The ending of a fairy tale is the awakening of a sleeping beauty. This moment coincides with orgasm, and the woman, brought by her partner to the highest point of enjoyment, opens her eyes and wakes up.
Pose 5. «Well, wait!»
If the name of the previous pose conjures up in our imagination an analogy with a fairy tale, this time the pose makes us remember the heroes of the most popular domestic animated series «Well, wait!».
The position «Well, wait!» Is a modification of 64 poses. Just like in her, the woman stands on the edge of the bed on her knees, with legs wide apart, resting her arms bent in the elbows on the bed and putting her head on the pillow. As in previous positions, an active role during the prelude belongs to the man. Remaining initially in a free position, he caresses the language and hands of the woman’s body, awakening in her desire and preparing her thus for sexual intercourse.
At the end of the prelude, the man again stands on the floor behind the partner. But this time, he does it so that his legs, as well as the woman’s, widely spaced, merge into a single whole with the legs of the partner. He enters her phallus into her vagina and starts moving.
This position allows to achieve the effect of free rotation of the phallus. Therefore, the movements made by partners can occur not only back and forth, but also up and down, as well as right-left. In addition, this position is very convenient for the sexual partner to make circular movements.
As for the place suitable for making love in the pose «Well, wait!», It is not limited to just one bed. It is also very good to do this also, for example, on a coffee table, which in its height does not differ much from the bed, but at the expense of its instability, adds partners additional sensations. Just try not to fall off this table, otherwise instead of fun you will earn yourself a few bruises.
Pose 6. The Power of Invasion
Love game implies not only tenderness and affection from partners in relation to each other. It is also a rivalry of two principles, male and female. As a representative of the stronger sex, a man tries to conquer his beloved, to take possession of her. And not always for this, careful actions of the partner in relation to his lady are needed. Sometimes the bed is more like a battlefield, full of rivalry soldiers eager to win the battle.
This position will allow partners to show all the strength of their temperaments, all the feelings that live in them. This is indicated by the name of the position in which the man shows his partner all the strength of the emotions accumulated in him, confidently and without hesitation interfering with the female flesh. Thus, he emphasizes his role as a leader in this sexual act in particular, and in life in general.
Of course, the prelude to such sex is action, also devoid of sentimentality and tenderness. This, as before, will be oral sex, but the emotions accompanying him will be radically different from those that were in preludes before. The pose for foreplay will also be very exotic, a sort of variant 69, but not horizontal, but in an upright position. Gather in the spirit, dear ladies, you have to face your head. True, you are unlikely to face a drop, because your body should be in reliable male hands. The emphasis should not be on the head, but on the arms bent in the elbows. Otherwise, head movements during felation will be impossible. A woman stands upside down on the edge of the bed, and her legs are lowered on the shoulders of a nearby man.
Taking this position, a man passionately invades the tongue in the crotch of his partner, who, in turn, takes the head of the phallus into his mouth.
After that, the partners go directly to the position itself. The woman rises on the bed on all fours so that her knees are on the edge, and the shins are hanging from the bed. Behind the floor is a man, and, passing his hands between the legs of the partner, reaches them by her waist. Grabbing his partner’s waist with his hands, the man implements his penis into the vagina.
Passionate rhythmic movements bring partners to the state of orgasm, at the moment of which a man with a strong impulse draws to the waist the body of a woman.
Pose 7. Oriental tree
The title of this posture does not at all imply your trip to the Near or Far East, in search of some special tree on which lovers will perform an act of bodily love. Directly to the tree, with branches and leaves, this position has no direct relationship.
Most sexual poses came to us from the ancient east. This position also has eastern roots. The man this time acts as a tree, on which a woman climbs. The body of a man is the trunk of this tree. This trunk of the partner wraps around with legs and hands.
But in the beginning, lovers lie in bed. After the kisses, the partner sits astride the woman’s head and enters her phallus into her mouth. At this moment the man’s face is directed towards the feet of the woman. During the fallacy, a man massages his fingers with a woman’s breast. Leaning forward, he caresses his partner’s nipples with his tongue.
After the foreplay, lovers turn to sexual intercourse. The partner continues to lie on her back, and the man, standing on the floor, spreads her legs and inserts her phallus into the vagina. The woman wraps her legs around the partner’s body, crossing them behind his back.
The man hugs his partner for the buttocks and picks him up from the bed. She wraps her arms around his body and starts moving. In order to do each of the movements, the partner, pushing her legs and pulling herself up on her hands, lifts a little, which creates the illusion of trying to climb a woman through the tree trunk.
Naturally, the top of the trunk of a woman and will not get. But the lady can easily be on the very top of bliss, fully feel that at the time of orgasm.
Pose 8. The mystery of green shrubs
Very common posture while standing. A woman, standing on the floor, leans forward, legs wide apart, hands on her knees. The man enters the woman from behind. Then, for stability, he hugs the woman’s waist with his hands.
This position is very common. Especially popular was due to the fact that it is most convenient for having sex on the street, in public places. There, where from walking passers-by they separate only small thickets of bushes.
Places that are usually chosen by lovers for making love standing, as a rule, are not adapted for sex in other positions. For the most part, they are all kinds of parks and squares, abundantly endowed with live covers – bushes and trees. And in parks, of course, in a lying or sitting position, without using the shops located along the tracks, it is not very convenient to produce sexual intercourse. You can get dirty in the ground. So we have to dwell on standing positions.
Despite all the compulsion of positions in which both partners stand on their feet, the feelings of such sex are not less than the lovers. Rather, on the contrary, these feelings are doubled and even tripled. In addition, the increase in sensations is due to the fact that adrenaline rushes in the blood, due to the fact that at any time partners can see someone from outsiders, accidentally wandered over the bushes for their needs. And the adrenaline, for making love in such conditions, plays far from the last role.
In addition, such positions are very popular among young couples in love, as well as changing their spouses, that is, those people who sometimes have no place to retire.
So, let’s imagine that you are alone in the park. Around – the voices of people and the noise of cars. The partner, standing on the ground, leans forward. Her legs are quite wide apart, and her hands rest on her knees. The latter is necessary for the emphasis, which in the standing position is necessary, due to the instability of the partners. As an emphasis, it is not necessary to use only the knees. If in the place where you decided to make love grows a tree, it will be no less convenient if a woman wraps her arms around his trunk.
The man in this position stands behind, and, again for greater stability, holds the woman