The Family of Brad and Angelina and the Breaking of 7 Seals. «Repair» and «Restart» of Our World. Part 1. The Wisdom of Brad, the Kingdom of Angelina. Necklace with a Star of Jolie and Noah's ark. Movies as Hints. Elah. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elah
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современные детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449015105
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Hod, and Yesod) are the emotional manifestation of qualities, and the tenth (Malkuth) is the creation or their physical expression. The sephirah Chokhmah is referred to as Abba (Father), and the sephirah Binah – Ima (Mother) whereas a result of their interaction is Zeir Anpin formed through the sephirah Malkuth, which in this case is called Nukva (Female). An important property of the Sephirot is their interpenetration and mutual influence. It means that potentially the Sephirot includes in addition to its quality the qualities of all the other Sephirot.“ „Atik Yomin («Ancient of Days») – the highest manifestation of the sephirah of Keter (Crown) which is expressed as the lower level of the Divine light of God. Arich Anpin (lit. «the Big Face») – included the lower level of the sephirah of Keter. In terms of manifestation, the source of all the other 9 Sephirot. Zeir Anpin (lit. «the Small Face») – the emotional derived from connection Abba and Ima (intelligence). It represents the 6 Sephirot (emotions) through which are manifested in action Chokhmah and Binah (intelligence): Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod“.Основные_понятия_в_каббале The seven lower Sephirot contain the personal Ego, or the program of the unconscious, the so-called „reflected light of God.“ From the „Secret doctrine“ of E. P. Blavatsky, vol. 3, section 46:» (Sephir, or Aditi (mystic Space). The Sephiroth, be it understood, are identical with the Hindu Prajâpatis, the Dhyân Chohans of Esoteric Buddhism, the Zoroastrian Amshaspends, and finally with the Elohim – the „Seven Angels of the Presence“ of the Roman Catholic Church.)» From the work of A. Y. Filatova „Nostradamus: an esoteric view“ (English translation): „The Tree represents not only the cosmos, but a man (Adam Kadmon) because it is very similar to him – branches – hands, barrel-body, and roots-feet. As a man, a Tree grows from seed, attains maturity, wither and die. The person may climb the Tree from its lowest level of development to spiritual enlightenment, salvation. So many magical rituals associated with the Tree. The most famous is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the Wooden cross and the Norse God Odin, who, pierced with a spear, hung on the ash tree Yggdrasil (the ash tree as a symbol of the link between the nine worlds, and 9 is the number of Initiation) nine days in order to gain wisdom and to – the runes. Many magicians tried to connect parts of the «body» of Adam and gain knowledge, including Jewish: Abraham, Moses, Jesus. Each of them found their own Key to Initiation, a «journey» on the Tree of Sephiroth. They all performed the ritual of the «sacrifice,» Abraham – «akeydat Yitzchak» – the sacrifice of the son Isaac. Moses killed the overseer for slaves, and he was exiled for it in the Temple, in the desert. Jesus made the sacrifice – he died on the Cross. Each of the mages was given a «New Name,» and the moment of giving new names was considered a time of «new birth.» «Abram» became «Abraham… adding his name 5 the Hebrew Letter Heh (the Pentagram) is the connection between man and his Spirit (and, one small note – „Abraham“ is not „New Name,“ and the title of high Priest, giving the right to receive the „New Name“). After the Solar Initiation, the God first revealed to Moses the Name ADONAY … – traditional Name of God in Judaism, identified with its 10 sephirahh Malkuth of the tree of Sephiroth. And then, through marriage with the daughter of the priest Jethro, the Name Yahweh (Jehovah). Jesus (after his Baptism in the Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended on him) is the Ruach Elohim, became Yeshua (the Help Of Yahweh), the Hebrew … – Name consisting of the name of God YHWH… inserted in the middle of the 21st letter Shin ….» A family history of Brad and Angelina helped build the matching the Sephirot and heavenly bodies differently than in the Kabbalah, and the Chaldean row. An important role played the information about the parents and also about each of the children Jolie-Pitt, published in the media. Also map our Solar system and information about each of the heavenly bodies, about the Trojan war, myths, legends, views of the alchemists and Holy books have helped me. There were a lot of signs, tips in life, for example, doctors began to appoint my mother an ultrasound of the kidneys, heart, throat, abdomen…. The press published the news, one of the headlines was «Brad Pitt forgot about his roots.» ( Brad didn’t visit his grandmother last 10 years. It was a sign-tip for us that something is wrong with displaying the 10th sephirah Malkuth (roots of the Tree of Life, ’the Kingdom of the physical world’, ’realm of action’) in our world – one of the keys Chiron in the labyrinth of reflections, provided in the script of the unmanifested world. An age of the grandmother was also important. Sign-tips of the unmanifested world line up by our lives.






The Tikkun olam (literally, «repair of the world,» alternatively, «construction for eternity») is «the process of repairing the world that lost its harmony as the result of the Shvirat ha-Kelim (the breaking of the vessels, the cosmic catastrophe that precedes the appearance of the world). The main contractor is the Messiah, and the tool is the divine light that stems from all the Sephirot that remained unharmed. They contribute to the formation of the Partzufim (divine «faces») as the cosmic personalities, haven self-conscious. In the process of Tikkun is formed 5 Partzufim. After the formation of a new Adam Kadmon, the process of Tikkun is mostly completed, but some final actions should be committed by man.Тиккун The main Partzufim: Atik Yomin («Ancient of Days») – the highest manifestation of the sephirah of Keter (Crown) which is expressed as the lower level of the Divine light of God. Arich Anpin (lit. «Big Face») – comprising the lower level of the sephirah of Keter. In terms of display is the source of all the other 9 Sephirot. Aba (Father) is the sephirah of Chokhmah (Wisdom) Ima (Mother) – the sephirah of Binah (Understanding) Zeir Anpin (lit. «Small Face») – the emotional derived from the connection Aba and Ima (intellect) represents the 6 Sephirot (emotions) through which are manifested in action Chokhmah and Binah (intelligence): Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod. Nukva («Female») – the sephirah Malchut (Kingdom). Each Partzuf (the principle) manifests itself through the 10 Sephirot.Основные_понятия_в_каббале


10Тиккун The analogue Gmar Tikkun in Zoroastrianism: «Frashokereti is the Zoroastrian doctrine of a final renovation of the universe, when evil will be destroyed, and everything else will be then in perfect unity with God (Ahura Mazda). The doctrinal premises are (1) good will eventually prevail over evil; (2) creation was initially perfectly good, but was subsequently corrupted by evil; (3) the world will ultimately be restored to the perfection it had at the time of creation; (4) the „salvation for the individual depended on the sum of [that person’s] thoughts, words and deeds, and there could be no intervention, whether compassionate or capricious, by any divine being to alter this.“ Thus, each human bears the responsibility for the fate of his own soul, and simultaneously shares in the responsibility for the fate of the world.»

11 eng rus-eng The book «Maitreya. The Connection the Visible and the Invisible,» rather its 36th Chapter «The Peter and Paul Fortress,» ( и led me through the clues to understanding that connects Israel-its Sacred books, and Russia, as well as to the family of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and awareness of the