Hunting stories. Nael Akchurin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nael Akchurin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449011817
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businesses, roads, and the fleet. It is all that was formerly general. But, here everything is close, the stadium is taking away, and they are preparing to build a house. Now, in addition, they are forcing, as if army system, walking, in the park us.

      One day we walked with “Lotta” to the park in a roundabout way and came upon the hapless owner of the pit bull cable, who, choosing a secluded corner, trained the dog to the command of an “aport” without a muzzle. Lotta’s ear instantly become “aport”. The puppy screamed with fear and pain so that my heart nearly exploded. While the old man was gathering his thoughts, I rushed to pull the dogs. However, the gambling grip pit bull, first turned out to be dead. “Grandfather” ran around in circles, Lotta squealed, the dog wagged his tail, and I pulled the collar upward to tear it off the ground. Pit bull was an inexperienced fighter – his jaw opened and the Lotta’s ear, freed. The owner finally managed to grab onto dog collar. From fright, in bewilderment, he waved his hands: – “Do you know? She bites only domestic dogs. And the homeless do not interest her.”

      Examining the bitten ear, I just, to told, to this unlucky owner: – “You look it, that this creature does not gnaw your whole family.”

      For “Lotta” this is the first lesson in life, of course, not the successful. The dog experienced stress. However, you know that, not only dogs, but also people, often to meeting on the life way with of pit bulls in the human form.

      Looking at dog fates, you will involuntarily become a fatalist. You can train a dog as much as you want, feed, groom, cherish. And all is in vain. It contains what is laid. A loyal friend she will always be, but an excellent hunter, bloodhound, fighter – with a certain percentage of probability. Well, if your pet’s age is long. But it is necessary to engage with the dog every day, whatever the data in it was laid, otherwise a creature will grow up next to you, which, will ruffle your nerves and give, you a dream, – to get rid, of it, as soon as possible.

      With this attitude, I started my educational work. I conducted it creatively, deviating from established canons.

      There is controversy: whether it is worthwhile to take the puppy out at an early age to hunt in the hunting grounds, thereby, endangering, to spoil, the hunting qualities young dog. We did not ask this question. Every dog the working instincts, manifest themselves in different ways. At someone in three months, at someone in three years, and at someone never, and what do you order, until this time, the dog on the chain to keep?

      In the field we drove off, barely “Lotta” fulfilled five months. Let dog run; get acquainted with the new situation. Of course, such an exit can hardly be calling a hunt. However, does the hunter live not only the shooting and prey?

      Field, this is the cosmodrome, the launching pad for the accumulation of energy and the flight of thought into the universe. Here, in the elements of the Earth and the cosmos, lies a huge force, which places the mosaic of nature in a unique and precise pattern. Here all living things are subject only to her breathing. Only the king of beasts, person, with his an ugly steps, try to violate her innocence.

      With excitement and trepidation, you stepping on the field, inhaling fresh unique flavors, you are filling with tender feelings and you barely hold back, so as not to scream off: – “Lord! How good and beautiful everything that you created”.

      With joy, the dogs jump out of the car. It seems that they are filling by the same emotions and feelings. They start dancing and cannot get to end rejoice. No hunting, passion, at these moments, does not show, not only, my puppy, but his mother is an excellent hunter dog, clever, three-year-old “Dolly” bitch.

      “Dolly”, she is in a passport, and in way of life, owner is – a military pensioner Vladlen Prokhovshchikov calls her “Stasi”, under the name of German intelligence. I am always amazing by the fanatical addiction of people to names and nicknames, sometimes and simply discouraging; involuntarily the thought smoothly leads to the “Bolsheviks” and revolution, ignorance and bloody lawlessness. As a result, the mood is spoiled.

      In this case, covered with hunting passion, I did not focus on this particular attention. The same old friend, who presented me “Lotta”, introduced me with him. I used to believe him, so I did not look for Vladlen’s flaws in his character. We were of the same age, and in order not to overshadow the day on the hunt, if the friendship did not work out, I took with him, one of his old friends – a “novice hunter”.

      Vladlen, as it turned out during the acquaintance, was a legendary person. He had a great hunting experience and a somewhat scandalous reputation among hunters, and all because of the damned vodka. In a sober state, he was a retired colonel, a good family man, a responsible tutor of two sons. But, having taken a glass, another, “on his breast” alcohol instantly transformed his into an acting general, the obscurantism, ready to shake out of the soldiers all the strength and soul. To deep regret, “with drunken eyes”, the soldiers around him became the people around, him. However, it turned out much later. Vladlen knew his weakness and in the first days of acquaintance, he was stoic that is why in our company of dilettante – hunters were an indispensable instructor.

      We left early in November, as soon as was open hunting to the hare, it was still dark. By the military accurately, we calculated the time and arrived in the field, just dawn dawned. The sky was cloudy, in the fiery glow, the lowly inclined air ships were moving to the east. Snow had not yet fallen by that time. The abandoned collective farm fields and the forest plantations that dropped the foliage had a wolfish color. The cold wind drove the withered grass waves and, to filled freshness, hurried us with the latest preparations. Yes, we ourselves burned with impatience. Vladlen arranged us at a distance of twenty meters from each other, pointed the direction, and we set off.

      That the puppy did not interfere with the “Stasi” work, we tried to separate them from each other. In the middle of the line, we sent out a “novice hunter”. However, is it possible for a puppy, who, first appeared in the field, to limit the distances or cries of the host. He literally jumped on his mother, who had already surrendered to hunting passion, gracefully and meticulously searching the field in a classic search.

      “Lotta” in comparison with the “Stasi” is more choleric, than, a sanguine person, with a higher and more vulnerable nervous organization, and reminds a young girl who every two hours asks her beloved person the same question: – “Do you love me? And if she does not hear a clear positive answer, she gets upset to tears.”

      This is worse, than good. When raising such a dog the rule “of the whip and gingerbread” should, be observed with special trepidation and attention. On the one hand, as a result of punishment, do not must make dog of the psychopath, and on the other hand, must teach the dog, of the unconditional, fulfillment, of the necessary commands.

      We went two or three fields in the hope of obtaining a hunting trophy, however, all in vain. The world seemed to die out and only the cold and burning wind drove the grass and shrubbery, forced to squint and wipe a tear. Already finally, it was dawning. The indefatigable “Dolly” as before worked well in her search. “Lotta” ran ahead, and more often tried to flirt with her. Vladlen did not like it. He several times on the radio, asked me, to take the puppy myself.

      We forced to deviate from the planned path and go to the other end of the field. As in such cases, the hare jumped out from under the feet of the unlucky owner and his puppy. The nervous discount of the rifle, the unprepared shot from the “roast” flew the fluff, and the frightened bunny, pressing his ears, was quickly lost in the field. However, it does not sorrow, in our soul has returned the hunting passion and with it the fill of energy and excitement.
