Your Personal Horoscope 2013: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph Polansky
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461011
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Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side of the feet.

      Mercury is your health planet (a great health planet to have by the way) and this is his natural domain. He is strong and powerful on your behalf. In the physical body he rules the lungs, small intestine, arms, shoulders and respiratory system – hence their importance in overall health. Our regular readers know that Mercury is a fast-moving planet. In the course of the year ahead he will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope. Thus, there are many short-term trends in health, depending on where Mercury is and the aspects he receives, that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family becomes strong – and in a happy way – from June 27, as Jupiter moves into that house and stays there well into 2014. Jupiter moving through the 4th house brings good fortune in the purchase or sale of a home, and often it shows a move – a happy move to larger and better quarters. But one doesn’t need physically to move to achieve happiness and more space in the home. Often a renovation will do. Sometimes the addition of a new frill or accessory ‘expands’ the home and makes it different. Sometimes people buy additional homes or properties. However, whether you move or not, the opportunity to move will come to you – and when this happens you can decide what to do.

      Jupiter in the 4th house shows happiness and pleasure from the family. There is good family support this year. You are generous with the family and vice versa. It brings prosperity to the family as a whole, but especially to one of the parents or parent figures in your life.

      This aspect also shows the ‘expansion of the family unit’. Generally this happens through birth or marriage. Sometimes through meeting people who are ‘like’ family to you; people who support you unconditionally. Perhaps the best thing that happens is that the emotional life will be up and optimistic. Good moods draw good events.

      Not everything is rosy with the family. In-laws are having a rough time with surgeries, perhaps near-death kinds of experiences and dramatic personal changes. But somehow the family bands together and stays optimistic. There is a ‘can do’ spirit in the family.

      Aries of childbearing age are much more fertile than usual this period. This is so in 2014 as well.

      You have the kind of chart of someone who hosts religious services, scripture studies, or prayer meetings at the home – especially after June 27. In fact the family as a whole seems more religion oriented.

      If you’re planning renovations (and especially construction) any time after June 27 would be good, but July 13 to August 28 is best. If you’re beautifying the home, redecorating or repainting, June 3 to June 28 is good.

      Siblings and sibling figures in your life are prospering this year. Overall they are having a good year, but don’t seem likely to move. If they have been single, they seem involved in a serious romance. Parent figures could be having cosmetic-type surgery (although this could have already happened). Children are not likely to move this year. They want to, but they are better off making better use of the space they have.

      Finance and Career

      Your 2nd house of finance is not a house of power this year. You are coming off a banner financial year in 2012 and seem more or less satisfied. This is a status quo kind of year. You have no special need to make dramatic changes. However, there is a Solar Eclipse on May 10 that occurs in your money house and this will create some change. This will be short term though.

      Fast-moving Venus is your financial planet, thus there are all kinds of short-term trends depending on where she is and the aspects she receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports. In general though, money tends to come to you in a variety of ways, through a variety of people. You are very flexible when it comes to earnings.

      With Venus as your love planet as well as your financial planet, your social connections are of utmost importance in finance. Basically Aries is an independent sort who likes to chart his or her own destiny, but when it comes to finance, they need others.

      With Venus as the financial planet you can never measure the native’s wealth just by their financial statements. Their real wealth is in who they know, in the relationships that they have built up. In the corporate world they often place a monetary amount on this ‘goodwill’, above and beyond the actual physical assets that the company has.

      Though the money house is empty this year there will be periods when the short-term planets move through there and activate it temporarily. These will be peak financial periods for the year. This year it happens from April 20 to May 31.

      Your spouse, partner or current love is feeling financially stressed this year. They need to reorganize their finances. If they juggle things around a little, they will find that they have all the resources they need. Over the next two years they will become financially healthier; they’ll get rid of a lot of waste and learn to manage their money better. It’s not always pleasant but is really a cosmic workshop in financial management.

      Career – professional status and prestige – is much more important than mere money this year. Money and career tend to be related, but not always. Many people will sacrifice earnings for a more prestigious position. Not everyone is like that but many are, and you are one of them.

      Pluto the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, has been in your 10th house of career for some years now, while Saturn, your career planet, moved into your 8th house of transformation, death and rebirth in October 2012. So we have a double message here. Your company, your industry, your profession is undergoing deep transformation, being completely reformed. This process has been going on for some years but is accelerating now. In coming years these might not even be recognizable – it will be as if you were in a new company, industry or profession.

      There are many scenarios as to how these things happen, too many to list here. But sometimes there are major leadership changes in your company or industry. Sometimes the top people have surgeries or near-death kinds of experiences. Sometimes there is a bankruptcy or near bankruptcy of the company. Sometimes the government creates new rules and regulations that reform an industry. We have mentioned only a few. But the stresses in the career are the birth pangs of something new and wonderful. Birth was never an easy or painless process.

      Love and Social Life

      Your 7th house of marriage and partnerships is not a house of power this year. This tends to the status quo, with nothing special happening in the love life. Singles will most likely stay single; married couples will most likely stay married. Sure, there will be periods in the year when the love life will be more active as the short-term planets activate this house, but these are short-term trends, not trends for the year. This year these periods will be from August 16 to October 23 and from December 7 to the end of the year.

      Though your 7th house is empty, the social life in general seems much improved over the past two years. In 2009–2011 Saturn was moving through this house. Love was tested and there were many a divorce or separation. Serious relationships and friendships were also severely tested. The good ones survived – they always do – but the less than perfect, the ones that were flawed from the beginning didn’t survive. This is the purpose of these testings. If your marriage or relationship survived the past few years, it will probably survive anything. You’ve got something very special. The testing is over with and you can enjoy each other again. Those of you recovering from a divorce are probably not in the mood to marry so soon.

      We have been speaking mainly of those in or working on the first or second marriages. Those working on the third marriage had romance last year and possibly even a marriage. The aspects look great in the year ahead too. There are tests and trials but they seem survivable. What I like here is that love is seeking you out. The beloved seems very devoted to you. There is a strong commitment here and this tends to survival.

      Aries is in a season for exploring personal freedom. This is generally not so good for committed kinds of relationships. A committed relationship