Life Word. Britton Dan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Britton Dan
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119351726
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      Jon Gordon

      Food Regulation

Life Word Discover Your One Word to Leave a LegacyJon Gordon Dan Britton Jimmy Page

      Cover design: Michael J. Freeland

      Copyright © 2017 by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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      ISBN 9781119351450 (cloth); ISBN 9781119351719 (ePDF); ISBN 9781119351726 (ePub)


      My Life Word? Potential.

      In a sentence, my life purpose is to help others maximize their God-given potential. That's true whether I'm pastoring, parenting, or writing. I believe in dreaming big, praying hard, and thinking long. I believe that obstacles are opportunities to stretch our faith and grow stronger. I believe in praying like it depends on God and working like it depends on us. And I believe that God is ordering our footsteps and preparing good works in advance. In other words, I live my life with a profound sense of destiny. And you can, too! This book will help!

      A few years ago, I started an annual tradition of choosing a word for the year after reading One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page. It was a game changer for me. Life Word takes that revolutionary idea to the next level. What Jon, Dan, and Jimmy have discovered and share with you in this book is a simple, powerful, and life-changing idea that really works.

      When you discover your Life Word– that one word that defines you and drives you to be your best and make a difference in this world – you'll live with more clarity and confidence than ever before. And as you trust God to do the impossible in your life, you'll take powerful steps toward living your destiny and leaving a legacy that truly matters.

      I don't want to waste a single day. I want to wake up in the morning and live with a sense of passion as I pursue God's biggest dreams for my life. I refuse to be derailed by doubt or frustrated by fear. And so should you!

      Don't just read this book. Dig into it. And when you discover your Life Word, don't look back! It won't just change you; I believe you'll change the world because of it.

Mark Batterson New York Times best-selling author of Chase the Lion and The Circle Maker


      Living deep within the heart of every person is a passion and desire to live a life that truly matters. We want to make a positive contribution and make a difference. We want to live in such a way that the world is better because we were here. Ultimately, we want to leave a positive legacy that lives on long after we're gone.

      In this book we reveal a simple, powerful tool to help you do just that! It's found in just a single word – One Word to Leave a Legacy. We call this One Word a Life Word.

      The following pages guide you step-by-step to discover your Life Word. This Life Word helps you leave a legacy that truly makes a difference in this world and in the lives of others. It's your One Word vision for your life that inspires you to live your best life and make your greatest impact.

      Your Life Word Gives you the Desire and Direction to Live Your Destiny

      It's a proven way to create more clarity, confidence, and courage for living a life that matters. Discovering your Life Word gives you a compelling vision for the future; it helps you align your priorities, energy, and actions behind your purpose and passion. It helps you see the big picture and maintain a long-term focus for your life. By focusing on this simple word you will avoid distractions, stay on track, and live with fewer regrets. It's all about living with the end in mind.

      Your Life Word Creates More Clarity, Confidence, and Courage

      To help you discover your Life Word, we've created a simple, three-part process:

      1. Define your Power. This step helps you identify your gifts and strengths. You've been blessed with distinct abilities that make you unique and special. This is answering the “Who” question —Who are you meant to be?

      2. Determine your Purpose. This helps uncover your direction. We have a certain mission and work that has our name on it. It reveals the difference you desire to make in the world. This is answering the “Why” question —Why are you here?

      3. Discover your Passion. This uncovers your desire. It's what motivates and inspires you. It reveals your heart and helps move your focus to how you will positively influence others. This is answering the “What” question —What energizes you?

      We've also created an action plan featured at the end of the book to help you implement and maximize the Life Word process so that you can live on purpose and build a legacy that lasts.

      This book is the perfect companion to our book One Word That Will Change Your Life where we revealed the process to discover the One Word that is meant for you each year. This One Word for the year helps you live in the present and experience incredible life change. One Word creates a short-term focus that leads to long-term impact. Each word for each year completes a chapter in your life story. Your character and your actions will be shaped and you will become the person you were made to be. Leaving a lasting legacy and the mark of impact requires living out your word each year.

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