The Universe a Vast Electric Organism. Warder George Woodward. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Warder George Woodward
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная старинная литература
Год издания: 0
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is the messenger and executive of Creative Will to all created things. It is the ambassador of spirit to matter, the autocrat of communication between all the faculties of mind and all the functions of physical existence. It is the law of affinity in matter, of selection in atoms, and whispers to the body the intuitions of the Spirit and guides insensate worlds to do the will of Creative Omnipotence.

      Electricity is the wonderful medium and agent by which mind acts upon matter and works the miracle of life and growth. This mightiest servant of God and man, this genii greater than Aladdin's lamp, impresses all laws upon nature, and makes the universe obedient to the will of Deity, as man's body is obedient to the dictates of man's mind. This inscrutable word of power from the source of all power is beginning to supply the human race with an inexhaustible force that will revolutionize the earth and link all nations together as one family in a millennium of peace and good will.

      Human life seems to throb, pulsate, gleam and glow in this marvelous current of existence, which causes illumination, transportation, telegraphy, photography, surgery, horticulture, agriculture, metallurgy and manufacture to step forth as master magicians to work miracles for the comfort and happiness of mankind. Every new discovery, every step in the progress of electrical science conquers time, destroys distances, diffuses knowledge, dissipates ignorance, encourages friendship and draws men and nations closer and closer by physical ties and spiritual affinities. Where once noisy ponderous mechanism pounded the rocks to release the metals, electrical science with her unseen but resistless currents instantly separate the ore and the dross. Where the soot-begrimed engineer seizes the heavy iron throttle, she cleanly and softly touches a tiny button and the miracle is wrought—the heavy steed of steel receives its life not from smoking, hissing, fussing steam, but from an energy as silent as light and as potent as Omnipotence.

      This invisible electrical energy, without brush or color, paints the gorgeous beauties of the rainbow, and photographs in every ray of light and on every human eye the moving panorama of every passing scene. It telegraphs between mind and matter, between soul and body, between suns and planets, and gives life and energy to all the varied functions of this electric magnetic universe. This strange, miraculous power has taken its place as the supreme force of all forces, the ultimate elemental force from which all other physical forces are derived, and, without fuel or expense, flies with its burdens swifter than the flight of eagles.

      It is the last and greatest progeny of man genius and discovery, the seventh daughter of science, who dips her wand in the impossible and miraculous until miracles become prolific and common. Its power and expression are universal and its character and process superlatively grand. Its theatre of action is the universe and it comes to earth as the voice of Deity and the word of His Omnipotence.

      This science of the impossible, this daughter of miracles, is destined to outstrip all past achievements. The ponderous and noisy mechanisms will pass away, the barren rocks will change into most precious things, the sunlight will be converted into reservoirs of power, and every raindrop and waterfall, ocean tide and wind current, will reveal exhaustless sources of wealth and energy. Then will the ancient curse, "by the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread," be removed, and agriculture and commerce will be conducted without the drudgery of toil or the weariness of labor, and the earth shall blossom at the touch of the silent electric forces which man will harness to his car of progress and power. Manufacture will then be automatic and the web she will weave in her silent loom will not be wet with the tears of imprisoned childhood, or the agonizing sweat of dungeoned manhood.

      Omnipotence follows her footsteps and with the blessings of heaven she comes as a friend to relieve pain and toil and elevate and glorify humanity. Her power is as boundless as space and as universal as heaven's love.

      For she comes with the Omnipotent power of Deity to relieve the burdens of toil, lift up the oppressed of the earth, and give man leisure for mental improvement and social elevation.

      Electricity, I contend, is the invisible force which evolves form and substance and all visible things. Matter is but the outer garment of these invisible electric forces. It is Spirit which creates psychic life, and makes life the cause instead of the consequence of organism. It is electricity which evolved the physical universe and makes it a vast electric organism bound together by invisible electric ties, where its invisible forces are the cause instead of the consequence of physical organism. These are the basic differences between the materialistic science of the past and the psycho-electric science of the present. In the past science investigated only visible material effects and ignored the supreme invisible forces and laws which evolved and produced them.

      This is an age of dominant mind, the development of a cycle of invisible forces. The past century was the age of matter. It is said Darwin, Tyndall, Haeckel and Huxley did a work which had to be done. But their work was limited to chemical and biological demonstration. It was science, but science of the old school. The discoveries since made in the domain of electricity and mental transmission make their discoveries seem trivial in comparison.

      Francis Grierson says: "The discoveries and inventions of the past ten years have made child's play of every previously known system of philosophy. The simple but amazing facts disclosed during the past five years render the dreams, speculations and guesswork of the past absurd. The little we know in a practical way is more than all the philosophers of the past knew, from Aristotle to Leibnitz."

      I contend that the universe is a vast electric organism. That all light, heat, and vital force is generated by electric energy in the dense magnetic atmosphere of suns and planets, where alone it is needed for animal and vegetable life, and in volcanic pockets or circuits in the outer crust of these bodies caused by electric repulsion. That the universe began in extreme cold, not heat, that the suns are not hot, but are self-luminous, perfected worlds, and like our earth, except greater and more prolific in life and power. I also contend it is as reasonable to bury an iron ship in the icebergs of the Arctic seas and expect it to become "red hot," as to expect the sun, planets or any body traveling through space 460 degrees colder than those icebergs to become "hot, red hot or molten," as the astronomers say the sun is. All light, heat, vital force and physical life is created by contact of opposite electrical polarities in the magnetic cushion surrounding all suns and planets.

      The sun furnishes the positive electricity and the planet or satellite the negative, and from these two spring all the cosmic and material forces of the universe. The electric currents of the sun create induced magnetic currents on the earth, which evolves all visible substance and life forms.

      The earth at its center is a magnet of crystalline rock and varied metals, placed layer upon layer as a thermopile or voltaic battery, which constitutes the solid core of the earth magnet, and draws and holds all matter and substance atoms and atmosphere close to its magnetic heart, so that nothing can be thrown off of its vast surface, though it shoots through space fifty times faster than a bullet from a rifle and whirls round with the speed of a revolving cylinder of a dynamo. Its swift duplicate motion makes it a working battery or arc dynamo of marvelous power. It draws all things to its magnetic center as the magnetic core of a steel magnet draws filings of iron and other metals to its magnetic surface, and they cluster there in the same spherical form.

      This earth magnet drew countless meteors, swarms of nebulæ and invisible matter from surrounding space, and grew in size and magnetic power as a steel magnet may grow by adding other countless magnets with their increasing power and growing accretions. For my theory is that every atom is a tiny magnet, and every molecule, meteor and visible form of matter is a combination and aggregation of magnets.

      Aside from the theory of magnets, this is not far from Lockyer and Proctor's theory of the stellar formation. Norman Lockyer says: "The stellar constitution may be explained by supposing it to arise from cool meteoric swarms represented by the nebulæ and the rise of temperature due to contraction toward a centre." And he adds: "In the stars we have celestial furnaces the heat of which transcends that of our most powerful electric sparks." In this heat theory I think he is radically wrong. The rise of temperature on the sun and earth, I contend, is not from contraction, which is both insufficient and too irregular to be considered. But it did arise from the growth in power and size of the earth as a great magnet, so that as a great arc dynamo it began to throb with electric energy, and, by drawing to itself powerful currents from space and from the sun, the central