Власть над миром. История идеи. Марк Мазовер. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Марк Мазовер
Издательство: Кучково поле
Серия: Геополитический ракурс
Жанр произведения: Политика, политология
Год издания: 2012
isbn: 978-5-9950-0715-9
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Liberalism and Empire in Nineteenth-Century International Law, HR, 117:1 (Feb. 2012), 122–140; De Baere G, Mills A. T. M. C. Asser and Public and Private International Law: the Life and Legacy of a “Practical Legal Statesman”, Working Paper 73, Leuven Center for Global Governance Studies, Sept. 2011, p. 10; Koskenniemi M. Histories of International Law, 6.


      Koskenniemi M. Gentle Civilizer, 67.


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      Bulow cited in: Sheehan J. Where Have All the Soldiers Gone? The Transformation of Modern Europe (New York, 2008), 26; Moltke, in Best, 144.


      Bhuta, 727.


      Colby E. How to Fight savage tribes, 287.


      Stead W. R. Internationalism at Paris and Pekin, Review of Reviews, 22 (Sept. 1900), 241.


      Prenzler J., ed. Die Reden Kaiser Wilhelms II [The Speeches of Kaiser Wilhelm II]. 4 volumes. Leipzig, n. d., 2. pp. 209-12. Репринт неофициальной версии речи приводится в: Görtemaker M. Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert. Entwicklungslinien [Germany in the 19th Century. Paths in Development]. Opladen 1996. Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, vol. 274, p. 357.


      Benvenisti E., 33–47; о Габсбургах см.: Gumz J.


      Сited in: Fitzmaurice. Liberalism and Empire, 134.


      Devine M. J., Foster J. W. Politics and Diplomacy in the Imperial Era, 1873–1917 (Athens, Ohio, 1981), 108.


      Cobden, cited in: Nicholls D. Richard Cobden and the International Peace Congress Movement, 1848–1853, Journal of British studies, 30:4 (Oct. 1991), 351–376; Appleton L. Memoirs of Henry Richard, the Apostle of Peace (London, 1889), 210–212; John Watson Foster, in: Hammersmith J. John Watson Foster: “A Pacifst after a Fashion”, Indiana Magazine of History, 84:2 (June 1988), 124.


      Evans H. Sir Randal Cremer: His Life and Work (London, 1909), 51.




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      On Bryan, see Curti M. E. Bryan and World Peace, Smith College Studies in History, XVI: 3–4 (Northampton, Mass., April-July 1931), 148.


      Who Began It, The Arbitrator, 186 (August 1887), p. 3; ibid., p. 5 [A Political Atheist – re Lord Salisbury].


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      Kuehl. Seeking World Order, ch. 4; Coates B. Transatlantic Advocates: American International Law and US Foreign Relations, 1898–1914, D. Phil, dissertation, Columbia University, Sept. 2010, ch. 2, quot. from p. 80, 108.


      Сited in: Alter P. The Royal Society and the International Association of Academies, 1897–1919, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 34:2 (March 1980), 241–264.


      Newmarch cited in: Porter T. M. The Rise of Statistical Thinking, 1820–1900 (Princeton, 1986), 59.


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      Doctrines, 71.


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      Bury, Progress, 300–301; Robert Chambers in Porter, Statistical Thinking, 57.


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      Crease, 128.


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