Psychotherapy. James Joseph Walsh. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Joseph Walsh
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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upon the movement of a vessel at sea, is due to a disturbance of the circulation within the skull, and particularly of the circulation in the semi-circular canals. The organ of direction of the body is disturbed by the over-function demanded of it, consequent upon the continuous movement of the vessel. This is, however, only a predisposing element. A strong additional factor is the firm persuasion many people have that they will suffer from nausea and seasickness, and the unfavorable expectancy thus aroused. Most people have to give their dole to Neptune. Those who for weeks before have been expecting and dreading it usually pay a heavy tribute. Probably the best remedy for seasickness is the suggestion that there is no necessity for losing more than a meal or two, if even that much, provided there is simplicity of diet and proper predisposition of body by gentle opening of the bowels, and lack of the over-feeding that sometimes comes from dinners given before departure. I have known many people who, after suffering severely not in one but in many voyages, have, by means as simple as this, been saved from days of seasickness even in rough weather.

      Most of the cures for seasickness that have been suggested have depended principally on the suggestive element. For instance, there is no doubt that many people are relieved by wearing dark glasses, and this remedy does good for train sickness and other afflictions of a similar kind. There is, however, no good physical reason why wearing dark glasses should help except through their constant physical suggestion. A simple remedy that has helped many through seasickness is the wearing of a sheet of glazed paper, usually some heavy writing-paper, immediately over the skin of the abdominal region. This of itself has no physical effect, but the sensation of its presence constantly obtrudes itself, and by making people feel that they must be better because a great many other people have declared that they were bettered by this remedy, they actually suffer less from nausea and vomiting. Many of the internal remedies employed for seasickness are directed to the stomach and intestines. As the seat of the difficulty is not here but within the skull, the reputation which these remedies have acquired has been due largely to the suggestive effect of taking them rather than to any physical qualities they possessed, though of course they have served to set at rest stomachs disturbed by unfavorable expectancy.

      Disease Groups and Suggestion.—Labeling groups of ailments with a single term gives rise to many unfortunate conclusions and dreads with regard to what a particular condition really is. The word "indigestion" is commonly used for any stomach discomfort or disturbance, especially that occurring after eating, from the slight distress because too much has been eaten, or the uncomfortable feeling of fullness because too much liquid has been taken, or the discomfort due to an unsuitable mixture of food materials, to such serious conditions as develop when there is motor insufficiency of the stomach, followed by dilatation, with delay of the food for long periods and with consequent fermentation, distress and bad breath. Whenever the word "indigestion" is mentioned, the patient may think of the worst cases that he has seen or heard of with this label, and concludes that while his ailment may not be very serious just now, it is only a question of time until it becomes so, and that unless he can get rid of his uncomfortable feeling he is destined to have one of the forms of "indigestion" that are productive of such serious discomfort, with probably ever increasing torment, until some fatal complication develops. The initial symptoms of gastric ulcer and cancer have been labeled indigestion, and people, often recalling the serious consequences that followed in such cases, fear for themselves.

       Fearing the Worst .—This looseness of terms is noted with regard to many other forms of disease. Rheumatism calls up the picture of advanced arthritis deformans, with the awful deformed joints and bed-riddenness, which should not bear the term rheumatism at all, but which the patient has heard called so. Catarrh is the simplest of inflammatory processes, meaning merely an increase of secretion, functional in character and without any serious disturbance of an organic character beneath it, but many people have heard the foul-smelling ozena called catarrh, at least popularly, and so the mental picture of such a repulsive progressive process as beginning in them is suggested. It is important, therefore, when using words that have such wide connotation as these, to explain exactly what is meant, and perhaps, better still, not to use the words, but to employ some more specific term that does not carry a cloud of dreads with it. Indigestion can be a very simple passing set of symptoms, but once certain people get the notion that they are troubled with indigestion, their minds dwell on it to such an extent that they are likely to limit their eating more than they should, and to disturb digestive processes by thinking about them and using up in worry nervous energy that should be allowed to flow down to actuate digestion.

       So-called Incurability.—Patients are likely to hear entirely too much of the incurability of disease. To the doctor and patient this word, incurability, often has an entirely different meaning. The doctor means only that the diseased tissues cannot be restored to their previous condition by any of our known remedies, and that the effects of the deterioration are likely to be felt to some degree for the rest of the patient's life. To the patient it means, as a rule, not only that the doctor can do nothing for him, which is usually quite untrue, for much can be done for his symptoms even though the underlying disease may be intractable, but also that the symptoms are to grow constantly worse. This is often quite without foundation, for nature's compensatory powers are very wonderful and seldom fail to afford relief. In a great many cases fatal termination comes, not from the original affection, but through intercurrent disease. Above all, incurable means to many patients that finally the victim is to become more and more subject to the pains and ills of his "incurable" ailment until he becomes perhaps a pitiable object. Incurability, when we recall that patients are so likely to mistranslate this term in the way indicated, must be a word little used. Etymologically it is never true, for cura means care, and we can always care for and relieve the patient. In every chronic case there is room for hope of much relief through accustomedness, various remedies, nature's compensatory methods, and, above all, the modification of the state of mind.

      There is probably no incurable disease that is ever quite as serious as it is pictured by its victim when he first hears this word pronounced. When we recall the chances of life, and that in any given case, almost as a rule, the patient will live to hear of the deaths of men and women who were in perfect good health when his ailment was pronounced incurable, there is much of consolation to be derived from conditions as they are. It seldom happens that a physician sees a sufferer from tuberculosis, whose affection is running a somewhat chronic course, without being able to find out that since the first symptoms of the disease manifested itself, one or more of the patient's near relatives have died because of exposure incident to their abounding health. Pneumonia, appendicitis, typhoid fever, accidents of various kinds, take off the healthy relatives, while the tuberculous patient, constantly obliged to care for his health, lives on, and often is able to accomplish a good deal of work. It is important to impress facts of this kind upon these "incurable" cases, for they represent the light in the desert, or the shout, or the whistle at sea, that give renewed energy when nature seems about to give up the struggle.

      Thinking Health.—Hudson in "The Law of Mental Medicine"13 suggests that we should think health and talk health on all suitable occasions, remembering that under the law of suggestion health, as well as disease, may be made contagious. This expression probably represents an important element for the prophylaxis of disease under all conditions. Under present conditions people talk entirely too much about disease and have too many suggestions of pathological possibilities constantly thrown around them by our newspapers, our magazines and by popular lecturers as well as by our free public libraries. People have learned to think and talk disease rather than health. This predisposes them to exaggerate the significance of their feelings, if it does not actually, on occasion, lower their resistive vitality because of solicitude. The medical student torments himself with the thought that he is suffering from the diseases that he studies, and we cannot expect that the general public will be even as sensible as he is in this matter. On the contrary, people generally are much more liable to exaggerate the significance of their feelings, hence the necessity for healthy suggestions rather than innuendoes of disease.

      In recent years, to paraphrase Plato's expression, people are much more inclined to educate themselves in disease than in health. The result has been a storehouse of unfavorable suggestion, from which ideas are constantly being taken to make whatever symptoms that may be present


McClurg, Chicago, 1903.