Appendix, No. 1.
The whole of the net Irish hereditary revenue is, on a medium of the last seven years, about 330,000
Mr. Smith's Examination before the Select Committee. Appendix, No. 2.
Appendix, No. 2.
Fourth Report, Mr. Dundas's Committee, p. 4.
A witness examined before the Committee of Secrecy says that eighteen per cent was the usual interest, but he had heard that more had been given. The above is the account which Mr. B. received.
Mr. Dundas.
For the threats of the creditors, and total subversion of the authority of the Company in favor of the Nabob's power and the increase thereby of his evil dispositions, and the great derangement of all public concerns, see Select Committee Fort St. George's letters, 21st November, 1769, and January 31st, 1770; September 11, 1772; and Governor Bourchier's letters to the Nabob of Arcot, 21st November, 1769, and December 9th, 1769.
"He [the Nabob] is in a great degree the cause of our present inability, by diverting the revenues of the Carnatic through
Nabob's letter to Governor Palk. Papers published by the Directors in 1775; and papers printed by the same authority, 1781.
See papers printed by order of a General Court in 1780, pp. 222 and 224; as also Nabob's letter to Governor Dupré, 19th July, 1771: "I have taken up loans by which I have suffered a loss of
The Nabob of Arcot.
Appendix, No. 3.
See Mr. Dundas's 1st, 2d, and 3d Reports.
See further Consultations, 3d February, 1778.
Mr. Dundas's 1st Report, pp. 26, 29, and Appendix, No. 2, 10, 18, for the mutinous state and desertion of the Nabob's troops for want of pay. See also Report IV. of the same committee.
Memorial from the creditors to the Governor and Council, 22d January, 1770.
In the year 1778, Mr. James Call, one of the proprietors of this specific debt, was actually mayor. (Appendix to 2d Report of Mr. Dundas's committee, No. 65.) The only proof which appeared on the inquiry instituted in the General Court of 1781 was an affidavit of
Right Honorable Henry Dundas.
Appendix to the 4th Report of Mr. Dundas's committee, No 15.
"No sense of the common danger, in case of a war, can prevail on him [the Nabob of Arcot] to furnish the Company with what is absolutely necessary to assemble an army, though it is beyond a doubt that money to a large amount is now hoarded up in his coffers at Chepauk; and tunkaws are granted to
Transcriber's note: Footnote missing in original text.
Lord Pigot
In Sir Thomas Rumbold's letter to the Court of Directors, March 15th, 1778, he represents it as higher, in the following manner:—"How shall I paint to you my astonishment, on my arrival here, when I was informed, that, independent of this four lacs of pagodas [the Cavalry Loan], independent of the Nabob's debt to his old creditors, and the money due to the Company, he had contracted a debt to the enormous amount of sixty-three lacs of pagodas [2,520,000
Nabob's proposals, November 25th, 1778; and memorial of the creditors, March 1st, 1779.
Nabob's proposals to his new consolidated creditors, November 25th, 1778.
Paper signed by the Nabob, 6th January, 1780.
Kistbundi to July 31, 1780.
Governor's letter to the Nabob, 25th July, 1779.
Report of the Select Committee, Madras Consultations, January 7, 1771. See also papers published by the order of the Court of Directors in 1776; and Lord Macartney's correspondence with Mr. Hastings and the Nabob of Arcot. See also Mr. Dundas's Appendix, No 376, B. Nabob's propositions through Mr. Sulivan and Assam Khân, Art. 6, and indeed the whole.
"The principal object of the expedition is, to get money from Tanjore to pay the Nabob's debt: if a surplus, to be applied in discharge of the Nabob's debts to his private creditors." (Consultations, March 20, 1771; and for further lights, Consultations, 12th June, 1771.) "We are alarmed lest this debt to
Letter from the Nabob, May 1st, 1768; and ditto, 24th April, 1770, 1st October; ditto, 16th September, 1772, 16th March, 1773.
Letter from the Presidency at Madras to the Court of Directors, 27th June, 1769.