She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Mura’ash and Gharib took seat on Barkan’s thrones and held high state. Then said Gharib to Mura’ash, “What thinkest thou to do?” And Mura’ash replied, “O King of mankind, I have despatched an hundred horse to learn where Barkan is, that we may pursue him.” Then they abode three days in the palace, till the scouting Marids returned with the news that Barkan had fled to the Mountain Kaf and craved protection of the Blue King who granted it; whereupon quoth Mura’ash to Gharib, “What sayest thou, O my brother?” and quoth Gharib, “Except we attack them they will attack us.” So they bade the host make ready for departure and after three days, they were about to set out with their troops, when the Marids, who had carried Sahim and the presents back to Oman, returned and kissed ground before Gharib. He questioned them of his people and they replied, “After the last affair, thy brother Ajib, leaving Ya’arub bin Kahtan, fled to the King of Hind and, submitting his case, sought his protection. The King granted his prayer and writing letters to all his governors, levied an army as it were the surging sea, having neither beginning nor end, wherewith he purposeth to invade Al-Irak and lay it waste.” When Gharib heard this, he said, “Perish the Misbelievers! Verily, Allah Almighty shall give the victory to Al-Islam and I will soon show them hew and foin.” Said Mura’ash, “O King of humans, by the virtue of the Mighty Name, I must needs go with thee to thy kingdom and destroy thy foes and bring thee to thy wish.” Gharib thanked him and they rested on this resolve till the morrow, when they set out, intending for Mount Caucasus and marched many days till they reached the City of Alabaster and the Pied Palace. Now this city was fashioned of alabaster and precious stones by Bárik bin Fáki’, father of the Jinn, and he also founded the Pied Palace, which was so named because edified with one brick of gold alternating with one of silver, nor was there builded aught like it in all the world. When they came within half a day’s journey of the city, they halted to take their rest, and Mura’ash sent out to reconnoitre a scout who returned and said, “O King, within the City of Alabaster are legions of the Jinn, for number as the leaves of the trees or as the drops of rain.” So Mura’ash said to Gharib, “How shall we do, O King of Mankind?” He replied, “O King, divide your men into four bodies and encompass with them the camp of the Infidels; then, in the middle of the night, let them cry out, saying;—God is Most Great! and withdraw and watch what happeneth among the tribes of the Jinn.” So Mura’ash did as Gharib counselled and the troops waited till midnight, when they encircled the foe and shouted, “Allaho Akbar! Ho for the Faith of Abraham the Friend, on whom be the Peace!” The Misbelievers at this cry awoke in affright and snatching up their arms, fell one upon other till the morning, when most part of them were dead bodies and but few remained. Then Gharib cried out to the True Believers, saying, “Up and at the remnant of the Kafirs! Behold I am with you, and Allah is your helper!” So the Moslems drave at the enemy and Gharib bared his magical blade Al-Mahik and fell upon the foe, lopping off noses and making heads wax hoary and whole ranks turn tail. At last he came up with Barkan and smote him and bereft him of life and he fell down, drenched in his blood. On like wise he did with the Blue King, and by undurn-hour not one of the Kafirs was left alive to tell the tale. Then Gharib and Mura’ash entered the Pied Palace and found its walls builded of alternate courses of gold and silver, with door-sills of crystal and keystones of greenest emerald. In its midst was a fountain adorned with bells and pendants and figures of birds and beasts spouting forth water, and thereby a daïs43 furnished with gold-brocaded silk, bordered or embroidered with jewels: and they found the treasures of the palace past count or description. Then they entered the women’s court, where they came upon a magnificent serraglio and Gharib saw, among the Blue King’s woman-folk a girl clad in a dress worth a thousand dinars, never had he beheld a goodlier. About her were an hundred slave-girls, upholding her train with golden hooks, and she was in their midst as the moon among stars. When he saw her, his reason was confounded and he said to one of the waiting-women, “Who may be yonder maid?” Quoth they, “This is the Blue King’s daughter, Star o’ Morn.”–And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Gharib asked the slave-women saying, “Who may be yonder maid,” they replied, “This is Star o’ Morn, daughter to the Blue King.” Then Gharib turned to Mura’ash and said to him, “O King of the Jinn, I have a mind to take yonder damsel to wife.” Replied Mura’ash, “The palace and all that therein is, live stock and dead, are the prize of thy right hand; for, hadst thou not devised a stratagem to destroy the Blue King and Barkan, they had cut us off to the last one: wherefore the treasure is thy treasure and the folk thy thralls.” Gharib thanked him for his fair speech and going up to the girl, gazed steadfastly upon her and loved her with exceeding love, forgetting Fakhr Taj the Princess and even Mahdiyah. Now her mother was the Chinese King’s daughter whom the Blue King had carried off from her palace and perforce deflowered, and she conceived by him and bare this girl, whom he named Star o’ Morn, by reason of her beauty and loveliness; for she was the very Princess of the Fair. Her mother died when she was a babe of forty days, and the nurses and eunuchs reared her, till she reached the age of seventeen; but she hated her sire and rejoiced in his slaughter. So Gharib put his palm to hers44 and went in unto her that night and found her a virgin. Then he bade pull down the Pied Palace and divided the spoil with the true-believing Jinn, and there fell to his share one-and-twenty thousand bricks of gold and silver and money and treasure beyond speech and count. Then Mura’ash took Gharib and showed him the Mountain Kaf and all its marvels; after which they returned to Barkan’s fortress and dismantled it and shared the spoil thereof. Then they repaired to Mura’ash’s capital, where they tarried five days, when Gharib sought to revisit his native country and Mura’ash said, “O King of mankind, I will ride at thy stirrup and bring thee to thine own land.” Replied Gharib, “No, by the virtue of Abraham the Friend, I will not suffer thee to weary thyself thus, nor will I take any of the Jinn save Kaylajan and Kurajan.” Quoth the King, “Take with thee ten thousand horsemen of the Jinn, to serve thee;” but quoth Gharib, “I will take only as I said to thee.” So Mura’ash bade a thousand Marids carry him to his native land, with his share of the spoil; and he commanded Kaylajan and Kurajan to follow him and obey him; and they answered, “Hearkening and obedience.” Then said Gharib to the Marids, “Do ye carry the treasure and Star o’ Morn;” for he himself thought to ride his flying steed. But Mura’ash said to him, “This horse, O my brother, will live only in our region, and, if it come upon man’s earth, ’twill die: but I have in my stables a sea-horse, whose fellow is not found in Al-Irak, no, nor in all the world is its like.” So he caused bring forth the horse, and when Gharib saw it, it interposed between him and his wits.45 Then they bound it and Kaylajan bore it on his shoulders and Kurajan took what he could carry. And Mura’ash embraced Gharib and wept for parting from him, saying, “O my brother, if aught befal thee wherein thou art powerless, send for me and I will come to thine aid with an army able to lay waste the whole earth and what is thereon.” Gharib thanked him for his kindness and zeal for the True Faith and took leave of him; whereupon the Marids set out with Gharib and his goods; and, after traversing fifty years’ journey in two days and a night, alighted near the city of Oman and halted to take rest. Then Gharib sent out Kaylajan, to learn news of his people, and he returned and said, “O King, the city is beleaguered by a host of Infidels, as they were the surging sea, and thy people are fighting them. The drums beat to battle and Jamrkan