9.10. The first paper (European) money, the bank of Stockholm, 1666. Banknotes are successful, primarily in England, where, by the time (1694), the oldest in the world, the crediting government (private) bank appears. «Monetary factory» massively issues notes worth from 5 to 100 pounds, as well as bills (as the only legitimate payment and credit documents). Here (10) is a denomination of the 1814 sample. The design, as well as the way these bills work, are quite similar. England has the opportunity to collect military coalitions in continental Europe, to attack their enemies with them, and to pay for their blood with new lots of colored paper.
At that time there is still no clear understanding of the fact that paper notes can not be issued indefinitely. Their first printer in France, John Lowe, has to flee the country (1720), after, due to a natural or artificial breakdown of the system, the population undergoes a three-fold poor turnaround (while maintaining the infrastructure of production of material goods). After the final awareness of the need to limit emissions, remove all external obstacles, paper money becomes a very popular means of payment.
1. Marie Antoinette of Habsburg-Lorraine, the youngest daughter of Emperor Franz I. and Maria Theresa (1755 – 1793). The main meaning of existence is all kinds of entertainment; gambling, skating, balls. Decapitated by the Convention, buried in the same place where 139 people were found dead, who died once at her stormy wedding.
2. Louis Karl (Louis-Charles) The seventeenth, the Dauphin (the descendant of the reigning king) of France (1785 – 1795). According to some rumors, the son of a monarch suffering from phimosis is not. He is brought up in a foster family of workers, then placed in the Temple (prison) where he dies of tuberculosis and malnutrition.
3. Marat Jean-Paul, «Friend of the people» (1743 – 1793). Pinned in his own bath, the aristocrat Charlotte Corday, allegedly brought to the signature of new rescriptive lists. The main idea carried by the former physician to the masses: «when a person lacks everything, he has the right to take away from another the excess surplus he has…»
4. Maximilian Robespierre, who is also «Incorruptible» and «Mad Hyena» (1758 – 1794). The seventeen-year-old boy read out a greeting to the king and queen of France, later – the death sentence, in the style: «To the republic live, Louis must die.» The founder of the «Great Terror.» Guillotineed by his own Convention, without trial and effect, as a result of some sudden vague changes in the mood of the masses, or a conspiracy of Englishmen who submitted rescriptions to interested persons, is not exactly known. Until now, in France, there is not one street bearing the name of Robespierre, and not a single monument.
5. Georges Jacques Dunton, Attorney, Minister of Justice of the First French Republic, Chairman of the Committee of Public Salvation (1759 – 1794). Executed by the Convent, then run by M. Robespierre, a former comrade-in-arms and friend. The accusation is not brought, the main meaning is some «softness» of the minister.
Louis XVI long delayed the reforms, called, at last, to collect taxes from the nobility and the clergy. Infinitely maneuvering between estates, sometimes simply ignoring the realities, he finally becomes entangled in everything, throws the steering wheel of state administration. After the capture of the Bastille, the king is condemned by the national Convention, is guillotined along with his wife Maria Antoinette, who quite frivolously offered the hungry people, with a general lack of bread, there are cookies. Execution of the Queen especially does not like the German (all-European) dynasty of the Habsburgs, whose representative is Antoinette Habsburg-Lorraine. The last direct heir of the Bourbons, recognized by all the monarchies of Europe as King Louis XVII, dies of malnutrition and maltreatment, ten years old.
French revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte
Liberty, Igaliti, Fraternity – Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood. The guillotine, approved by the king as the most humane instrument of justice, verified in the matter, Convent, the capture of the Bastille and the cult of the Supreme Being instead of Christianity. Jacobin club with branches throughout France, the law on suspicious, Marat, Robespierre and Danton. Friends of the people become enemies, and vice versa, with kaleidoscopic speed.
Between the village and the city a gaping social abyss opens up. Recruitment of recruits in the province of Vendee fires a spark in this powder keg. Twelve «hellish columns» of the Republic are tormenting civilians, launching a large-scale «Franco-French genocide». It seems that the goal of the revolutionary French is now the complete annihilation of the peasants, the creation of agrarian towns from the «conscious», ready to participate in all the adventures of the Convention, which do not prevent the withdrawal of bread, etc., citizens. A total of 30,000 republican soldiers and 175,000 peasants die, every sixth or seventh inhabitant of the department. Thermidor, a counter-revolutionary coup: the astonished leaders are dragged from the rostrum during their next performance, and are taken to a meeting with a guillotine
Directory – five elected omnipotent directors. Council of Five Hundred. Only exclamations from the audience, in chorus, in response to the proposal to intensify terror: «Justice for All!», Stop the work of the guillotine.
…Officer Napoleon manages to pay a considerable debt to his father, Carlo Bonaparte. Referring to the disease, he avoids the dubious honor of a participant in the suppression of the uprising of the peasant Vendee. However, he succeeds in standing out. The field of major players is cleared, the countries of the monarchical coalition strive to impose the world on France by war, and every enterprising active person is now extremely in demand. Captain Napoleon shows himself at the shooting of the insurgent Toulon, is promoted to divisional generals, and becomes a brigadier general (which is ranked higher) after the use of artillery in the «golden youth», on the streets of Paris, with arms in hand seeking the restoration of the monarchy. After the Italian and Egyptian companies, the last of which is intended to create a springboard for the invasion of the Indian possessions of England (ex-French), the general finds popular popularity, even though he leaves his wounded to the massacre of the Turks. The Council of Five Hundred, when it sent an ambitious officer to foreign campaigns, it also dispersed. The Code of Napoleon (Civil Code) is adopted, combining Roman law and revolutionary conquests, which has been practiced everywhere in Europe to this day.
In 1803 Napoleon makes an unexpected proposal to the American government (President Jefferson); to purchase Louisiana, the vast territory of North America, three weeks before it officially transferred to France by Spain. The point, if it exists here at all, is that, in the event of war, England is able to easily seize these overseas lands. It is also Bonaparte who is willing to fight with Britain in Europe. One way or another, the idea of Great France in the New World is not being realized. In just $ 15 million, on May 2, 1803, the Jefferson government acquires land equal to almost a quarter of the current US area. Further, approximately for the same amount (7 cents hectare) step by step; Beads, knives, canvas for tents, fire water, the territory is redeemed from the leaders of the Indians.
In 1804, Napoleon is crowned by the Pope and