(scores between 1 and 14)
Focusing your efforts on the organisation-wide drivers of innovation culture will be important for your company. There are four variables that affect innovation culture at the organisation-wide level:
Risk-taking . Having a culture where risk-taking is encouraged and where failure is not a dirty word drives innovation. However, this kind of environment is one of the most challenging goals for medium- to large-size organisations to achieve; your score suggests that this environment is not present in your company. Chapter 11 discusses different ways to change your culture so that it is one in which people feel comfortable taking risks.
Cohesion . Everyone feeling that they are ‘on the same team' and experiencing a strong sense of togetherness is a very significant driver of innovation. Your scores suggest that this is not the case at your company, and that there is considerable conflict between people, teams and departments. Chapter 12 discusses ways in which you can begin to change your environment into one in which relationships are more cohesive across the organisation.
Participation . An environment in which individuals feel they have permission (and are indeed actively encouraged) to participate in innovation activities is an important driver of innovation culture. Your score suggests that people are generally not encouraged to come up with ideas and pursue these innovations. Chapter 13 examines why this factor is so important and explains how other organisations create an environment that encourages participation from everyone in the company.
Physical environment . The physical office environment in which we work has an enormous effect on innovation. Unfortunately, many offices are not designed with innovation in mind; and, based on your score, it would seem that your organisation fits into this category. Chapter 14 discusses specific ways that you can change and manipulate the physical environment so that it drives a culture of innovation.
(scores between 15 and 25)
Your scores suggest that when it comes to organisation-wide factors, your company's performance overall is moderate. There may be some elements that your organisation is strong at, while others have a lot of room for improvement.
Item scores of 3 or below
Items 21 and 22 . Your organisation is not overly comfortable taking risks. Failure and experimentation are not actively encouraged. Chapter 11 provides some tips on improving your organisation's approach and attitude to risk-taking, and offers some practical examples of how other companies are doing this very successfully.
Items 23 and 24 . There is room for relationships across your organisation to be more cohesive. Having people in your organisation feel an overall sense of togetherness is a very important driver of innovation. Chapter 12 discusses this concept in more detail, and offers practical methods for enhancing your organisation's performance on this variable.
Items 25 and 26 . People feel somewhat encouraged to participate in innovation and put forward their ideas. Chapter 13 explains ways in which you can actively promote greater participation in innovation from all individuals.
Items 27 and 28 . The physical environment in your organisation is probably not one that fosters innovation. Chapter 14 provides you with different techniques you can use to enhance your environment so that it actively contributes to driving a culture of innovation.
Above average
(scores between 26 and 40)
Your organisation is performing strongly in several different factors that are important for driving innovation. Your company is very good at encouraging people to take risks, and failure is not stigmatised. Your physical environment is conducive to innovation, and people across the organisation feel a strong sense of togetherness – they feel as if they are all working as part of a big team. Finally, people are actively encouraged to participate in innovation and put forward their ideas. Your high score means that part IV might not be a priority for you, but chapters 11, 12, 13 and 14 outline practical methods for improving innovation at an organisation-wide level.
While many people think of cultural change as something that needs to happen at an organisation-wide level, research has actually revealed that there is much that can be influenced at the individual level – especially when it comes to driving innovation. If you are a manager reading this book, the chapters in this section will provide you with plenty of advice on how to structure tasks and projects in your team, and suggest initiatives that you could consider implementing to help drive a culture of innovation for the individuals in your team.
If you are an individual without direct managerial responsibility, then this section will probably be the most important one you read. The suggestions and ideas contained over the next three chapters are strategies that you will be able to implement readily – for both yourself and your peers.
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