go to Saturday-night ‘hops’ at Ruskin.)

      April 1940 was an interesting month in Oxford Labour politics. Roy Jenkins and Tony Crosland, both nauseated by the CP rubric that the Red Army was fighting to liberate the tiny, brave Finnish people from the reactionary rule of President Mannerheim93 (just as it had, in collusion with the Nazis, ‘liberated’ the Poles), broke with the OULC and set up a much bigger Democratic Socialist Club, with Crosland as Chairman and Jenkins as Treasurer. Meanwhile the tiny official rump-OULC continued to support the USSR despite its invasion of Finland, Iris remaining ‘apparently rigid on the Stalinist line’.94 While the German armies were chasing the British Expeditionary Force across the fields of Picardy, towards Dunkirk, Jenkins spent fruitless weeks attempting to sort out the assets and liabilities of the rival groups, writing to ‘Dear Miss Murdoch’ as OULC Co-Treasurer and receiving humourless answers from her addressed to ‘Dear Comrade Jenkins’. ‘Student politics,’ Jenkins later reflected, ‘have rarely been notable for their sense of proportion.’95 The Labour Party took no great interest: the OULC, as Crosland’s widow Susan would write, resembled ‘the sex life of the amoeba – dividing itself constantly’.96