where (Vτ)+ and (Vτ)− are the positive and negative parts of the portfolio value respectively and R is the recovery rate or fraction. Note that the portfolio value at close-out, Vτ, is the risk-free close-out discussed above. Hence, using equations (3.5), (3.4) and (3.6), we obtain an expression for the portfolio value at time t when the counterparty is subject to default risk,
Using the linearity of expectations and the tower property this reduces to
This expression can be simplified by using the fact that Vt = (Vt)+ + (Vt)−, giving
Using the fact that
Hence by the definition in equation (3.1), the unilateral CVA is given by
Up to this point I have made no assumptions about the behaviour of the underlying state variables. To proceed further and obtain the standard CVA formula we need to assume that the credit risk is independent of any market risk factors.21 Once this is done the expectation in equation (3.11) can be represented as an integral over time,
where λC(s) is the counterparty hazard rate, r is the short rate,
where Φ(τ > t) is the survival probability up to time t of the counterparty and I have assumed that the recovery rate is deterministic. Equation (3.13) is the standard expression for CVA and is very similar to the form used by the Basel Committee in Basel III (2011).22 An example unilateral CVA calculation can be found in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 An example unilateral CVA calculation for a five-year GBP interest rate swap. The counterparty CDS spread is set at 300 basis points for all maturities and the counterparty recovery is 40 %.
3.2.2 Unilateral CVA by Replication
The same CVA formula can also be derived using replication in the same way as the Black-Scholes model. To obtain an expression for unilateral CVA, the risk of counterparty default must be considered alongside the Brownian motion driving the stock price. A summary of the notation used in this section and in the equivalent bilateral CVA replication model can be found in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Notation used in unilateral and bilateral CVA replication models. The same notation, with some additions, will also be used in the FVA model described in Chapter 9 and also in the KVA model discussed in Chapter 13.
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