Think about what it is like to be around people who seem to possess these highest capacities of the mind. When we observe someone who has deep insight we can become easily transfixed. The person of deep insight who touches your soul with his words and ignites feelings of love and appreciation is vibrating at a faster energy frequency.
This quality of insight is an ingredient of the higher (and thus faster) mind. These deep insights do not have to be in esoteric fields such as quantum physics or nuclear science. I recall talking with a professional football player who had great insight in how to construct defenses against passing formations. I knew that he was talking and experiencing life in his realm from a high frequency. People who know how to be peaceful and loving regardless of the outer circumstances appear to have greater insight into how to live their daily life. They can have a profound effect on those whom they encounter.
The higher energy frequencies in your mind contain the seeds of imagination and creativity. The more creative you become the faster the frequency of your energy field and the more you can access the invisible world of spirit to annul the lower energy that produces what we construe as problems. Often we use the word problem only because we have not learned that imagination and creativity can handle the situation.
I received a letter several years ago from a woman in Oregon who was facing what most of us would consider a major problem. I reproduce the letter here so that you can see how this problem was turned into a blessing by bringing creativity and spirit to the painful situation.
Dear Wayne;
I don’t even know how to begin this letter. I wrote to you back in 1996 because my son was missing. He had gotten into the world of drugs and had slipped away. At the time I wrote to you I was distraught and panicked. I also was trying to start an organization to help others find their children turned of age who have fallen prey to drug addiction.
You very kindly wrote me back and your first sentence stated, “You will be directed to Jeff! Know this beyond anything resembling doubt.”
I kept that letter with me at all times. I ran those words over and over in my mind while holding the vision of Jeff and I embracing when I found him. Everyone I spoke with told me Jeff probably wouldn’t want to see me, or he would be mad at me, or he would run from me. I never believed that. I knew that when we saw each other face to face we would talk and come to an understanding if nothing else.
Now for the good news. I did indeed find Jeff. When we saw each other face to face the vision that I had held became a reality. He hugged me, told me he loved me, spoke to me of his pain, his longing to live a different life, then walked with me out of the drug world. We are now starting an agency together, called “Third Option,” to help other parents reconnect with their children.
I wrote an article in the “My Turn” column of Newsweek that ran in the August 18, 1997, edition. From that article we were asked to appear on Primetime Live, Good Morning America, CNBC, and many other shows. From that we have just signed a contract to have our story made into a movie. Also, I have written a book that I hope will be published called, “To Jeff, Love, Mom.” When the proceeds come from those things we will have the money to get our organization up and running in the form that we envision. Already we have helped a couple of parents locate their children and have counseled a dozen more. Jeff just finished up a case in San Francisco.
I am now starting to contact federal legislators to see what can be done to give parents of children turned of age more rights when they become lost to them in the world of addiction.
I just wanted to write to give you some good news and thank you for that simple phrase that you wrote to me in your letter. We are all lights for one another and those few words about being directed to Jeff illuminated my path more than once when the fear and devastation of being without my son would overwhelm me. Thank you so very much.
Well, that’s about it, just a huge hug from me with much gratitude from my heart. Oh, by the way, you may see a dramatic rise in the sale of your book, Real Magic. It is my favorite and I tell every parent I talk to to get the book.
Take care.
Warmest personal regards,
Michale Mohr
Here you can see what a powerful force creativity and imagination are in dispelling the illusion of a problem. A “problem” not only disappeared, but out of that energy of insight and creativity a spiritual solution emerged for Michale and many others as well.
The researchers in the science of energy vibrations remind us that the qualities that we refer to as insight, imagination, and creativity are the components of higher states of mind. Obviously, when we think of the mind of God, we think of the creator who imagined a physical universe from his consciousness. And with profound insight the story of Genesis was played out.
Your mind is both an individualized expression of the mind of God, and at the same time it is the universal mind as well. These words of Dr. Valerie Hunt stir me into a state of excitement when I consider the potential of the creative aspect of the human mind.
On the basis of my experience with deciphering and broadcasting thoughts from a field, I believe that all the great and profound ideas ever expounded, the tenets of advanced cultures, the deep and meaningful spiritual happenings around which religions are organized, all of these are available to us today in their original vibrational forms.… The open mind field concept says that all important thought is ours for the taking.
I kept this quotation at my table as I wrote my previous book, Wisdom of the Ages, based on sixty of the greatest teachers in history. I felt as if I were in conscious contact with them as I wrote.
These “original vibrational forms” are what I am calling energy at the fastest or highest level. When you master the magnificent seven ingredients of spirit that are in the opening chapter of this book you will be in a position to annul all your problems. Then you can increase the speed of your mental frequency and access the higher faculties of insight, imagination and creativity, which form the basis for being in the mind of God. Ultimately, your focused mind field, moving at the fastest frequencies of spirit can impact and tap into everything going on in the world.
As you begin to consider this idea of faster vibrations being synonymous with spirit, remind yourself that we live in a world of invisible energy that we take for granted. Electromagnetic forces all operate on vibrational frequencies that we cannot see, smell, or touch. Think of electricity, radio and television signals, microwaves, fax machines, cellular phones. We know that we can send radio waves out into the atmosphere, bounce them off satellites, scramble and unscramble them, and receive information from the waves. As we increase the frequency of these waves of energy we can send them to distant planets and solar systems, and perhaps, all the way to God and back.
Isn’t that what prayer is when you get right down to it? An invisible energetic signal sent between your mind field, and the universal mind field which you must be connected to. Otherwise, what would be the point of the prayer? Research has shown that people who pray and are prayed for have higher incidences of recovery. Prayer is an invisible energy vibration that approaches the faster frequencies of spirit. And it works, as research has demonstrated.
Ponder this idea of faster vibrations being associated with spirit, and spirit being the source of all problem solving. This insight will give you real-world tools for reaching the ultimate conclusion that you are God’s vibrations made manifest. I encourage you to find your way to rid yourself of the illusion that you could ever be separate from God.
My final observation for this section is from Hunt’s intriguing