6. Jasper Maskelyne. (Mary Evans Picture Library)
7. Dummy tank, Middle East, 1941–42. (The National Archives, ref. W0201–2022)
8. Dummy Spitfire. (The National Archives, ref. AIR20/4349)
9. Dudley Clarke. (Courtesy of Churchill Archives Centre)
10. László Almásy. (akg-images/Ullstein Bild)
11. Long Range Desert Group, North Africa. (Getty Images)
12. Sir Percy Sillitoe. (Popperfoto/Getty Images)
13. Police use tear gas during a riot in Calcutta, 1947. (Getty Images)
14. The bombing of the King David Hotel, Jerusalem, 22 July 1946. (Getty Images)
15. Menachem Begin wanted poster. (Getty Images)
16. Sir John Shaw. (The Bodleian Libraries, the University of Oxford)
17. MI5 report on Jewish terrorism in the Middle East. (The National Archives, ref. CO 733/457/14)
18. British soldiers question a group of schoolboys in Jerusalem, 1947. (Getty Images)
19. Major Roy Farran at his brother’s grave, 1948. (PA/PA Archive/Press Association Images)
20. British paratrooper in the Malayan jungle, 1952. (Getty Images)
21. Ghana’s independence ceremony, 1957. (Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)
22. Jomo Kenyatta. (Popperfoto/Getty Images)
23. Suspected Mau Mau victim. (Getty Images)
24. Mau Mau prisoners in Kenya. (Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
25. The arrival of the Empire Windrush at Tilbury, 22 June 1948. (Topfoto)
26. The Petrov affair, 1954. (National Archives of Australia)
27. British paratroopers embarking for Suez, 1956. (Popperfoto/Getty Images)
28. Cheddi Jagan with ousted ministers, British Guiana, 1953. (Bettmann/Corbis)
29. Archbishop Makarios visiting a British Army camp in Cyprus, 1960. (Topfoto)
30. British soldiers in Cyprus, c.1956. (Getty Images)
31. British soldier threatening Arab demonstrators, Aden, 1967. (Getty Images)
32. Chris Patten, Hong Kong, July 1997. (Eric Draper/AP/Press Association Images)
33. The US base on Diego Garcia. (Corbis)
Abwehr – German espionage service
ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation – Australian domestic intelligence service
ASIS Australian Secret Intelligence Service – Australian foreign intelligence service
CIA Central Intelligence Agency – American foreign-intelligence-gathering agency
CID Criminal Investigation Department – Department of regular police force
CPGB Communist Party of Great Britain
DIB Delhi Intelligence Bureau – Pre-independence Indian intelligence agency
DSO Defence Security Officer – MI5 liaison officer in a colonial or Commonwealth country
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation – US law-enforcement agency
GC&CS Government Code & Cypher School – Pre-war and wartime British SIGINT service
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters – Renamed post-war British SIGINT service
HOW Home Office Warrant – MI5’s mechanism for mail and telephone interception
HUMINT Human intelligence
IB Intelligence Bureau – Indian intelligence service, another name for DIB
IPI Indian Political Intelligence – Pre-independence agency in London responsible for intelligence on Indian affairs
JIC Joint Intelligence Committee – ‘High table’ of British intelligence community
KGB Committee for State Security – Soviet foreign intelligence-gathering agency
LIC Local Intelligence Committee – Regional colonial intelligence set up in colonies on MI5’s advice in early Cold War
MI5 – British intelligence service responsible for counter-espionage, counter-subversion and counter-sabotage in British territory
MI6 – Secret intelligence service responsible for gathering HUMINT from non-British territories
NSA National Security Agency – US SIGINT agency
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police – Canadian law-enforcement agency
SAS Special Air Service – British special forces
Security Service – MI5
SIFE Security Intelligence Far East – MI5 inter-service intelligence outfit in the Far East
SIGINT Signals intelligence
SIME Security Intelligence Middle East – MI5 inter-service intelligence outfit in the Middle East
SIS Secret Intelligence Service – British foreign-intelligence-gathering service
SLO Security Liaison Officer – MI5 liaison officer in a colonial or Commonwealth country